News, Rumors and Opinions Monday PM 3-23-2020

The Trump administration finalizes rule that could shift tariff fights to $6 trillion currency market

Gina Heeb   Feb. 4, 2020,

The Trump administration has finalized a controversial rule that would allow the US to hit alleged currency manipulators with tariffs.

The rule targets products found to unfairly benefit from devaluation, according to a Federal Register document published Tuesday, and will take effect April 6.

Past administrations have avoided such a policy for fear that it could lead to damaging currency wars and that the determination process was flawed. 

The Trump administration has finalized a controversial rule that would allow the US to hit alleged currency manipulators with tariffs, opening a potential new front in ongoing economic disputes.

Under the new regulation, anti-subsidy tariffs can be levied against foreign competitors accused of undervaluing their currencies against the dollar. The rule targets products found to unfairly benefit from devaluation, according to a Federal Register document published Tuesday, and will take effect April 6.

CV Duties May be Used Against Currency Manipulation Under New Rules

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report

Currency manipulation by foreign countries may be deemed a subsidy and subject to countervailing duties under a new rule from the International Trade Administration that will apply to all segments of CV proceedings initiated on or after April 6.

U.S. law provides for the imposition of CV duties on subsidized imports to offset the portion of the subsidy attributable to the imported goods. Subsidies include financial contributions and income or price support from government or public entities and must be specific and provide a benefit to a foreign producer or exporter to be countervailable.

The new rule will allow the ITA to impose CV duties on imported goods that benefit from unfair currency subsidies that cause harm to U.S. industries. However, there are several conditions attached to this authority that appear likely to limit its use and effect.

- The ITA can determine if CV duties should be imposed for subsidies in the form of currency undervaluation if the following conditions (among others) exist: (a) multilateral undervaluation (i.e., relative to a basket of currencies) and any corresponding bilateral undervaluation relative to the U.S. dollar, (b) government action on the exchange rate that contributes to the undervaluation (which will not normally include monetary and related credit policy of an independent central bank or monetary authority), and (c) predominant or disproportionate use of the currency subsidy by the traded goods sector.


Okie Update:



Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26    Question:  "Is it a coincidence that starting April 6th they're going to start sending out stimulus checks and on that same date all other countries have to stop using the dollar?  ...I find this April 6th fascinating...

Jeff   ...when you look at what's happening with the coronavirus ultimately the Trump administration is in charge.  IMO the Trump administration is not going... to change the rate and allow tons of people to come in to the banks to exchange foreign currency.  That's the last thing they're going to allow to happen especially with military lock downs occurring...we do firmly believe we're at the finish line but we have to wait for things like the lock downs regarding the coronavirus to come to an end...I firmly believe we're at the end.

Jeff you know the rate has not changed as of yet...when you look at the facts it's very obvious.  You don't have to be intelligent or anything to realize what Iraq is doing.  Iraq has put their entire economy on hold.  They can no longer go any further at this point with their economy until this rate changes...they've pretty much told us they're at the point and ready to change that rate...any forward economic progress is completely waiting on the rate change...

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of March 23, 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Rumor was that President Trump has signed off on NESARA, the new currency rates have been locked in and all procedures for the Global Currency Reset have began, the Stock Market upgraded to the Quantum Financial System over the weekend and on Mon. 23 March banks worldwide were on holiday in order to connect to the Quantum Financial System. Zurich contacts were expecting liquidity late Tues.- early Wed. 24, 25 March. 800#s were expected sometime Tues. 24 March, with the earliest appointments beginning late Tues. 24 March. We would have until Tues. 31 March to redeem Zim and exchange currencies at the Contract Rates, after which the general public could exchange at Forex Rates by 1 April.

This week many states were in or expected to be ordered into citizens staying at home and evening to morning lock down. Many reported tanks, police, troops visibly present on the streets. There was a run on the banks, with people only able to withdraw $200 at a time.

We have been told that the Tier4b Internet Group (us) could receive the 800#s via receipt of emails containing a code to call for an appointment and a link to a 15 min. CD instruction video that explained the exchange and redemption process. The 800#s would also be on websites as stated below in this report.

Snake Update 23 March: The news I received today from my banker was that everything has started as far as the procedures were concerned, the banking holiday was being used to connect all banks worldwide to the QFS system and the possibility existed that we may receive the elusive 800 numbers tomorrow Tues. 24 March with that Tuesday being the earliest we could go and exchange. Again everything was fluid.

President Trump Card: see around min. 10:45 on Q Tips, Economy will skyrocket, Tues. Morning:

Fleming: On Sat. 21 March a Military Intel Contact confirmed from Trump, the Department of Defense and the Elders were aiming at a Tues. 24 March start for final liquidity release and start for T4 (that included Tier4a & our Tier4b). They wanted at least 8-10 days of 800#s out for exchange-redemption appointments by the end of the month Tues. 31 March for needed liquidity in the economy and markets. The World Court and Interpol were exerting the Chinese lawsuit ruling pressure for sooner than later.

Fri. 20 March 11 am EDT Press Conference: President Trump announced he had activated the Defense Production Act, (provision three of which contained NESARA), and thereby made a soft announcement of the US being in Level Four Martial Law. The states of New York, California, Washington, Florida, New Jersey, Conn, Nevada, Illinois, Georgia and Hawaii were already in what was referred to as Medical Marshall Law.

Today Mon. 23 March New Zealand and Great Britain were added to the list of other countries such as China, Japan, the US and Italy which were functioning under a form of Martial Law because of the Corona Virus epidemic.

Q has indicated that there would be Ten Days of Darkness needed for a cultural, economic and political reset to take place within the country and globe. That darkness was believed to have begun on Sun. 22 March when all procedures for the Global Currency Reset had started, and that it would extend to Wed. 1 April when the general public could begin exchanging at the new international currency rates. What that Ten Days of Darkness entailed was anyone’s guess.

Mon. 23 March the US Dollar Index opened today at 103.4 and climbing. It had been above 100 for several days and it was said that anything over 100 indicated that the Markets had crashed:

Mon. 23 March Stock Market: Last night Stock Futures dropped more than 4%, briefly hit 'limit down' as investors awaited a rescue plan – that has not yet come. On Mon. 23 March the Stock Market continued to plummet:

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles

Read full post here:


Monday Night X22 Reports 3-23-2020


Frank26 Video "Dinars Swapped......WHY?" and more 3-23-2020