Judy, MilitiaMan, SRU and more Monday 2-8-2021

RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 8 Feb. 2021

Compiled Mon. 8 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Chinese Elders and Military wanted the Shotgun Start to be as early as possible next week and to reach us in Tier 4B earlier than next Thurs.-Fri. 11-12 Feb, but this past week because of C19 pandemic conditions the Reno team have been understaffed (about 270 staff in Reno out of a normal 550) and have been working on settlements and closings on the upper level bond redemption packages, the liquidity from which would be down-streamed to lower levels along the 27 categories of payouts.

Account holds began to be removed and bond seller account payouts started on Sat 6 Feb at 9am PST. About 1,000 paymasters were down-streaming funds into Tier 3-4A accounts this weekend Sat-Sun 6-7 Feb. The 900 active military personnel will fulfill their mission that the interim military govt gave them to get the RV/GCR release done with a Shotgun Start some time next Wed-to-Fri 10-12 Feb.

The Tier 3-4A group leaders were in position in their banking centers and were told to expect a release sometime over the next 5-6 days (Wed-to-Fri 10-12 Feb.) The Military was in charge and would not let a problem arise to stop it.

Sun. 7 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

About 1,000 paymasters are down-streaming funds into Tier 3-4A accounts this weekend Sat-Sun 6-7 Feb.

Account holds began to be removed and bond seller account payouts (access to a percentage till Tier 4B notifications go out) started on Sat 6 Feb at 9am PST.

The 900 active military personnel will fulfill their mission that the interim military govt gave them to get the RV/GCR release done with a Shotgun Start some time next Wed-to-Fri 10-12 Feb.

The Military was in charge. It will not be stopped and the Military would not let a problem arise to stop it.

The Tier 3-4A group leaders were in position in their banking centers and were told to expect a release sometime over the next 5-6 days (Wed-to-Fri 10-12 Feb.)

They will get the 72-hour Shotgun Start initiated with the upper tier levels by Tues. 9 Feb and the process should reach lower levels including us in Tier 4B by about next Thurs-Fri 11-12 Feb for the Chinese New Year (USA Thu 11 Feb = China Fri 12 Feb).

The shotgun start consists of a 72 hour window in which the upper tiers Tier 1-3 get liquidity access across 27 categories of payouts, and then Tier 4A and we in Tier 4B receive our notifications to start exchanges within 72 hours of the upper levels beginning to receive liquidity access.

The Chinese Elders and Military want the shotgun start to be as early as possible next week and to reach us in Tier 4B earlier than next Thurs.-Fri. 11-12 Feb, but the Reno team, because of C19 pandemic conditions, have been understaffed (about 270 staff in Reno out of a normal 550) that have been working on settlements and closings on the upper level bond redemption packages this past week, the liquidity from which will be down-streamed to lower levels along the 27 categories of payouts.

The GameStop stock short selling by the Reddit group caused a $60-70 billion loss to Wall Street bankster hedge funds. Wall Street bank-controlled hedge funds are dirty and do the bidding of D*eep State banks to control markets for D*eep State banks.

Silver was the next market that small investors are going after to bankrupt the dirty bankster hedge funds, though the dirty hedge funds and the Wall Street bankers will fight back: e.g., silver was driven up 15% to $29 per oz by small investors by last Fri 29 Jan and then by Mon 1 Feb the dirty hedge funds had shorted silver through futures contracts so that the silver price fell about 14% to just above $25 per oz.

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RV/Intelligence Alert: "Replenish" -- June 1, 2019

Many Earth Alliance secret meetings held in the past were hosted in Monaco.

The plan to dismantle the Federal Reserve and fabricate a trade war between the US and China was created in 2010 by the Alliance.

The purpose of the US-China Trade War is to reset trade terms between nations and create fair trade.

The concept of NESARA originated from a farm claims case won in 1993.

Bill Clinton refused to sign NESARA into law and a covert operation occurred shortly after to force him to secretly sign it into law.

NESARA evolved into GESARA over time which is now a secret global treaty that all countries must comply with.

Multiple events are expected to occur creating a domino effect that will complete the transition to worldwide GESARA compliance.

Brexit will set an example for all European countries to return their sovereignty from the EU thus dismantling the EU.

The implosion of Deutsche Bank will cause the European stocks to collapse.

The declaration of martial law and the enactment of the Insurrection Act to begin mass indictments will cause US stocks to collapse.

These events will cause the global [fiat] financial system to crash and give reason to implement the new [quantum] financial system (QFS).

The QFS will replenish all necessary liquidity with gold-backed bonds.

All countries will be forced to use a gold-standard currency.

All currency rates will revalue based on each country's amount of physical gold.

The RV is expected to begin before the collapse begins.

The redemption of RV basket currencies will be transacted through the dormant QFS.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_8.html

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   This news is red hot.  Article:   "The World Bank: Iraq is experiencing its worst crisis since 2003...We put a large financial portfolio for it - Urgent"   ...The World Bank just came out this morning releasing an article screaming at us that Iraq is about to change the rate...the World Bank and the IMF are working with Iraq to bring forth the rate change.   It's over and done.  All you're waiting on is the fiscal year [March 2021]...this is red hot news!

MilitiaMan   ...BUNA is to go live on the TENTH.. The CBI has a new digital system they launched. The CBI states they have approved the new exchange rates. Well the first one was done already, the next rate change is to yet come out. But the CBI states they have approved the exchange rates. The BUNA system by charter will not interconnect to a Non - Article 8 Compliant Currency i am being told. So, the next move is imo to be Article 8 compliant. If they hold to the time frame of the TENTH, then this next week is an interesting one imo...


South Carolina State Bullion Depository!? New Sound Money Movement Sweeps The States

Silver report Uncut:  Feb 8, 2021

Several states have advanced bills to remove taxes from precious metals and two states have begun the process of establishing a bullion bank.

So far 39 states have taken some kind of action of taxation of precious metals and there has been some push back.

This started as a fringe movement but now the nation is embracing sound money like silver and gold, you would be a fool not to with the insane money printing.



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