MilitiaMan, Delta and KTFA Members "News and Veiws" Wed. 8-19-2020


Article: PM meets Trump: What Outcome for Iraqi Economy?   LINK

MilitiaMan  This article is packed with good information. They say the word soon 7 times lol... They are in a hurry..

With K in the USA now, there has to be so very important things to get done. I presume both sides are very well prepared to get the right things done and the right way.. 

An equitable situation for both sides, is what I can see as an outcome. The path looks like it is fresh as new asphalt for smooth rolling.. imo ~ MM


The turnout of the American voter and his election to Trump depends mainly on Al-Kazemi's visit to Washington

Baghdad / Al-Akhbariya

Independent MP Ali Al-Badiri said, on Monday, that the American voter's turnout and his election to Trump depends mainly on Al-Kazemi's visit to Washington, revealing that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi met with the heads of political blocs before going to America and will not return with an empty quiver from there.

  Al-Badiri said in a statement followed by Al-Akhbariya, that Al-Kazemi consulted with the leaders of the blocs on the axes of his visit to America and everyone assured that sovereignty is the main focus of the visit, and Al-Kazemi is more aware of what Iraq needs from America.

 He continued, "Trump is trying to persuade the American voter through Iraq and the turnout of American voters in the elections is linked to Al-Kazemi's visit to America," noting that "the prime minister will not return with an empty quiver from Washington."

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi is supposed to leave for Washington in the coming hours, accompanied by a number of ministers and advisors, to meet with US President Donald Trump on the twentieth of this month.

Cleitus:  Now, this is HUUUUGE! Thanks Delta!!!

Clare:  THANKS DELTA! .............AND THERE'S OUR KEYWORD AGAIN!   "sovereignty" 


Samson:  Al-Kazemi's visit will witness a series of meetings that will focus on the economic aspect

19th August, 2020

The Prime Minister's Office indicated that Al-Kazemi arrived in Washington at the head of a high-ranking delegation, to complete the strategic dialogue and meet with US President Donald Trump.

Officials in the delegation visiting the United States revealed that the visit will witness a series of meetings that will focus on the economic aspect, including a meeting with a large number of major companies and economic institutions on the reconstruction of Iraq.

The officials explained that the delegation will sign contracts with major companies at the level of gas, oil and electricity, in the presence of the ministers of oil, electricity and finance, indicating that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi will hold a session with American economic institutions, in addition to a number of American research centers.

Al-Kazemi received an exceptional reception, as a large number of streets in the American capital were closed, and US officials conveyed to members of the Iraqi delegation that US President Donald Trump requested a reception from the highest level at the security level for the Prime Minister.



Samson:  Pompeo: We hope for an Iraq free of corruption ... and we have provided him with $ 200 million in aid

08/19/2020 17:25:19

 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said during a joint press conference with Secretary of State Fouad Hussein that the United States wishes for an Iraq free of corruption.

Pompeo said during the conference: "We support the Iraqi government by conducting early elections," noting that "we promised to provide $ 200 million in aid to Iraq."
Pompeo noted that "Washington is committed to providing support to Iraq."

Pompeo stressed that "we had good talks, our partnership is very strong, and armed groups are limiting our ability to act."

He continued: "We hope to see Iraq free of corruption and energy remains a major engine of economic progress."   LINK

Samson:  Iraqi foreign minister: USA is a strong ally for Iraq

19th August, 2020

The second round of the Iraqi-American strategic dialogue began in Washington on Wednesday. 

In a statement received by Shafaq News agency, the spokesman for the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, announced that "Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein and his American counterpart Pompeo opened the Iraqi-American strategic dialogue session."

Later, The US. Secretary Mike Pompeo holds joint press availability with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein.

Pompeo said, "We urged Baghdad to solve the problems with the Kurdistan Region and release its budget, and we promised to aid Iraq with $ 200 million."

He added, “Our partnership with Iraq is very strong but armed groups limit our ability to act, these Militias threaten stability,” adding that, “freedom in Iraq is the priority of the Trump administration."

Pompeo said, "We are committed to supporting Iraq and preventing foreign interference in its affairs, and the strategic dialogue should not focus on the issue of the withdrawal of our forces from Iraq."

For his part, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said, "Washington is a strong ally of Iraq and and Iran is a neighboring country,” adding that, “our policy is based on the Iraqi interest, and and we reject any foreign interference in our affairs."

