Max Keiser, PIR and Bix Weir Thursday 1-23-2020

Keiser Report: All Rescue Roads Lead to the Elite (E1492)

Jan 23, 2020

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the fact that every crisis is now used as an asset, resource, and wealth grab for the most elite in the economy.

Whether it is the mysterious repo market turmoil in which we see the NY Fed throwing tens of billions daily into the coffers of the bankers and yet money velocity continues to collapse as the money disappears into their unspendably huge hoard of wealth.

To Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, where a devastating earthquake ten years ago saw billions donated to the nation only to end up in the pockets of the biggest corporations and most politically connected elite whilst hardly any at all reached the Haitian people.

 In the second half, Max talks to Chris Martenson of about the ‘fourth turning,’ mass unrest, excessive money printing from the central bank, and gold markets.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 01 23 20

World Economics, Q, and much more……

ALERT! Banks Needed $741B in Repo Support TONIGHT! (Bix Weir)

RoadToRoota:  Jan 23, 2020

The more you dig into the Repo Market problem the more you find out that MORE MONEY is needed EVERY NIGHT just to keep the Global Banking System in tact! This is a Derivative Problem at the heart. Got SILVER?

The only way out of this is to crash the old system and start over with a new, better system.



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