News, Rumors and Humor Saturday Night 2-29-2020

Thanks DinarAngel

New RV Release Date - From DinarAngel, sent to Recaps Earlier Saturday

Received the intel below, moments ago. This reinforces the intel from last week regarding the UST schedule. They are indeed in the process of implementing the release imminently, although circumstances have created a brief delay of only a few days from the intended Friday plan.

 It appears that we in Tier 4, are now scheduled for a "GO" on Tuesday. May the path be clear this time for the release. Keep the faith. Dinar Angel


Dear friends, dear partners,

You are all witnessing the global crises that are affecting us right now.

Do not think that the Coronavirus is responsible for the fall in stock markets yesterday, it is 99% false.

In recent hours I have consulted my eminent partners in these operations, I am waiting to know the position of my key Paymaster, who, in my opinion, will confirm the comments below.

Over eight years ago I was told that the World Markets had to drop significantly in order to deflate the top currencies and allow them to be on a par basis.

Once this happens, the funds can release.

It looks like a carefully laid out plan that has come to fruition.

A little bit more courage and patience, Tuesday is announced to be THE DAY!!

Best Regards,


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Vital Brad  ...after going through several different documents...IMO...Iraq currency, they are not technically manipulating it.  They're decommissioned.  They were a war-torn country so they're having to take certain steps to get their currency reinstated so technically they're not manipulating their currency.  But here's the good thing.  What this forces Iraq to do is when their currency is reinstated...and this revaluation does happen, we know that their currency is gonna have to revalue at a fair amount.  At least, IMO, 1 to 1 with the U.S. dollar  - if not more.

Vital Brad   We've just been notified that the parliament session that was supposed to held today on Saturday is now pushed to Sunday.  They pushed it back a day.  There still seems like a lot of urgency to get it Monday March 2nd that's Allawi's last day to have his government set.  Otherwise they can remove him as the Prime Minister and basically gonna start the process over.  Tomorrow is gonna be a big day...things are really getting exciting with the Iraq stuff...



Tishwash:  Allawi reaches agreements with the Kurds and Sunnis and guarantees to pass his booth tomorrow

A source close to Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi said on Saturday that the latter had reached agreements with Kurdish and Sunni blocs on the cabinet.

The source said in an interview with (Mawazine News) that “Allawi reached an agreement with the Kurds regarding the candidates from the component in his cabinet, and there is also an agreement with the Sunni blocs.”

He added, “After these agreements, the passage of the cabinet in the emergency session tomorrow is very possible.”  link

Humor While We Wait: (From MarkZ’s Chat Stream

Sabickford:  I tried being normal once but never again will I subject myself to such terrible torture

My Boss said I Intimidate my Co-workers, So I Starred at him until he apologized

I think people spend too much time staring at screens, and not enough time *********** drinking wine, and dancing in their underwear.

Why do psychics have to ask you for your name

When a woman says "Fine" to me… I just go ahead and clear my calendar for the next couple of hours so we can figure out what's not fine.

I don't understand why people say hurtful things like "Want to go for a run?" or "Try this Kale?"

I didn't sleep well last night so I made my coffee this morning with Red Bull instead of water. I was halfway to work before I realized I forgot my car.

Today I got my happy pills and my pissed off pills mixed up & I think I took one of each so I'm pissed off but I'm happy about it.

Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the color 9

Have you ever listened to someone for a while and wondered "Who ties your shoelaces for you?"

My kid threatened to hold her breath until I gave her desert. She is now passed out on the kitchen floor. I refuse to negotiate with terrorists.

The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

No, I will not take the road less traveled. I Live in the South. Have you seen Deliverance?

I try to avoid things that make me fat, like scales, mirrors, and photographs.

I Do not have a screw loose. It fell Out!

Breaking News: The Earth revolves around the sun! This may upset some people who think it revolves around them.

I'm not impressed by money, social status or job title. I'm Impressed by the way someone treats other human beings.

I'm making a Prozac, morphine, chocolate chip cookie dough, vodka, rum, whiskey, beer and moonshine martinis. Anyone else want one?

So I got a call from a telemarketer and he said he couldn't understand me. I told him push 1 for English.


.Don’t Worry; Be Resilient Reduce Fragility & Vulnerability


Frank, Delta and MilitiaMan Saturday Night 2-29-2020