"JFK Jr. Faked His Owh Death and is Planning a Return?" Posted by Earthfirst at TNT


Earthfirst:  JFK Jr. Faked His Own Death With the Help Of ‘Master Chess Player’ Donald Trump—And He’s Planning His  Return Apparently

Max Page    May 24, 2020

There’s a growing number of US citizens who believe JFK Jr. faked his own death as part of a political “master chess game” that he’s playing with Donald Trump.

Stay with us here as the theory gets curiouser and curiouser the deeper you fall down the Alt-right rabbit hole.

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JFK Jr. perished in a tragic accident on July 16, 1999, along with wife Carolyn Basset and sister-in-lawLauren, after the single-engine aircraft he was piloting crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Their bodies were recovered by navy divers on July 21, about eight miles from shore, and their cremated remains were buried at sea the next day.

Adding further to the tragedy, JFK Jr.’s cousin and childhood best friend, Anthony Radziwell, died from sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, just weeks later.

Not so fast though! Apparently, they all faked their deaths and are very much alive and kicking. In fact, John-John and Anthony have been sharing the same secret persona, that of Pittsburgh-based Trump super-fan, Vincent Fusca, many out and proud Deplorables claim.

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According to believers, there are actually TWO different Vicent Fuscas, both of which, separately, frequently turn up at Trump rallies, standing behind 45, and making covert “Q” signals.

To the untrained eye, both Vincents look like the same person, but a number of YouTube “truth warriors” have spent hours pouring over footage of the Hispanic looking hirsute former financial services professional, carrying out painstaking face matching analysis in their bid to prove their theory.

The main difference, apparently, is the height, with JFK Jr. Vincent standing taller than Anthony Vincent.

Fusca first cropped up at a Trump rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on July 24, 2017—and he wasn’t alone. Believers claim that he was flanked by a surgically altered Carolyn, who stood by her man, cheering, clapping, and throwing Q signs like an Alt-Right O.G.

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The mysterious JFK Jr. Fusca waited almost a year before making his next appearance (well, after 21 years out of the limelight he’s clearly invested in the long game and is in no hurry to “red pill” the general public…..slowy slowy catchy monkey and all that….) His second foray into the public arena occurred at another Trump rally, this time in Moon Township, Pennsylvania, on March 10, 2018.

This time Fusca was accompanied by Carolyn AND Lauren, who stood separately from him in the crowd, but still front and center behind Trump.

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Enter Cordicon, a YouTube creator of the series “Who is R? JFK Jr.” who notes that on the first day Fusca was “analyzed” at the Youngstown rally, “Q” posted one of their infamously ambiguous riddle-like “crumbs”, which he paraphrases as “How many times does it need to happen before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait till you learn who you are talking to.”

“It was not till July that people started asking, ‘who is this clown?’ And a lot of people started out with Seth Rich.” Cordicon says. 

For those not in the know, Seth Rich was a Democratic staffer who was shot and killed in the early hours of July 10, 2016, following an altercation with two men in the street as he walked home from a Washington D.C. bar.

Authorities immediately linked Rich’s death to a number of armed robberies that had occurred in the neighborhood just prior to his shooting—a total of seven in a six weeks period–but the fact that the 27-year-old was found with his wallet and other valuables on him quickly led to outside speculation that robbery was not the motivation for the attack.

Just three days after the murder a post appeared on a random new website called “WhatDoesItMean.com” (it’s since disappeared into the ether again), claiming Rich was actually gunned down by assassins working for Hillary Clinton, as he was allegedly about to blow the lid on a corruption scandal involving her family.

According to Federal prosecutors, on the same day that the website sprung up, the Russian intelligence agency, SVR circulated a bulletin containing the exact same claims. Soviet state-owned television stations, “Sputnik”, and “RT” immediately seized the story and further propagated it throughout the country.

In the US “Fox News” quickly jumped on the bandwagon, posting an online report alleging Rich had passed on confidential emails to Wikileaks, a claim they retracted a week later after determining it fell short of reporting standards, however, pundits and leading conservatives discussed the story for months after and it quickly became a “fact” for many in the Alt-right.

Presumably, given the musings about Fusca possibly being Rich, he also faked his own death, as it seems nobody actually ever dies in this day and age.

