KTFA Members "News and Views" Friday Afternoon 10-25-19


Samson: The US Embassy issues a strong warning to its citizens about travel and movement in Iraq

2019/10/25 16:30 

The United States Embassy in Iraq has warned Americans not to travel to Baghdad and the country's major cities, amid protests in the capital and a number of central and southern provinces.

The embassy said on its website that "large-scale demonstrations started Friday, and US citizens may see an intensive police presence, and as in previous demonstrations, it is possible to close roads in all major cities, including the Green Zone in central Baghdad."

The embassy said that the measures to be taken in accordance with the travel advice in May 2019, requires to avoid travel to major cities of Iraq, with the exception of the Kurdistan region, and avoid places of demonstrations and compliance with the instructions of the authorities and monitor the local media for new news.

The embassy expressed its "regret over the loss of life and condolences to the families of the victims, wishing the speedy recovery of the wounded security forces and protesters." She called on all parties to renounce violence and restraint, stressing that "peaceful demonstration is a fundamental right in all democracies, but there is no room for violence in demonstrations by any of the parties."   LINK

SurfsUp:  I dont understand what guru came up with the idea of, " if the people show good behavior then we will finally give them what they want." Show me the article that said that. These citizens imo have shown nothing  but patience as they have watched and suffered their entire lives and been robbed by politicians. Now, all of a sudden they are asked to be good little boys and girls, as if they are two year olds, and behave and just trust their govt. Does this really sound logical? I dont know what the answer is, but imo being peaceful is not what these people understand and has, and will get them nothing. This is all very very sad but seems to be the only way to get anything to change.

2Cents:  Wow....incredible videos coming out.....this is escalating!!!!  In Muthana, Dawa party headquarters on fire as well as Hakim's......IMO

Edna:  2cents...help me understand. .you almost seem enthused that things are "escalating" to me mean more violent; I thought that's what we don't want..help me.  

2Cents:  No.......not enthused........this should have never gotten to this point........It's been 16 years after all.....That being said, I am pretty sure Kuwait made their announcement late on a Friday evening......It is 6:30 there now......Let's see what happens within the next 5 hours or so.....

ChrisC:  l always said after market close on a Friday

Popeye7:  Iraq is being liberated, and as others have pointed out, lets see what transpires during the next 24 hours, or so ... IMO, everything was already in place for this day, and time... IMO all of the pieces are in place to bring about the desires of the Iraqi people... As many of us understand, ultimately in God's timing... Blessings, and have a great day... Remember to pray for those who lost their loved ones, as well as those injured...

Samson:  In pictures, demonstrators in Badra block the road with Iran  LINK

Iggy:  https://www.wsbtv.com/news/iraqi-police-fire-tear-gas-as-protesters-hit-baghdad-streets/1001344217

Suzie:  IN MY OPINION, the GOI could have solved these problems/issues after the FIRST demonstration.

Chappy86:  Corruption, after it is embedded does not get dislodged easily. It's the same corruption we have here in the US. It does not want to give up its territory or the financial gains it has staked out. If evil is not removed early and allowed to coexist it becomes deep-rooted. If you pull it up after being deeply rooted the good with the bad are affected. We all suffer when corruption goes unchecked

Samson:  Demonstration in Diyala

2019/10/25 17:20

Demonstrations began Friday evening in Diyala.

A security source told (Euphrates News) that "demonstrations started east of Diyala this evening demanding the implementation of their demands," noting that they "are seeking to erect the tents of the sit-in until the implementation of the demands."  LINK


Samson:  Submit an urgent memorandum to the President of the Republic to withdraw confidence from Abdul Mahdi   LINK

Jay:  THIS IS ACTUALLY GREAT NEWS... if it happens.

