MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Friday Night 1-31-2020 "CBI is Hiding Things"


Samson:  Al-Tamimi: The government completed the budget before it resigned, and we do not know why it was not sent

11:32 - 01/30/2020

Member of Parliamentary Finance Committee Magda Al-Tamimi said on Thursday that the government had implemented the 2020 budget law before its resignation, expressing surprise at the failure to send the budget after its completion.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement to "Information", that "the government could have sent the 2020 budget in mid-October last year," stating that "the government completed the budget before announcing its resignation, so what is the secret that prompted the government to refrain from sending the project?"

Al-Tamimi pointed out that "the government, by doing not to send the budget, may have hidden something that it does not want the parliament to see."The member of the Parliamentary Law Committee, Hussein Al-Oqabi, had confirmed in a previous statement/the information, the inability to send the caretaker government a draft budget law to parliament, stating that allowing the budget to be sent is a legal disaster.   LINK

Osmosis:  She is surprised as much as we were...........She would make a great PM, IMO  

MilitiaMan:  What we have here is there are two things at play.

The first is that Al Tamimi states that the 2020 budget law has apparently been hidden since October 2019. Like we have been saying since then, the 2019 Financial management Law Amendment has not been shown. As that would expose the new international exchange rate.

Well, here  above she even effectively states it. To hide the data is for a reason. That reason is not for Iraq to be at a program rate.

Just as Dr. Shabibi has imo suggested that they can not give it to parliament as they would leak it.Hiding it until appropriate is evidently what they had in mind and did.

The corruption we all have witnessed of late all being sorted, has been effective too.  Notice the 15 Iraqi entities that were lifted by the UN Security council within the last week or two. According to Delta the article below may have been out that long.

Them releasing them off the  provisions of Chapter VII shows that they may have been audited, vetted and cleaned up to the extent they are ready now to play on a transparent plying field. It suggests they paved the way for Article 8 compliance and acceptance. Imo

Aside from that the hiding of things is not only the GOI, but, the CBI. They have a reporting issue now. The first month of their calendar year is over. They will need to report January 2020, as it is now clearly over with.

The CBI has been very consistent in reporting statistical data over the years until just this last September 2019. This is when things began to start to show pattern changes. In November they showed a massive reduction in currency issued. Massively too.

Then they quit reporting Credit Transfers for the IQD and USD and have not since September 30th, 2019. They don't show currency amounts with commercial banks since September 30, 2019 either. They do show however, the rate of 1182 through December 31, 2019. 

 Subsequent data sets show that they reported consistently for many years. Don't forget in November that the CBI told Banks to be prepared to adjust contracts. They did exactly that in December of 2019.. 

That last bit, is a reflection of what was done in the monetary realm of the CBI through the end or year. Yet, the GOI is hiding something. So is the CBI. They are hiding the 2019 Financial Management Law Amendment that needs to precede the 2020 budget law and the new small category notes with fils.

The CBI has the ability to hide things for sensitive reasons. A large move in an exchange rate would need to be on the hush hush side of things. Hence the exchange rate was hidden all this time. The CBI statistical pattern changes support that view.

What else support they are not playing ball with a program rate. Is, they destroyed good quality notes in massive quantities, they spent $190 billion to print new notes and coins (fils) and they are said to be delivered to banks now.

The videos Delta brought in showed the money being destroyed and them having been given orders to complete the Monetary Reforms, all support that we are waiting on the CBI to show they exchange rate..

They, based on what they show in writing and what they are choosing to hide, is they have no choice but to follow the orders and imo from the totality of it all they are following the orders to full the wants of the citizens.. So, let see what they CBI drags in.. lol ~ imo ~ MM

In the documents: The Anti-Money Laundering Committee announces the removal of 15 Iraqi entities from the Security Council sanctions list

Politics 01/20/30 16:28 1110     Baghdad today - Baghdad

The Anti-Money Laundering Committee of the Central Bank of Iraq, which is linked to the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, announced the removal of 15 Iraqi entities from the Security Council sanctions list.

According to documents issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, it includes a circular to remove 15 entities from the list of sanctions imposed by Security Council Resolution 1483, for the year 2003, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. LINK


Don961:  01-02-2020 01:12 AM

Urgent: Allawi will be appointed as prime minister tomorrow afternoon

Baghdad / Al-Ikhbaria:

An informed political source revealed, on Saturday, the political blocs agree on assigning candidate Mohammed Allawi to head the government this afternoon.

The source said to "Al-Ikhbaria" that "the political blocs agreed to name Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi as prime minister after the approval of all parties."
He added, "The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, may appoint Allawi to head the government at 12 noon."   link


Don961:  "Exciting" statements by the United Nations representative .. Is the scene going to an "international plan" to create a new Iraq?

2020-01-31  Yassin Iraq: Baghdad

, the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jenin Blackshart, revealed the existence of a road map for a solution in Iraq that will be presented to the United Nations, while she talked about the farther solution to the crisis, stressing that the plan will create a "stable Iraq".

"The Iraqi crisis is heading towards international intervention," Blackshart said during an interview with CNN, stressing the existence of a solution map that will be shared with the Iraqi authorities and presented to the United Nations.

Blackshart expressed her hope that "everyone will support a plan that leads to a stable Iraq and not just a solution to the crisis."

For his part, the head of the independent research group, Munqeth Dagher, considered, "This is in the second most important statement in the interview after the statement that the plan will be presented to the Security Council. It has confirmed that they are not only seeking to resolve the crisis, but rather to create a stable Iraq that will prevent the demonstrations from returning again.

The demonstrators recently began in Baghdad and Dhi Qar, to raise the United Nations flags in the squares of the sit-in as well as to send messages to the available nations in many languages, calling for international protection from the violence they are exposed to, as well as pressure on the Iraqi government to achieve their demands.



Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Feb. 1, 2020


Friday Night X22 Reports 1-31-2020