MilitiaMan Sunday Night "Pray we are Witnessing a Blessing" 3-15-2020


MilitiaMan:  A few thoughts of mine on some on goings of late. I am not saying that I am not sympathetic to those that have died, become ill or may be vulnerable to become ill from any flu or COV-19 out there, as there are clear concerns for any one who may be compromised.

The sad thing is there is loss of life and now for a very odd showing is a hysteria driven progression of the COV-19 whipping the world up into hysteria. $ Trillions and Trillions of market cap globally has been lost to date.

I posted yesterday some stats I found from a news show that showed the H1N1 relationship to the present COV-19 stats. H1N1 was by far more deadly in death count than what we are seeing globally now, from what I gather. There was no world shut down back then! No supply chain disruptions! No shortage of TP, hand sanitizers, food, etc..!!! Nope there sure wasn't.

Why this time around? Is it political, is it economically driven to deflate an over bought market(s), is it a cover to create an environment to hide things that need a safety net for what may be being done to address corruption at it's highest levels around the world?

I don't know for sure, of course. However, the limiting of travel, limiting public comingling, may very well be part of the/a plan "" (if there is a plan) to keep things orderly and for a purpose under a possible guise to keep people close to home, therefore, easy to find or access if there is a concern or need to locate people of interest.

Plenty of reasons that support there are folks of interest in respect to corruption.. Many things are at play be sure. We all will have the pleasure or not so pleasurable ability to watch it unfold.

What also will be unfolding shortly is how the markets react next week or even later this afternoon. I have been watching the blood shed in the markets now for weeks.

The DOW at one point lost 31% heading into this Friday open from a top of about 29,500 at the Dows historical high, down to 20,300 at one point. 

It subsequently rallied back to close  2,000 points to present 22,800+-  . Why I mention this is the market may not be done yet in it's fall to a bottom.

What is interesting is the original scare of the CV rallied Gold and Silver whereas, the DOW started her free fall, yet Friday the President comes out and calls for the US to be under a National Emergency because of the COV-19 thus, having an opposite effect on the DOW, Gold and Silver.

But, wait.. The scare rallied gold and silver and the Dow dropped.. Isn't a national emergency confirmation the scare is real? How is that to affect things? Well, the biggest players in the world are CBs and Sovereign Wealth Funds. It is not Jonny Joe street trader that moves markets.

 And after a blood bath of 30+-% shock? Even the bigger private players are not going to move the markets in a very meaningful way in and under the circumstance.  Not a chance, as I see it.

So, if things play out like the week previous to this last Friday, back on Friday the 6th. A similar setting was played out. The 6th showed us a rally into the Friday close,  My view was it was not normal behavior.

As most players cover there positions during turmoil over weekends. Unless it is the Big Boyz (CBs). They have the money to move the world markets. My take is since it is atypical for the small commercials to go long into a weekend, it was short selling to bid the pricing up.

Proof of that came this last week as I described above. This last week saw the low of 20,400 at open this last Friday. It then rallied on the National Emergency by our President.

The limited thinking may have allowed the Big Boyz to have another short selling spree to drive the market up. A false Front. To only drop the Dow to new lows one more time possibly this next week. I suspect a move down to 14,500 is not out of the question.. Scary, yes! End of the world no.  Buying opportunity of a life time for us? Possibly in our cards.

One other possible scenario for the markets may be at play too. Trump knows markets and how they operate. He may have witnessed the 6th and read the tea leaves and allowed another set up to short into the markets by using the National Emergency bait.

The buying may have actually been short selling at the asking price to push up the market and in a big way. 2000 point move up is one large chunk of change to do that!! Trump told us yesterday watch the markets as a bounce is coming. Well it may very well bounce after this next larger push down to the floor and it may create a signal all has been accomplished by flushing out the over bought markets to an oversold position, to set us up a safe and affordable buy in time frame! 

We shall see. Keep in mind if it doesn't do like I think it will, short sellers if I am right and they in fact shorted Friday's markets, they have to be worried and big time.. Longs can lose 100% investment. Shorts can lose infinite amounts of money..

So, either way, if it rallies there is going to be pain for shorts, if not and markets again roll over there is going to be pain short term for the longs. But, on the horizon is a bounce. Just as Trump has told us.

How does this fit for the Dinar and us?

Well, the dinar has been clearly been given the green light to move. The auctions are to stop, and the value of the IQD is to rise, NSCNs and coins are said to be in place where they will be needed, Alak Gov at the CBI  has been effectively announcing the need to raise the value of the IQD over the last few days, etc..

The COV-19  is deadly to some as it can be, it is nothing compared to past bugs in shear volume or statistical  numbers, therefore, the nature of the hysteria, may be used to hide and usher in the new beginnings and with that a RI with the IQD will help support that bounce Trump has so kindly given us hope for..

Lets all hang in there and pray we are truly witnessing a blessing well deserved by us all. We shall see.  imo ~ MM

Pattycakes77:  Wonderful analysis MM. Kim Clement did say that the dinar will happen at the worst time, also when the dow  hits  20,000. This is the perfect window. I am hopeful for this week. Praying for all.


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Sunday Night X22 Reports 3-15-2020