ENTER caretaker goi. Who will install that C.T. Goi??? USA. D.J.T.
If they are at the start of this process and the above is TRULY happening, then the end is nearer than most may feel it is.
I asked myself why in the WORLD would the goi/cbi ALLOW these protests to happen as planned? Just give them purchasing power and deal with the corruption as time rolled by. But at least they would have purchasing power and have an internationally tradeable currency. It made no sense to me. 

Then Frank said, Iho, ....

337 ministers fled? Fled where? Iran? D.T just got rid of Iran. We've known Iran is a problem. How do you stop Iran from benefiting from an RI of the IQD?

The only way that was going to happen was if the 10/25 protests happened. Thus lighting a fearful fire under the buts of the Iranian ministers occupying goi seats. They had to believe they were in danger. The only way that happens is to have the protests as scheduled so "THAT" fear/danger of bodily harm was not a LIE. Brilliant Mr. Prez.

Now lets watch what they do next.

Hammy14:  Jay, you make a very good point.  The citizens are protesting the influence of Iran.  Frank says, "who's your daddy?"  Well, the Fab4 may very well be the daddy of the CBI, as they guide them through the monetary reform process, but clearly, the Iranians have major influence over the GOI....at least up to this point.  The citizens are certainly aware of all the corruption and stealing that have taken place over the years, primarily because of Iranian puppets in the GOI.  They have said enough is enough.  The citizens are risking their lives in order to take their country back, and I don't think they will stop until they get what they want.  What they deserve.  This may take some time to play out, but they will be satisfied in the end, IMO.  I just hope and pray no more innocent lives are lost in the process.  At the end of the day, it appears to be the Fab4 versus Iran, with the prize being Iraq.  The good guys will eventually win out, IMO.

Jay: Of course I agree with you..lol But to add Alak said himself and I am paraphrasing here, on tv the other day that the cbi and goi have to be at peace in order to finish the economic/monetary reforms. How can we give purchasing power with the goi being in disarray? 

Now we see Alak come out and say we need the goi to be in a good place? Just seems like finger pointing going on. 

Its like Mahdi went to Alak and asked him to make this tv speech. "Citizens. If you "BEHAVE" on Friday we will give you the RI. But if you don't, it will be delayed." <---- Never mind the fact that if the cbi (edit-added--> ) NEVER....TRULY intended to give them the RI prior to the 25th they would have. ENTER the USA, IMO. 

Iran has to be to be dealt with or made to comply. They cannot profit from this. Iran CAN NOT be allowed to run IRAQ. This is for the people. I am sad for the delay here but I am more than willing to wait for the PEOPLE to have the country and the life they deserve. 


^^^^^ That does not just hold true for the United States. It holds true for alllllll new world order & tyrant attempts to suppress and enslave its people.

Titus2 Mom4:  this had to happen to get rid of the Iranians in the government.

Cleitus:  I agree Titus! On 10-21-19 Frank mentioned, on Live Stream, that "Iranian influence will be dealt with on Friday" [10-25-19]...  Also, I had noted on 10-01-19 and I'm quoting from my notes, "USA (Trump) told GOI to start protests... to be led by Holy Man".  So these protests weren't as though we didn't expect them. 

IMO, this HAD to happen, as I've noted from Franks past conversations with us. There was a "plan" that had to be carried out in order to remove the Iranian influence from the GOI.  So how many left from the airport today? 300+.  Seems the plan is working. The down side is there are deaths..., unfortunately freedom comes with a cost!  God rest their souls!!!

I see these demonstrations as a big PLUS and seemingly after the dust settles in a few days we should be back on track by EOM! IMO!       

Iggy:  imo...we are still in the right time frame for a historic exchange rate change regardless what happens...

LoneStarCowboy:  ~I am reminded of Kim Clement's prophesy, "And God said, "when things seem at their worst, I shall bring it forth and I shall free them up. There shall be prosperity in a place where you least expect it."   LSC


TNT, Bix, Greg Hunter and SRU Friday PM 10-25-19


Frank26 Friday PM "Firefly77 Report at Ground Level" 10-25-19