Monday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 11-28-22

Monday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 11-28-22

Iraq: Important Laws Parked on the Shelves of Parliament

with video  2022-11-28 | 05:04   Source:  Sumerian   255 views   Many important laws are absent from the list of parliament sessions, which is supposed to meet to pass the necessary ones to move the country forward.

Between its continuation as an idea that can be implemented in the minds of specialists, and between raising hands inside the dome of parliament to pass it, the important bills that citizens eagerly await remain purely an idea parked on the shelves of Parliament, some of which come down from time to time and return them quickly after the dispute intensified over them.

The laws combating domestic violence, the ownership of random homes, freedom of expression, and social security are among the most important laws that the street awaits, moment by moment.

Parliament did not witness in any session since the year two thousand and six until now the presence of all members in full, and that the largest number witnessed by the parliamentary hall was represented by the presence of three hundred and twelve members out of three hundred and twenty-nine, while the veterans in the process refrain from participating and do not hold them accountable Parliament constituency  Or avoid them for fear of colliding with them or their parties    LINK

Allawi To The Iranian Ambassador: The Need Not To Interfere In Internal Affairs

Policy   2022-11-28 | 459 views   Alsumaria News – Politics   The leader of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, stressed today, Monday, the need to build the relations of brotherly countries in accordance with common interests and non-interference in internal affairs.

And the media office of the coalition leader stated, in a statement received by Alsumaria News, that "Allawi received, today, Monday, in his office in Baghdad, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic, Muhammad Kazem Al Sadiq, in the capital."

He added, "The meeting discussed the situation in the region and ways to achieve security and stability in it."

With regard to the recurrence of attacks on the regions of the Kurdistan region in Iraq, Allawi indicated that "relations between brotherly and friendly countries must be built according to the principle of exchanging interests, deepening partnerships, and non-interference in internal affairs," stressing at the same time "his categorical refusal to use Iraqi lands as a springboard for attacks on other countries." Neighborhood".

According to the statement, Allawi called for "a serious and frank dialogue, noting that the Sharm el-Sheikh conference held in 2004 laid the right foundations for relations with the neighbourhood," noting that "the Council of Arab and International Relations had decided to send a delegation to Iran to talk about the crises in the region and ways to capable of resolving it and achieving peace.   LINK

In Confirmation Of Alsumaria .. The Council Of Ministers Holds Its Session Headed By Al-Sudani

Policy    2022-11-28 | 05:33   204 views   Alsumaria News – Politics   The Council of Ministers held, today, Monday, its regular session, headed by Al-Sudani.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated, in a brief statement received by Al-Sumaria News, that "the cabinet held its regular session headed by the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani.

Earlier, a security source told Al-Sumaria News, "Al-Sudani held its session today instead of tomorrow. Tuesday for a visit to Iran.   LINK

Barzani Visits Baghdad To Complete His Meetings With Political Leaders

with video   2022-11-28 | 04:02   Source:  Sumerian   205 views   The regional government believes that there is no other political way and means other than continuing visits and discussions with the central government, in light of a number of understandings that took place before the formation of the new cabinet.

A new delegation from the Kurdistan region visits Baghdad for the second time in a week to resume dialogues and address outstanding issues, including the budget, Peshmerga salaries, Article 140, and oil and gas issues, according to members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party

Observers confirm that the visits that Kurdistan has made since the first formation of the federal government are visits for the same purpose and for the same reasons, which are to obtain the gains that they agreed upon with the coordination framework during the negotiations to form the cabinet. Especially since the regional government does not see any other way or means to get what it wants other than negotiation and understanding, even if it takes a long time.

According to Kurdish leaders, the Sudanese government appears to be serious about resolving all outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, adding that it is counting on the Baghdad government to grant it its electoral dues based on previous agreements.

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The issue of the military deployment of the Iraqi army forces and the Peshmerga on the border strip with Iran is another of the important topics discussed by the visiting delegation in Baghdad, with fears in the region and fears among the Kurds of another military attack by the Iranian forces on Kurdistan, and this is what the National Security Adviser Qassem Al-Araji, who tried to address He talked about an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to form a higher committee for understanding with Iran and Turkey to find appropriate solutions, especially in light of the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to Tehran to discuss this issue seriously and in detail.   LINK

Rashid Discusses Outstanding Issues Between The Center And The Region With A Senior Kurdish Delegation

Policy  2022-11-28 | 01:19    252 views   Alsumaria News – Baghdad   , President of the Republic Abdul Latif Rashid received today, Monday, the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, which included the Minister of Planning Dara Rashid Mahmoud, the Minister of Natural Resources Kamal Muhammad Salih, the Chief of the Cabinet Office Omid Sabah, and the Secretary of the Cabinet Amang Rahim and a number of others. from government officials.

And the Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement received by  Alsumaria News  During the meeting, the relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government was discussed, where the President of the Republic stressed the need to enhance dialogue and convergence between them to discuss outstanding issues and set a timetable for the approval of laws in the House of Representatives in order to reach satisfactory solutions based on the constitution and the law and guarantee the rights of citizens.

For his part, the members of the region's delegation appreciated "the directives of the President of the Republic, stressing the importance of bringing views closer between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, overcoming difficulties, accelerating the approval of the budget law, and moving forward towards achieving the aspirations of the people," according to the statement. LINK

Al-Hakim: We Announce Our Full Support For The Government's Measures And Anti-Corruption Formations

Political | 08:31 - 11/27/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  , head of the Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, affirmed, on Sunday, his full support for the government's measures and anti-corruption formations.

Al-Hakim indicated, in a statement, of which Mawazine News received a copy, his "full support for the government's measures and anti-corruption formations, the latest of which was announced by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani to recover part of the stolen funds from the tax secretariats."

He added, "While we value this step, we urge the concerned authorities to complete efforts to recover the looted funds and issue judicial rulings against the corrupt and those who cooperate with them in accordance with the law," stressing the need for "everyone whose sinful self intends to prejudice the people's rights not remain out of the reach of justice."

And the Prime Minister announced this evening, in a press conference, the recovery of part of the stolen money from the tax secretariats, amounting to 182 billion dinars, as a first meal. Ended 29 / H

Al-Sudani To NATO Mission Commander: Cooperation Is Important As Required By National Needs

Posted On2022-11-27 By Sotaliraq   11-27-2022: 26    The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammad Shayaa Al-Sudani, stressed today, Sunday, to the commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) mission in Iraq, Lieutenant General Giovanni Iannucci, the importance of cooperation and high coordination with the mission, as required by the national need, and within the framework of requirements Iraqi government.

Al-Sudani's office said in a statement, "The Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammad Shia' Al-Sudani, received the commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) mission in Iraq, Lieutenant General Giovanni Iannucci, and his accompanying delegation."

He added, "The meeting witnessed a review of the mission's tasks, within the framework of security and military cooperation with Iraq, which includes providing advice and training, developing the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces, raising the level of their performance, and enabling them to face various security challenges, foremost of which is the fight against terrorism."

During the meeting, Al-Sudani stressed "the importance of cooperation and high coordination with the mission, as required by the national need, and within the framework of the requirements of the Iraqi government, and in a manner that preserves Iraq's sovereignty and enhances its security and stability."

For his part, Iannucci stressed that "the NATO mission in Iraq continues its cooperation and coordination with the various security services, within the scope of its tasks and duties, in developing the security sector in Iraq."   LINK


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