More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Night 7-24-2023


CandyKisses:  Security telegram circulating: Possible fall of missiles on the Green Zone in the coming hours

Baghdad - NAS   

A telegram circulating showed information that the Green Zone may be hit by rockets and projectiles in the coming hours or days.      

According to the cable seen by NAS, (July 24, 2023), information received from one of the security services indicates that "an unruly and outlaw group will fire indirect fire (rockets and projectiles) at the Green Zone in the coming hours and days."  

Tishwash:  Including US sanctions.. An economist determines the reason for the rise of the dollar against the dinar again

Today, Monday, the economist Nabil Jaafar Al-Marsoumi identified two factors that caused the rise of the dollar currency against the Iraqi dinar, while he indicated that the rise is outside the will of the Central Bank of Iraq.

The expert said in a statement to Earth News: “It is clear that no one can rein in the dollar, and today it reached 155 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, which is the largest since the exchange rate was adjusted six months ago, and it also seems that the dollar is likely to rise in the coming days.”
And he added, “Because of two factors, the dollar rose. The first is the US sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks, and that makes there are 18 Iraqi banks under US sanctions, meaning that they are prevented from using bank transfers through the electronic platform.”

He continued, “This also indicates, on the other hand, that the matter is outside the will of the Central Bank of Iraq, as it does not have the tools that can rein in the dollar and everyone who used it did not work, because the cash dollar today is badly needed in the Iraqi market in order to finance large imports with Iran to reach 10 billion dollars annually and some imports from Syria and from some Turkish companies.”

And between “therefore, as long as Iran in particular is under US sanctions, and as long as the United States of America does not allow the dollar to be transferred to it through banking channels, the pressure on the dollar will increase, and thus the exchange rate of the parallel dollar will rise, and it will rise a lot in the coming days when it is unleashed and the 2023 budget is implemented, which will lead to an increase in public spending in Iraqi dinars to double, considering this is the month of August, and that would put pressure on the dollar.”

He pointed out, "Because this large spending will lead to an increase in the demand for consumer and investment goods, most of which are imported goods from abroad, and thus the need for the dollar will increase and the gap will widen in the coming days."

Dr.. Nabil Jaafar Al Marsoumi  is an academic and economist  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  When the dollar rate goes down the dinar automatically goes up.  It's reciprocal.  It's the opposite.  It's a teeter...totter.  It's equilibrium to balance things out...

Militia Man  The banks need to attract real capital.  If they can't do that they're not going to be able to employ out into the new economic world.  The Central bank is tightening up...There is a large difference between the official rate and what's on the parallel market.  It's because the parallel market is illegal.  They're going to to curb it and it's going to go away.  I think the quickest way for the to do that is to change the value of their exchange rate and move forward into an international world market economy.


Greg Mannarino:  7-24-2023

The Truth about BRICS Gold-Backed Currency

Heresy Financial:  7-24-2023

Decades of challenges to the US dollar have come and gone, with various contenders rising and falling. The latest buzz concerns a gold-backed BRICS currency that aims to challenge the dollar's global dominance.

Leaks about this potential currency have sparked discussions on whether it can succeed in overcoming the entrenched network effects of the dollar.

 Will this be the currency that endures, or is it destined to join the ranks of past failures? Join us as we delve into the intriguing world of global currencies and explore the possibilities and pitfalls of this new contender.


0:00 Gold-Backed BRICS Currency

0:45 What is BRICS?

 2:42 Why Humanity Migrated from Gold

9:28 The BIG Problem with BRICS


3 Reasons Countries Around The World Want To Break Up With The Dollar


Thoughts From DJ: "Isn't Truth, Truth?" 7-23-2023