Thoughts From DJ: "Isn't Truth, Truth?" 7-23-2023


We have all heard the quote that “things are not what they appear to be”? And that can be true a lot of the time. Here’s a thought, what if everything is exactly as it appears to be? We are so accustomed to being confused that we can’t recognize the truth when it is blatantly in front of us.

I have grown to question everything, sometimes to my benefit and sometimes, not so much. Why is it we believe that everything seems to have an ulterior motive? At what point did humanity change? Why is that even a thing, that we are skeptical of everything?

Years ago I had a friend who was a potter. I would go to these art shows with him and help set up and run the show. Just for kicks we took a nice, large, pot and put “free” on the bottom of the pot. For the next couple of hours we counted close to fifty people who picked up the pot, looked at the “free” sticker and sat it back down.

Until one person asked “is this free?” Wrapped it up and gave it to her. This, it turns out, was an experiment in human behavior.

People tend to fool themselves. They get pushed around by the fears in their mind. The problem with having an open mind is that other people insist on always trying to put something in it. Now it’s true you cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.

This whole train of thought stems from the massive amount of Intel that has poured in for the past several weeks on the GCR/RV. None of the stated dates for its trigger have come to pass. All the logic and speculation strung together to push any particular narrative have all come up short. Just like it has for the past couple of decades.

At what point in time did truth become an abstract? Like love or beauty, it’s in the eye of the beholder and different for everyone. But the truth? Isn’t truth, truth?

Since it has now become so difficult to discern the truth, probably by design, it’s most likely a good idea to not buy into narratives that only feed personal desires. Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more? Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them that counts.

Maybe, just maybe, everything is as it appears to be and all this published Intel is just a smoke screen to keep your eyes off the target. Try not to fall prey to speculation or exaggerations to the point it manipulates your life choices and behavior.

Recognize your own truths. Build on the things you know to be true that you don’t have to question.

Albert Einstein said it best; “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe”



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