Monday  Afternoon Iraq Economic News Highlights 8-7-23

Monday  Afternoon Iraq Economic News Highlights 8-7-23

The Tripartite Budget Instructions Come Into Force After Being Published In The Iraqi Facts

August 7, 2023 Walter  Political| 03:31 – 07/08/2023   Baghdad – Mawazine News  The Iraqi Fact Sheet published, on Monday, the tripartite budget instructions that came into effect.

“The instructions of a triple budget law have been published in the Official Gazette,” said the Director General of Iraqi Chronicle, Hanan Munther Nassif.  “The instructions came into effect,” she added. The tripartite budget instructions come into force after being published in the Iraqi facts

Federal Supreme Court Rejects New Appeals Against The Tripartite Budget



Federal Supreme Court

Financial Budget

Dismissal Of Appeals

Federal Supreme Court rejects new appeals against the tripartite budget Mail?

2023-08-07 08  twilight News / The Federal Supreme Court decided on Monday to dismiss some appeals in form related to The unconstitutionality of articles in the budget law.

The The court in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that it ruled to dismiss the plaintiffs' lawsuit in form in Cases No. (175/ Federal/2023), (170/Federal/2023) and (169/Federal/2023) And (165/ Federal/ 2023), (154/ Federal/ 2023) and (166/ Federal/ 2023), private challenging the constitutionality of some articles of Law No. 13 of 2023, General Budget Law Federal Republic of Iraq for the fisc years 2023 – 2024 – 2025.

She showed The judgment was dismissed based on the provisions of Article 22 of the Rules of Procedure No. 1 of 2022 In terms of Article 19 thereof, the plaintiffs are not among the persons mentioned in the above article. Male who have the right to challenge the constitutionality of the budget law and charge them expenses and fees And attorney's fees, and the rulings were issued by agreement definitively and binding on all authorities and understand publicly On 7/8/2023.

Loyal Earlier today, the Federal Supreme Court announced the resolution of the Kurdistan Regional Government's appeal by the Budget Law.

said Informing the Federal Supreme Court, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the court considered This day in the lawsuit numbered (168/Federal/2023) filed before it by the plaintiff (President Kurdistan Regional Government / Add to his Job) against the defendant (Speaker of the House of Representatives/ Addendum for his job) to challenge articles of Law No. 13 of 2023 (General Budget Federal Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025).

He added The statement that the Supreme Court issued its final and binding decision to all authorities, including the ruling The unconstitutionality of the phrase (and with the approval of the Federal Prime Minister) contained in Article (11/I) and the phrase (in the event that it is not possible to dissolve the House of Representatives, take the necessary decision) contained In Article (13/VII) of the Law.

And spent, The Court, dismissing the lawsuit regarding the challenge to the constitutionality of Articles (2/I/5/b) and (11/II) and (12/II/A, B, C, D, E) and (13/VIII/B) of the Law.

as The Federal Supreme Court announced the resolution of the federal government's challenge to the budget law. 

said Informing her in another separate statement, that the Federal Supreme Court considered this day the lawsuit Numbered (153/Federal/2023) filed before it by the plaintiff (Prime Minister/ Addendum for his job) against the defendant (Speaker of the House of Representatives / in addition to his job) for challenging articles of Law No. (13) of 2023 ((Federal General Budget of the Republic of Iraq)) For the fiscal years (2023, 2024, 2025).

The Its final and binding decision to all authorities, including the ruling that the phrase (exclusively) is unconstitutional Contained in Article (2/I/8/ c/6), and the phrase (at his request) in the section The last of Article (16/II), Article (20/VI), and Article (28/IV/A), Article (57/I/C), Article (70/II), and Article (72) of Law No. (13) For the year 2023 ((the federal general budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023), 2024، 2025)).

as The decision included a ruling to dismiss the plaintiff's lawsuit regarding the challenge to the constitutionality of Articles (28/IV/b). and (62/IV), (63/III), (65/II), (71) and (75) of the above law.

Federal Supreme Court Rejects New Appeals to the Tripartite Budget - Shafaq News

Kurdistan Finance Responds To The Statements Of "False Figures" Regarding The Region's Revenues

2023.08.06 Baghdad - people     The Ministry of Finance of the Kurdistan Region responded, on Sunday, to the statements of deputies in the Iraqi parliament representing the Kurdistan region, and several media outlets, that the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government provided Baghdad with "false figures" about the local revenues of the Kurdistan region.    

