News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 1-9-2023

“Iraq Story from a Friend” by Jesse C – 1.8.23

I wanted to share this.

My wife and I just had some friends over for lunch.  

The husband is originally from Trinidad. He is a hoot. He has been everywhere I have asked him about from Nepal to my hometown in Michigan. Because of his extensive world view, I decided to ask him if he knew about the RV and owned any Dinar. 

He did not, but he was not surprised by me in the slightest when I explained the RV. As you probably know from being in C.R. Trinidad is close to Venezuela. His father used to work for a Venezuelan oil company. I told him that the information that I am getting is that Iraq has 900 tons of gold that they are sitting on which would RV the Dinar to $10. 

He simply laughed at that. Not because he thought that a 10,000X for the Dinar was incredible, but because he said that Iraq probably had WAY more gold than 900 tons. 

He then explained how all through the 80’s Venezuela was shipping tankers full of gold to Iraq because Saddam wanted to rebuild the Babylon “gardens”. The US Military took a small sum of Saddam’s gold, but nothing close to anything significant.

Just thought you’d think that was an interesting story.  

It is not everyday that I am received; so for me this was very satisfying.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  [via Frank26]  Bands on the float will keep it at 1 to 1 with the American dollar but when they lift these bands the IQD will float faster and it will gain more than a 1 to 1 with the USD and all the other currencies in the basket.  Pairing 1 to 1 at the onset and then as the economy of Iraq improves and grows and the education get stronger and louder and Iraqi citizens get used to using the new currency then everything will be perfect for the Iraqi citizens.

Frank26  You can't let your dinars out of your site.   You cannot give your dinars to a small bank that will send them to a large bank and have it verified.  If they get stolen.  If they get lost.  If the Brink's truck rolls over and burns up and the dinar are destroyed, they'll give you what you paid for them but they're not going to give you the exchange rate for it.  It wasn't converted...God gave you these dinars as a blessing for you to be responsible and stewardship and you're learning how to do that...


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 9 Jan. 2023

Compiled Mon. 9 Jan. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Must Watch Sat. 7 Jan. 2023 MarkZ with Charlie Ward: 7THJAN2023 (

Charlie Ward was contacted this weekend by six different Americans in Europe and were unable to withdraw cash from US Banks. The banks said it was a problem with the system.

Liquidity has started.

We are seeing the collapse of the New World Order in real time.

Mass amounts of money were being moved right now.

Charlie signed his last NDA on Fri. 6 Jan.

A lot was happening around the 17th -19th Jan.

Only 50% of banks in America were Basil compliant on Jan. 3.

A lot of test payments have been made.

When you are asked for your identification information (CIS) – make sure the information you put down is correct because if you tried to change it later they would put you at the end of the line.

Every single transaction at the bank has been watched for the last ten years.

Some banks will close but you don’t need to worry because all accounts have been mirrored by the Quantum Financial System.

If you don’t have the funds to get to a exchange/ redemption appointment they will verify who you are and then send you the monies so you can go to your appointment.

MarkZ: by mid month we should see a lot of things happening, or it could come as early as the next two days. I am getting reports from folks I know …so believe it to be accurate …that a lot of “TEST” transactions were occurring …TEST transfers…to make sure they have everything squared away…A lot of NDA’s are going out along with those…..more and more people are now “falling off the grid.” Meaning they will not discuss anything RV related…..because they can’t.

Bruce: On Mon. 9 Jan. or Tues. 10 Jan. Bond Holders should be able to access funds in their accounts. Mon. 9 Jan. 2023 was also the deadline for Tier 4 to be fully funded so a serious roll out could begin.

Zap: I have received very good Intel that in the week starting Mon. 9 Jan. a lot of Historic Assets will get redeemed and a lot of folks will begin their projects.

High Up Contact: Sun. 15 Jan. 2023 was the Deadline for all levels to be fully funded, including Level 5, the General Public.

High Up Contact: March 2023 was the deadline to have all countries’ currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other – a situation expected to last up to five years.


At 12:01 am 1 Jan. 2023 the US Constitutional Republic Officially Began
Along With Implementation of the Global Quantum Financial System

Gold/Asset Backed Currencies of 209 Countries To Eventually Trade at a 1:1 with Each Other

Read Full post here:

Earth Alliance & Patriot News for January 5th, 2023

Saving the World, Matthew Ward Message: Escalating Activity

Matthew Ward Message: Escalating Activity Excerpts:

“We have been asked what NESARA/GESARA is, also when it will be implemented, and we don’t know the answer to “when.” To briefly explain, the United States legislation, National Economic Security and Reformation Act, has two primary provisions and both are complex.

The first, establishing the sovereign republic the founders intended, requires abolishing the current government.”

“The second primary provision forms a new global economy—that is why G was added to NESARA—and ends current forms of banking, lending, stock markets and currency trading the Illuminati established so they could amass fortunes. Headway is being made to obtain those funds, which were acquired illegally and immorally, so they can be used to end impoverishment worldwide.

This provision also will end the Federal Reserve System—it has nothing at all to do with “federal”—and its collection arm, the Internal Revenue Service. The “Feds” are a consortium of bankers whose influence spans the globe like an octopus with a thousand arms. In the new system, all national currencies will be based on precious metals, thereby leveling the global economic playing field.

Although we can’t give you a timeframe for the implementation of those provisions, with everything in acceleration mode and vibratory levels continuing to rise, all benevolent changes are coming closer. Your confidence and patience will be rewarded!”

“The new global economic system will stabilize all national economies, and as for education, the economic, institutional and cultural standards that have disadvantaged so many children will be undergoing numerous changes. All levels will be structured so that children are accommodated according to their interests, talents, skills and abilities, and cost will not be an issue from pre-school throughout post graduate.”

Source: Operation Disclosure Official


"Tidbits From TNT" Monday Morning 1-9-2023


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