More Iraq News from TNT Members Sunday Afternoon 8-27-2023


CandyKissses:  Investment: Residential cities are about to be announced as investment opportunities in several governorates

The authority's official spokesman, Muthanna Al-Ghanmi, said in a press statement, "In the interest of the government to proceed with addressing the housing crisis, a new group of cities will be announced as investment opportunities in the governorates."

He added, "The Chairman of the Commission is keen to develop the reality of investment in all industrial, agricultural, residential, commercial and energy sectors through the implementation of the directives of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani."

And Al-Ghanmi indicated, "The current move is to establish new cities outside the main city centers instead of residential complexes."

He explained that "these cities will be integrated in terms of services and infrastructure and will meet the standards of sustainability and smart buildings," noting that "the investment opportunities represented in the new cities represent a distinctive investment method."

And the Minister of Construction, Bengin Rikani, announced on August 21 the opening of bids to implement five projects for new residential cities within the government program, noting that, for the first time, these large areas are offered for investment as new, smart and urbanly planned residential cities that comply with environmental standards and sustainability


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani issues circulars to all governorates regarding the implementation of projects

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, chaired, on Sunday, a meeting to discuss the projects of Al-Diwaniyah Governorate (south of the country), in the federal general budget, and issued circulars to all governorates regarding the implementation of projects that are compatible with his government program.

His media office said, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that Al-Sudani chaired today a meeting devoted to discussing service projects and infrastructure projects for Al-Diwaniyah Governorate in the federal general budget, during which the planned projects in the governorate were reviewed

Al-Sudani was briefed on the proposed projects, and the distribution of these projects within the governorate, and His Excellency stressed the need to keep projects and their implementation away from political or electoral influences, and to distance the services provided to citizens from any political interference or attempt to recruit and propagandistic exploitation.

The Prime Minister renewed his directives for the projects to focus on the priorities identified in the government program, in infrastructure projects, including sanitation, water, electricity, health, education and public services projects. 

And he directed circulars to all governorates to commit to implementing projects that are compatible with the government program, and that they do not conflict with the government's vision in the priority of implementing infrastructure projects, and then moving on to complementary or secondary projects.

With regard to the implementation of sanitation projects, the Prime Minister directed, during the meeting, to proceed with the implementation and completion of sewage networks in nine districts and districts in Diwaniyah Governorate, as it represents a priority that must be completed in conjunction with the completion of the rest of the service projects that directly affect the lives of citizens.  link


Tishwash:  Disclosure of the details of hosting the Governor of the Central Bank in the House of Representatives

Today, Sunday, the head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, revealed the most important things that were agreed upon during the committee’s hosting of the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, while indicating his assertion that the stability of the exchange rate takes place with the commitment to purchase from the government platform.

Al-Atwani said, in a statement to the official agency, that "it was agreed during the hosting to form a joint committee from the Finance Committee and the competent staff at the Central Bank to study the revival and support of the housing loan initiative and ensure the permanence and continuity of its financing in a way that enhances economic stability and achieves sustainable development."

He added, "The governor of the central bank affirmed his efforts to reach a state of stability in the exchange rates of the dollar by committing to buying from the government platform."

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed in a statement issued by it that it discussed with Al-Alaq the Central Bank’s initiative to grant citizens loans to solve the housing crisis, as well as the exchange rate file.

The statement said, "Al-Atwani praised during the hosting the role of the Central Bank in financing loans related to solving the housing crisis in the country, with the aim of facilitating the investment sector, economic movement and employment," noting that "the suspension of the initiative affects the economic aspect and job opportunities, with the increasing need for housing units, Which requires conducting a feasibility study to reach an appropriate formula that meets the citizen's needs.

The statement quoted Al-Alaq as explaining the reasons that led to the suspension of the initiative, adding that “money has been allocated to the Real Estate Bank and the Housing Fund with the aim of achieving economic activity and launching the initiative,” while he indicated that “the bank deals with the file with an in-depth study in order to control the monetary mass in accordance with the policy.” Finance, stressing the need to increase capital and support the Central Bank to continue initiatives.

According to the statement, the hosting discussed the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, as well as tax procedures on products imported through the ports. link

Tishwash:  An expert proposes to involve experts in the draft oil and gas law - urgent

 Today, Sunday (August 27, 2023), an expert in oil affairs, Hamza Al-Jawahiri, said that there is a need to involve experts in the oil field in preparing the draft oil and gas law, in addition to the participation of the authorities in the governments of Baghdad and Erbil.

Al-Jawahiri told "Baghdad Today" that "the legislation of laws in Iraq is subject to political agreements, which lead to the enactment of any law or not, but the preparation of draft laws must be from the competent authorities and personalities, so that there are no loopholes in the matter." any part of the law.

He explained, "The involvement of experts and specialists in the field of oil in preparing a draft oil and gas law is applicable in many countries and is a health condition, and therefore the competent government agencies in the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government can also participate in preparing the draft."

The oil sector in the Kurdistan region entered a "dark tunnel", since oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan were stopped by an international judicial decision from the Paris Court, in addition to the continuing dispute between Iraq and Turkey regarding the mechanism for restoring oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, in addition to the Baghdad agreement. The new Erbil, which made the Kurdish oil sector not isolated from the control of the federal government in Baghdad.

While the political forces stress the need to legislate the oil and gas law, reliance is being placed on resolving all the problems between Baghdad and Erbil and drawing the form of the relationship and the clear mechanisms for controlling the oil of the Kurdistan region and the specific powers of the regional government and the Baghdad government. It obstructs the enactment of the law and reaching an agreed formula.  link


Economist Veiws on Stock Market Crash, BRICS and a Debt Jubilee 8-27-2023


"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday 8-27-2023