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The ministry said in a statement, which "NAS" received a copy of, (August 6, 2023), that "there has been a healthy and continuous relationship between the Financial Control Office in the federal government and the Financial Control Office of the Kurdistan Regional Government for nearly two years, and the audits have been approved by Federal and provincial government financial oversight offices.    

The ministry added, “On 07/16/2023, a technical team from the Kurdistan Regional Government visited the Iraqi Ministry of Finance to discuss the preparation and submission of the monthly adjusted balance sheet report as required by Iraq on 7/30/2023, they submitted the revised balance sheet report for the month June".    

And she continued, “For everyone’s information, the Federal Government Financial Supervision Office and the Kurdistan Region Financial Supervision Office are jointly responsible for auditing and approving the revised monthly balance sheet report, not the Ministry of Finance. It has audited the balance sheet for the past six months, so, it is better for these deputies to contact the side official before talking about an issue and obtaining correct information about it. Ministry of Finance and Economy. 6/8/2023.    

The media and social media platforms circulated a statement by the head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc, Harim Kamal Agha, in which he said: "The Federal Budget Law for the year 2023 includes mutual obligations by the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government."   

He added, "The law obliges the federal government to send the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees in exchange for some obligations on the Kurdistan Regional Government, such as the delivery of oil and half of non-oil imports."    

He continued, "The government of the Kurdistan region must hand over quantities of oil to the federal government to use for internal use, and at the current stage, the quantity is 50,000 barrels of oil per day."    

And he indicated: "The estimation of the proportion of non-oil imports that the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government delivered to the federal government regarding federal imports is a very large amount, and the Kurdistan Regional Government cannot collect this amount monthly, as the delegation is the one who made a mistake in estimating non-oil imports," stressing that "their annual volume It amounts to 4 trillion and 500 billion dinars, and this is a large amount that the Kurdistan Regional Government cannot cover."    

In addition, former MP Sherwan Mirza said in a press statement, "The delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government should have informed the federal government of the true volume of non-oil imports instead of presenting the wrong statistics that caused the region's proportion to decrease." 

He added, "The error is the fault of the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and it must provide real statistics to the federal government instead of providing statistics that are greater than the real percentage of the region's imports." 

  Mirza continued, "If the budget law enters into force, there will be audits for the Kurdistan Region's non-oil imports, after which the Kurdistan Region's share of the budget will be sent." 

 And between: "The Kurdistan Regional Government must address this problem in the volume of non-oil imports, otherwise it will face major problems in providing employee salaries during the coming months."

The Federal Supreme Court Resolves The Appeal Of Baghdad And Kurdistan To The Budget Law

2023-08-07 Shafaq News/ The Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) announced, on Monday, the resolution of the Kurdistan Regional Government's appeal against the budget law.

The media of the Federal Supreme Court said, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the court considered today the case No. (168 / Federal / 2023) filed before it by the plaintiff (the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government / in addition to his job) against the defendant (the Speaker of Parliament / In addition to his job) to appeal against articles of Law No. (13) of 2023 ((The Federal General Budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023, 2024, 2025))

The statement added that the Supreme Court issued its final and binding decision for all authorities, which included the ruling on the unconstitutionality of the phrase (and with the approval of the Federal Prime Minister) contained in Article (11/First) and the phrase (and in the event that it is not possible to dissolve the House of Representatives to take the necessary decision) contained in Article (13/ Seventh). ) of the law.

The court decided to dismiss the case regarding the challenge to the constitutionality of articles (2/first/5/b), (11/second), (12/second/a, b, c, d, e) and (13/eighth/b) of the law.

The Federal Supreme Court also announced the resolution of the federal government's appeal to the budget law.

And its media said in another separate statement, that the Federal Supreme Court considered today the case No. (153 / federal / 2023) filed before it by the plaintiff (Prime Minister / in addition to his job) against the defendant (Speaker of Parliament / in addition to his job) regarding the appeal against articles From Law No. (13) of 2023 ((The Federal General Budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023, 2024, 2025))

And it issued its final and binding decision for all authorities, which includes the ruling on the unconstitutionality of the phrase (exclusively) contained in Article (2 / first / 8 / c / 6), and the phrase (at his request) contained in the last part of Article (16 / second), and Article (20 / Sixth), Article (28 / Fourth / A), Article (57 / First / C), Article (70 / Second), and Article (72) of Law No. (13) for the year 2023 ((The Federal General Budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023, 2024, 2025)).

The decision also included a judgment dismissing the plaintiff’s case regarding the challenge to the constitutionality of Articles (28 / fourth / b), (62 / fourth), (63 / third), (65 / second), (71) and (75) of the above law.  LINK




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