"The meeting with Pompeo was a good, and we discussed economic relations and Covid-19 pandemic,"

Hussein added, "America and Iraq were in one place to fight ISIS," stressing "the continuity of cooperation in the field of combating terrorism."

Hussein added, “the continuity of dialogue to reach joint action in other areas related to energy production is necessary," noting that "a memorandum of understanding will be signed today with USA to cooperate in the electricity, oil and higher education fields.”

The Iraqi Foreign Minister indicated that "the dialogue is continuing and will have positive results for the benefit of the two countries and peoples."

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi arrived on Wednesday, August 18, in Washington, DC, at the head of a high-ranking ministerial delegation.  LINK


Samson:  Fouad Hussein: The United States of America is a strong ally of Iraq .. and he announces the signing of deals

08/19/2020 17:18:34

We assured Washington of continuing cooperation in combating terrorism.

 Memoranda of understanding and cooperation in various fields will be signed today.

He will sign a memorandum of understanding with US Chevron for oil exploration today.

The United States of America is a strong ally of Iraq.

We discussed during the meeting With the US Secretary of State to economic relations and how to combat Corona.

Baghdad and Washington are in one trench to fight ISIS
We emphasized the continuity of dialogue in the fields of energy, health and culture.
Our policy stems from the Iraqi interest.
We want good relations with the neighborhood, provided that there is no interference in Iraq’s affairs. 


Samson:  Al-Ziyadi: hosting Al-Kazemi in Parliament after his visit to Washington

08/18/2020 22:53:41

The deputy of the Sa`irun Parliamentary Bloc, Badr Al-Ziyadi, revealed, on Tuesday, that he had submitted a request to Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to host him in the House of Representatives after his visit to Washington.

Al-Ziyadi told Al-Furat News, "We submitted a request to Al-Kazemi to host him in the House of Representatives after his visit to Washington, to inform us of his discussions, the results of his visit and the files he discussed with the American side, including the withdrawal." "The armament of the Iraqi army is very limited, and the air defense technology is almost non-existent," he added.

Al-Ziyadi noted that "the strategic agreement provides for the protection of Iraqi sovereignty," wondering, "Why did the American forces not act against the Turkish aggression?", Indicating that "the presence of the American bases in Iraq is unclear." And that "Tehran is clear in its position and proceeds from the principle of strength, and the Iraqi-Iranian relations are good, and Iran helped us a lot," adding that "the Iraqi economy is not that bad and our problem is in the administration only."     LINK


Samson:  The Cabinet Secretariat announces the suspension of the official working hours for tomorrow, Thursday

19th August, 2020

The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced, on Wednesday, that the official working hours will be suspended for tomorrow, Thursday.

A statement by the secretariat received by Al-Akhbariya stated that the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announces that the official working hours will be suspended for tomorrow, Thursday, 8/20/2020, for the occasion of the beginning of the Hijri year corresponding to the first of the month of Muharram of the year 1442 AH.    LINK


Samson:  Iraq in the 5th place on the list of countries with the largest gold reserves

19th August, 2020
The World Gold Council announced that 14 Arab countries have the largest gold reserves, out of 100 countries listed in the council's report.

In its latest report for August, the council said, "Iraq came in fifth place in the Arab world, with gold reserves of 96.3 tons, while Saudi Arabia ranked first (323 tons), followed by Lebanon (286 tons), and then Libya (116 tons). Egypt came in sixth place with a reserve of 79.6 tons, while Kuwait ranked seventh with a reserve of 79 tons.

The report added, "Jordan came in the eighth rank with a reserve of 43 tons, followed by Qatar in the ninth place with a reserve of 42 tons. The Emirates came in the tenth place with a reserve of 31.5 tons, Syria in the eleventh place with 28.8 tons, then Morocco in the twelfth place (22 tons), Tunisia (6.8) tons, and finally Bahrain (4.7 tons).

"Only three Arab countries bought and sold gold during the year 2020, which are Egypt which bought one ton in February, Qatar that bought 1.6 tons in February also, and the UAE that bought a ton of gold in February, 1.8 Tons in March, 0.4 tons in April, and sold 0.2 tons in May".   LINK


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-18-20


Pompeo Holds Press Conference with Iraqi Foreign Minister 8-19-2020