Iraqi News Sunday AM 2-21-21

Iraqi News Sunday AM 2-21-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Member Of Parliamentary Finance: The Visit Of The Region’s Delegation Was Positive, And There Was A Great Deal Of Convergence To Settle The Kurdistan Region’s Share Of The Budget

Sunday 21, February 2021 12:26 | Economical Views: 309   Baghdad / NINA / A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, on Sunday, Sherwan Mirza confirmed the continuation of the dialogues between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the political parties to finish preparing the articles of the draft federal budget law for 2021.

Mirza said in a statement that: The last visit of the negotiating delegation to the Kurdistan Regional Government was positive and there was convergence A big deal to settle the Kurdistan region’s share of the budget.

He added that: There are mutual proposals between the political parties and the negotiating delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and we are waiting for a joint agreement that will settle the share of the Kurdistan region from the federal budget for the year 2021.

Mirza pointed out that: The atmosphere is positive and I imagine that the next few days will witness the completion of the preparation of the articles of the federal budget bill for the year 2021./ End 3

Parliamentary Integrity: $ 600 Billion Smuggled By Iraqi Officials, Under False Names, To International Banks

16:25 - 02/21/2021   Information / Special ..On Sunday, the Parliamentary Integrity Committee revealed that there are between 450 to 600 billion dollars in foreign banks, which are Iraqi funds that were smuggled abroad, indicating that the committee intends to recover it. Suspect

A member of the Integrity Committee, Abdul Amir Al-Mayahi, told Al-Maalouma that "influential personalities and officials in the political process have smuggled money out of Iraq from 2003 until now with fake names placed in those banks and the names of their relatives."

He added that "the size of this money is estimated at 450 to 600 billion dollars," noting that "the funds are huge and it could contribute significantly to solving the Iraq crisis ."

Al-Mayahi explained that "the committee is hosting the head of the money recovery department in the government for the purpose of travel and forming a committee to follow up on those funds and recover them to Iraq ."

E-Learning And The Digital Economy

Sunday February 21, 2021  76  Yasser Al-Metwally   The difference in viewpoints regarding e-learning (via distance) in Iraq remains despite its importance and priority for our Arab and regional surroundings at least, given that the developed countries have passed rapid stages in this regard.

This indicator raises surprise at a time when steps towards digitalization are escalating in most educational, service and economic activities around the world, away from global experiences that have surpassed this aspect at an accelerated pace and close to the experiences of our Arab surroundings, as there is no room for diligence regarding the importance of distance education in any case.

The (Covid-19) pandemic has imposed the need to enter the method of distance education, and the experiment has succeeded in varying degrees in Iraq between the governorates, this was during the past school year and during periods of complete quarantine.

Now, school and college attendance has returned with the beginning of the current academic year, which has been characterized by the continuing practice of distance education, at different rates as well.

With the start of Iraq’s precautionary measures to confront the potential second wave of the epidemic, which necessitated the suspension of work hours and the completion of the school season through distance education, regardless of the importance of the education sector in the field of transformation towards the digital age (digital economy) as the basis for implementing digital transformation programs, the need requires accreditation.

Completely according to this method and advanced civilizational approach, given that the time period for the end of the epidemic is not known until this moment except for the global trend towards it.

For this, the state as a whole and the education sectors must intensify efforts and work continuously to provide infrastructure for distance education, especially the organized and fast internet and the possibility of allocating it free of charge to the educational sector, to encourage it for its importance in rapidly spreading the culture of e-learning, as well as providing the requirements and technologies of education through Investing electronic applications and programs in preparing, converting and translating curricula electronically, and leaving the culture of direct study, because the world is in an accelerated race towards the era of digitization, imposed by international changes, technological development and the new global economic system.

Moreover, this great transformation requires benefiting from the experiences and expertise of countries in this field and from international training centers and integrating the elements of education into these courses, with the aim of the success of the distance education experience in Iraq. The degree of competition between them.

We need a strong will, complete conviction and belief in the inevitability of moving towards the era of digitization to keep pace with global development.   LINK

COVID-19: 13 Fatalities And 3,273 New Cases In Iraq Today

2021-02-20 08:50   Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Health and environment registered 13 fatalities, 3,273 new cases and 1978 recoveries of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours.

The cumulative count of cases has reached 664,750, including 616,507 recoveries and 13,245 fatalities.

