MarkZ, AWK and Bis Weir Thursday Evening 3-12-2020

MarkZ: Thursday night 3-12-22

MarkZ: Tomorrow I think, will be the enormous day that I believe we will see the final implosion of the fiat system die. This is what I am looking for

Hearing all kinds of rumors that tomorrow is the day fiat dies and a gold system is born. .

Still hearing out of the Zurich side that they expect money to start flowing tomorrow and banking for them on Monday.

I think we could see it sooner than that.

I don’t expect package deliveries now until maybe tomorrow or Saturday……gut feeling.

Another big announcement today is they shut down capitol hill sending House and Senate folks home

When they are in session…they can’t be arrested. This could well be the cover for the biggest round-up we have seen in our time.

Because of bank employees being worried about their health with this virus, I am being told they are changing the way we exchange now. Its been streamlined for less actual physical interaction.

I know we are at the end…I’m sitting here eating popcorn and watching it.

We are blessed to understand what’s happening while we watch the fiat die. We really are guys.

AWK News 3.12.20: [DS] Sky is Falling push is dying. Nothing will stop what is coming!

Mar 12, 2020

Bix Weir:

ALERT! In Panic Fed Unleashes "Fire Hydrant"(..not Fire Hose!) Repo MONEY!!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 12, 2020

WOW! $1.5 TRILLON released to banks!!

We have just seen the END OF THE FED as the "Faith and Confidence" in their ability to run a SANE Global Monetary System has just been thrown out the window!

Roota was right all along!


IQD CALLS Thursday Evening 3-12-20


Predictions Are Hard. But Here Goes…