More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 1-4-2023

RV Timing: Fact or Fiction?” by Chow – 1.3.23

All comments are my opinion.

I have been reading the Intel as all of you and I must say, I’m surprised and a bit frustrated at all the RV timing comments.

We all must remember there are 2 major components of the Global Currency Reset:

(1) NESARA / GESARA package
(2) RV of 209 countries with approx. 29 countries in the 1st bundle as they have been saying .

Both components must match from a timing standpoint . Both are insanely complex to complete let alone implement.

I do believe we are very close.

It has been said may times, don’t look at major contact comments for the RV dates . They have been doing this for years more-so the last 6-12 months – crazy the last month . Most of the time the dates are centered around catching bad guys .  This time , can they be accelerating the date comments to throw people off once again ***  then boom it shows up ??  Maybe , but one thing I truly believe , I feel multiple events are formulating the real story and we are close .  Look at US and International issues and you will see, health , water , politics , shipping , Global leaders, dropping the US dollar globally   etc   

Pricing has been kicked around the last month like a pinball machine . Folks , if you believe in NESARA / GESARA and the Contact rate as I do  etc.  What is being said on the back screen , front screen  etc , Iraq’s comments have little to nothing to do with tier 4b let alone the “Tier 3” .  Don’t get caught up in the screen hype . Yes,  it is part of the Iraq launch and other countries progress as a picture , but the numbers are not our numbers .

We must remember , the “RV for us will be Stealth” , the public will not know about “tier 3” or tier 4b.  Repeating- That is why the Front and Back Screen mean something “the country is getting close”,  but the numbers mean nothing to us

I have a few higher up contacts that have confirmed German , Asian bonds  , 2 Indian tribes and some others have been paid. What is paid ? Look at the words carefully.  Remember paid in my opinion is more than likely logged and sitting in the basket probably the Quantum , some a Pay Master,  and they have received the smaller initial amount . They are not going to give anyone or folks $1,000’s of trillion to pump in the economy before the NESARA / GESARA RV shut down . The US / Globe needs to ****** so it can be rebuilt with what ? You and I along with the mega exchanges / purchase .

We are close –

Have a wonderful 2023 start and my we all be blessed soon and understand the responsibility to help our families , friends and humanity



Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MarkZ   [via PDK]  Over the last few years we have seen expenditures to Delarue to print new currencies for them …we have seen new ATM’s and new banking equipment that is for different sized notes than those currently in circulation…   So, I feel fairly confident the lower denominations already exist.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  The big news is we finally heard news on when the budget will be in parliament... FRANK:  That's wonderful news...I believe what Sudani is telling you...The monetary reform is moving very very quickly... FIREFLY:  Yes, within 2 weeks it will be inside  parliament.   FRANK:   If they truly stick to the schedule of two weeks then my trifecta might actually happen around that time - a seated/announced government, an announced and open budget for 2023 and a new exchange rate with new small category notes to match it...


CandyKisses:  After an 'angry' demonstration. CBI Governor issues new clarification

Baghdad - Nas           

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq meets a number of young people  

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghaleb Makhif, met this afternoon, Wednesday, 4/1/2023, a number of young people who call for controlling the dollar exchange rate. His Excellency explained the measures taken by the Central Bank in addressing the mechanisms of financing foreign trade, developing the electronic platform for transferring funds for these purposes, and correcting the course of financial and commercial action, reviewing the Central Bank's procedures in delivering foreign currency to those wishing to travel.  

He also reviewed the challenges facing the monetary authority and the measures adopted to activate supervision of the banking sector. The guests showed understanding of these procedures and supported the importance of regulating trade and avoiding inaccurate documentation.  

Central Bank of Iraq  

Media Office  2023/1/4  


ENDGAME: Central Banks Are Buying It All FASTER! This Is What You NEED TO KNOW NOW.

Greg Mannarino:  1-4-2023


Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Afternoon 1-4-23


Economic Thoughts From Lynette Zang and Peter Schiff 1-4-2023