Amid the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the Country, the Government imposed a partial and total lockdown, closed public sites, prohibited gatherings, and shifted to online learning in schools and universities instead of in-person attendance.

Iraq’ Oil Exports To The United States Increased In Second Week Of February

2021-02-20 01:15   Shafaq News / The Energy Information Administration (EIA) Data showed, on Saturday, that Iraq’s export oil to the United States increased to 227 thousand bpd after recording zero.

EIA stated in a report, "The United States oil exports recorded 5.218 million bpd in second week of February."

The top three source countries of U.S. import oil are Canada (3.681 million bpd), Mexico (471 thousand bpd), Columbia (346 thousand bpd) and Saudi Arabia (237 thousand bpd). "

It indicated that "US imports of crude oil from Nigeria 70 thousand bpd and Ecuador 186 thousand bpd."

Iraq is the second–largest crude oil producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) after Saudi Arabia, and it holds the world’s fifth–largest proved crude oil reserves. Most of Iraq’s major known fields–all of which are located onshore–are producing or are in development.

Iraq's $2 Bil Oil Prepayment Deal With Zhenhua Delayed Pending Official Approval: SOMO

Before The Historic Visit ... Launching The Hashtag "Pope In Iraq"

Editing date: 2/21/2021 14:31 • 80 read times  [Baghdad-Where]  The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities announced, on Sunday, the launch of a hashtag on social media sites entitled "The Pope in Iraq" in conjunction with the upcoming historic visit.

The ministry said in a statement, it is "fired tag (# Alababa_vi_alarac), welcomed the historic forthcoming visit on the fifth of next March , the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church in the world of Pope Francis to Iraq.

According to the statement," the launch of this tag (Alhastek) comes in implementation of one of the proposals approved At the meeting of the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, Dr. Hassan Nazim, with the General Directors, last Tuesday.

Parliamentary Security: Corruption Of Controls And Outlets Behind The Flow Of Importers

Pratha News Agency70 2021-02-21  A member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, MP Kata Al-Rikabi, confirmed, on Sunday, that corruption in the checkpoints and outlets is behind the flow of the importer to the Iraqi market.

Al-Rikabi said in a press statement that “protecting the local product is important in different directions, the most prominent of which is preserving the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who know in agriculture, industry, and other related professions,” stressing that “the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee pressed for support of the product with a series Important meetings with all security leaders in the Ministries of Defense and Interior.

Al-Rikabi added, "Corruption in the checkpoints and outlets stands behind the importer's flow to the markets of Iraq, stressing that we had important observations, especially about the northern ports and the necessity to confront any attempts to smuggle the prohibited crops and goods and for everyone to have a national stance in support of the national economy by warding off the negative repercussions of the importer that Paying another setback for the agricultural and industrial sectors together.

A member of the Parliamentary Security Committee indicated that "the importer will persist if he does not address the corruption file from its roots in accordance with firm and deterrent measures."

Iraq suffers from the influx of imported materials and the flooding of the markets, which led to severe harm to the national product, especially agricultural.

Kurdish MP: The Kurdistan Government Refuses To Open A Branch Of The Financial Supervision Bureau

Pratha News Agency90 2021-02-21

Change Movement MP Ghalib Muhammad accused the Kurdistan Regional Government of working to perpetuate thefts by refusing to open a branch of the Financial Supervision Bureau in the region.

Muhammad said in a press interview, "Opening a branch of the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau in the Kurdistan region will mean identifying all financial revenues that enter Kurdistan through oil exports, outlets, taxes and others."

He added that "the regional government wants to keep these numbers unknown, so that the thefts continue, so the KRG delegation refuses to agree to settle financial matters and open a branch of the Office of Supervision, and this essential point is what impedes the final agreement on the budget and fixing the share of Kurdistan."

He pointed out that "the region does not disclose the number of its real exports of oil, which exceed 500 thousand barrels, except for those who flee by trucks, and the Federal Supervision Bureau does not know the revenues of the ports and also the financial taxes that ministries and institutions collect."

Despite the frequent visits of the delegations of the Kurdistan region to Baghdad, but so far no agreement has been reached regarding fixing the region's share in the budget, due to the request of members of the political blocs to hand over all of Kurdistan’s oil to the federal government.


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