News, Rumors and Humor Thursday Afternoon 11-26-2020


Samson:  Dubai plans to dispense with cash

25th November 2020

The Dubai government announced the formation of a "Dubai Cashless" working group. The team will devise an action plan aimed at converting payments in Dubai to non-cash payment methods in a safe and easy manner.

The team includes: Dubai Finance Department, Smart Dubai Department, Supreme Legislation Committee, Dubai Economy, Dubai Police, Dubai Chamber, Dubai Economic Security Center, and Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing.

These endeavors come within the framework of Dubai's transformation to a completely smart environment. The team will develop an action plan aimed at converting payments in Dubai to non-cash payment methods in a safe and easy manner, covering all sectors of the city, so that the team unites the efforts of the relevant government agencies, in order to ensure the acceleration of Dubai's successful and smooth transformation towards a cashless society.

The Dubai Cashless team will be tasked with working to achieve a set of major goals, on top of which is the development of an accurate roadmap for this transition towards a cashless society. 

To this end, the work team will gradually launch a series of comprehensive and ambitious initiatives targeting all segments of society, seeking to establish the necessary infrastructure and create the appropriate conditions to stop using the currency.   LINK

Samson:  Parliament postpones its session to the fifth of next month

The House of Representatives postponed its session until Saturday, the fifth of next December.

It is noteworthy that Parliament raised its session to Saturday (5-12-2020)  LINK

Sawco:  Does this mean that there will not be a session next Tuesday, to discuss, and hopefully, pass, the 2021 Budget...???  

Ross:  The 2021 budget has not been finalized by the Kadhimi Cabinet and they plan to work next Tuesday to complete that task and be in a position to submit same to Parliament: 

"Minister of Culture Hassan Nazim announced, Tuesday, that the next session of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet) will be devoted to the budget law only.

He added that "the next cabinet session will be devoted to discussing the draft budget law only..."

IMO this is the next step in preparing the 2021 budget to be sent to Parliament and the postponing of Parliament's next meeting to 12/05 has nothing to do with this meeting next Tuesday.   I reserve the right to be wrong. Lol


Samson:  Al-Fateh: We will host Al-Kazemi in the event that the 2021 budget is not sent

17:51 - 11/26/2020

Al-Fateh Alliance confirmed, on Thursday, to host Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in the event that he did not send the 2021 budget to the House of Representatives.

Deputy for Al-Fateh Zahra Al-Bajari said to "the information" that "the arrival of the prime minister to the parliament did not take more than minutes."

She added that he "attended the funeral council for the death of Deputy Al-Zuhairi," noting that he "left the council immediately afterwards."

Al-Bajari explained that "the House of Representatives will host Al-Kazemi during the coming sessions in the event that it is not sent to the 2021 budget in the coming days."   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   ...a couple weeks ago the upper echelon management of the banks in Iraq were invited to the CBI.  It is my opinion the CBI talked to them about a date and rate.  And also when they will be showing the citizens the new small category notes and rate...the last week or two weeks of this month it will go from the senior management level to the floor managers and then to the tellers...

Delta   ...Huge information came out...the Bank of International Settlement in Switzerland is the hub of central do a contract with them is very telling for the CBI...they are moving forward to keep going with a plan.  It's very amazing progress and all positive news toward our investment ...the BIS is the one that distributes the rate internationally...this is huge by itself...

Bruce   [via WiserNow]    ...a lot of people are under NDA’s...we do believe that the schedules have been set already for us to go in and start... I have...information that is pointing us to starting right after Thanksgiving which is coming from very strong sources and pointing to Friday... we know that redemption centers staff is off on Thanksgiving Day...


Mot:   "All About That Baste" (Thanksgiving Song) ~~~~ (((Finally a Song))) ~~~

Mot:   To everyone who loves Charlie Brown have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

. a charlie brown TG.jpg

35 Thanksgiving Quotes That Capture the True Meaning of the Day


Iraqi News Thursday AM 11-26-20