Lyn Alden and Greg Mannarino Friday PM 1-13-2023

Lyn Alden: Energy Crises, Inflation, and the Lack of Sound Money

Palisades Gold Radio:  1-13-2023

Lyn discusses the difficulty of safely storing wealth from the perspective of inflation and financial censorship.

 The current world financial system is composed of 180 local monopolies, within which governments demand that wealth is kept, but most are terrible at preserving value. Out of these, only a dozen are any good at holding value.

 The current system has many inefficiencies and brings significant risk to most. Half of the world lives under varying levels of authoritarian governments, which often use the financial system as a weapon and have banks that censor global payments.

Historically, money operated at the speed of commerce, but this changed with the advent of modern communications. This delay between payments and delivery of goods has given governments and banks room to arbitrage.

 Lyn finds value in Bitcoin and some stablecoins, but she describes some of the problems and risks associated with crypto projects.

She also discusses the decline in the Federal Reserve's remittances function and its impact on the U.S. Government's finances.

 Lastly, she discusses the world's energy requirements and the declining lack of return for what is being invested. Developing nations are looking for cheap, effective energy solutions, while wealthier countries are in a better position to adjust to new technology.

She expresses concerns about the lack of capital investment in oil and how this spills over into mining.

Time Stamp References:

0:00 - Introduction

0:32 - Inefficient Money

4:03 - Financial Censorship

7:06 - Commerce & Money

11:50 - Crypto & Confidence

16:18 - Digital Gold?

20:30 - 2023 & Asset Growth

22:30 - Structural Inflation

24:44 - Fed Remittances

30:34 - Bank Loans & Yield Curve

31:14 - Energy & Inflation

38:43 - EROI & World Needs

45:00 - ESG & Trade Offs

46:55 - CapEx & Oil Sector

52:25 - PM Mining & Industry

56:13 - Key Questions in 2023

58:18 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode

 - The current world financial system is composed of 180 local monopolies, with very few of them being able to effectively preserve value.

- Governments and banks have taken advantage of the lag between payments and delivery of goods to arbitrage, creating significant risk for most.

- Lyn discusses the declining lack of return for energy investments, and the lack of capital investment in oil and mining.

Don’t Get Distracted: How Central Banks Are Looking To Make You a Slave to the System

Stansberry Research:  1-13-2023

"It's a farce... [the Fed] raising rates is meant to kill demand and crush the consumer, it's not meant to curtail inflation," warns Greg Mannarino, founder of and financial strategist.

"Contracting the money supply is the only way to stop inflation in its tracks, but it's a big secret [the system] doesn't want you to know," he tells Daniela Cambone on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023.

"People are not waking up fast enough unfortunately, this mechanism is going to progress much further moving forward," Mannarino continues. "Inflation continues to rise, this is the central banks playing their game and it's not going to stop," he grimly predicts.

 Mannarino doubles down on his previous statement from last interview by saying, "They are eliminating an entire class of people on a worldwide scale."

 "Central banks wish to become the lender and buyer of a last resort, that's why they want to kill the economy," he says. "Everybody is holding gold, and it doesn't need the reassurance of central banks as a store of wealth," Mannarino states.

 "Silver is the most undervalued asset in the world," he concludes.

00:00 Where are we heading with inflation control?

4:46 Why won't the Fed release the real inflation number?

9:05 Central banks’ mission

10:51 Jerome Powell’s remarks on making unpopular decisions to stabilize prices

 15:30 Mysterious gold buyer and its motives

19:16 Is Mannarino still buying precious metals now?

19:40 Mannarino’s favorite S&P sector


News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 1-14-2023


2 MarkZ Podcasts from Friday Afternoon and Evening 1-13-2023