Lynette Zang, Greg Mannarino and George Gammon 10-19-2022

This Only Gets Worse…Lynette Zang & Gregory Mannarino

Oct. 18, 2022

I am so excited to have my very good friend and returning guest here today, Gregory Mannarino, known as the Robin Hood of Wall Street, for sharing his knowledge of Wall Street with Main Street.

What I love so much about him is his no-apologies approach. As he says, “in life, there are the sheep who live in fear, and then there are the lions who capitalize on it.” There is definitely a time when we can capitalize.


0:00 Intro to Gregory Mannarino

1:31 Central Banks & Government Control

11:38 CBDC = No More Inflation?

18:59 Unraveling of the Bond Market

25:13 SOFR & LIBOR

28:02 Gold & Silver’s True Value

31:43 Massive Retirement Issue

36:33 Demand Destruction

40:35 Starting Your Strategy!

Next Global Financial Crisis May Be Weeks Away (Here's Why)

George Gammon:  10-19-2022


KTFA Wednesday Night CC "Framework Framed" 10-19-2022


More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Evening 10-19-2022