Rich would soon be passed over in favor of another Fusca identity contender, however, as the grounds for JFK Jr.’s re-emergence from the dead were already being laid, starting with a “Q” posting on April 8, 2018:

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Once again, for those not in the know, “Q” is an anonymous figure who first appeared, posting cryptic messages on 4Chan, back in November 2017. Q is alleged to be the pseudonym of a high ranking US government official who claims to have insider knowledge of a “deep state” conspiracy to bring down Donald Trump, orchestrated by his many enemies.

Q’s posts sparked the QAnon movement, the supporters of which believe Trump’s enemies are running a powerful and worldwide global pedophile ring and that when Q finally reveals his true identity “The Storm” will occur, culminating in Trump arresting all of the evil-doers and shipping them off to Guantanamo Bay.

The Q posts tend to be headache-inducing riddles and ambiguous rambles packed full of “keywords” and rich in symbolism that followers spend hours deciphering.

The mystery deepened on June 23, 2018 when a posting from a mysterious “R” appeared. The post alluded to be from JFK Jr. and alleged that he staged his own death allied with the one person in this world he deemed “honorable” enough to trust.

Donald J Trump.

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It was a clear message to the QAnon movement that JFK Jr. was alive and kicking, and planning his return to the limelight, along with the downfall of those who orchestrated his father’s death, with the help of his old buddy, Trump.

Then on July 4, just before Q vanished for “20 days of darkness” there was another “drop” of information.

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Can’t they just speak in plain English for once?!!!!

Not surprisingly, the Qanon movement went into overdrive, analyzing, and theorizing what the random message could mean. Eventually, they rested on the conclusion that the last line was in reference to an interview JFK Jr. did with Katie Couric just prior to his death, where she plays a clip from the show ‘Look Here” during which President Kennedy talks about his desire for his son to go into a career in politics.

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I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted.

“People theorized after that that maybe JFK Jr. faked his death and has been in some form of witness protection and now is part of the Q military intelligence operation,” a QAnon insider, who asked to remain anonymous following a series of death threats, tells us. 

“Regardless, if he’s alive or not, there were a lot of reports and inconsistencies that don’t add up regarding his plane crash.

“We also know JR vowed to find and bring justice to his father’s killers and said he would do it even if he had to take down the entire government. His father knew there was a criminal cabal that had infiltrated the government which included the SEE EYE @ [that’s the CIA for all you non-red pilled sheep out there].

“President Kennedy said he wanted to splinter that agency into a thousand pieces. Some people believe Bush Sr, former head of that agency, played a big role in his murder. Furthermore, there’s a theory Jr named his magazine George to expose his father’s killer.

“Q never said Jr is alive. Q posted he’s not alive. However, some people believe that was strategic disinformation because Q has also said disinfo is necessary.”

Last year there was a lot of excited chatter within the Alt-right movement that JFK Jr. would be making his grand reappearance into society on July 4th. An anonymous source claimed their relative worked at Mt. Rushmore and that employees had been pre-warned of a “huge” event happening, one that would ‘rock the world’ and challenge everything the public had been led to believe. People quickly jumped on the claim and speculation grew that it signaled the second coming of JFK Jr.

However, July 4 came and went and there was no great awakening, and not even a peek of John-John.

“Q never said Jr would appear on July 4, 2019. I have no idea where that rumor started,” our source says. “However, Jr did curiously put an article in George magazine before his death discussing what the 2020 political landscape would look like. He also suggested George would re-emerge in 2020. 

“More curiously, there is a media company that recently popped up called George News. They use the same tag line as the magazine ‘Not Politics As Usual’. Furthermore, their news site appears to have unprecedented access to the White House. 

“A great question to ask is who runs it and does it have any affiliation to Jr’s old magazine? Furthermore, it’s interesting that George News promotes Q.”

Interesting? Coincidence? Propaganda to fit the dialogue? You decide.

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Meanwhile, how does Vincent Fusca tie in? He appears to be a polarizing figure within the movement, with many believing he’s JFK Jr. others disputing the claim, and others sitting firmly on the fence and hedging their bets.

“There is a guy who regularly goes to MAGA events named Vincent Fusca,” the source says. “It’s clear he’s not Jr because he’s too short to be him. However, there was one Trump rally where a different guy dressed up as Fusca and he did resemble Jr. So who was this guy and why are there two different people posing as Fusca?

“If he is alive, he will not remain in hiding. He will go public and tell his story at the right time and there will be more soft disclosure on him until then.”

Grab the popcorn folks, this story has clearly only just started.



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