Iraqi News Saturday AM 2-13-21

Iraqi News Saturday AM 2-13-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The parliamentary call calls for reducing the dollar exchange rate and including this in the budget

Posted On 2021-02-13 By Sotaliraq The head of the parliamentary Dawa Party bloc, Khalaf Abd al-Samad Khalaf, called today, Friday, to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar and to include this in the draft federal budget law.

Abdul Samad said in a tweet to him on Twitter, "With the rise in the price of oil, we stand by the popular calls to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar and include this in the budget to be applicable, and we affirm that the citizen’s economic level is a red line that cannot be crossed. LINK

Representative Energy: The 2021 Budget Deficit Will End With Oil Crossing The $ 60 Per Barrel Barrier

17:12 - 02/13/2021   Information / Special ...The Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee confirmed, on Saturday, that the budget deficit will vanish and end if the price of a barrel of oil exceeds the barrier of $ 60 per barrel.

Bite of the Oil and Energy Committee, Zahra Al-Bajari, said to / the information / that "the budget deficit has decreased greatly to approximately 25 trillion after the adjustments made to the budget."

She added, "The situation is promising with the slow escalation of oil prices," noting that "the 2021 budget deficit will diminish if oil continues to rise and surpasses the $ 60 per barrel barrier and exports not less than 3 million barrels."

And she continued, "The continuation of the rise to the end of 2021, it is possible that there will be an abundance, but the fluctuations are not constant and unpredictable in global oil prices."

Representative economy: Violations of the Investment Commission in granting land around the airport

Time: 02/13/2021 12:22:17 Read: 1,703 times   {Baghdad: Al-Furat News} The Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, with close follow-up from the Subcommittee on Investment, identified violations and waste of public money that the previous administration of the National Investment Commission had established the granting of lands within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport to foreign and local companies, the last of which is known as a project for the role of Baghdad housing that was referred To an investment company and under the auspices of the officials of the previous body.

In a statement, the Euphrates News Agency received a copy of it today, the committee stated that “the National Investment Authority has assigned lands of (1600) donums within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport to that company,

taking advantage of the state’s preoccupation with combating the Corona pandemic and within the previous caretaker government’s period by invoking false offers.

It was opened on an official holiday, July 14, 2020, and it was granted an investment license within one week without obtaining the approvals of the sectoral authorities, and it is about 16 parties, including the Baghdad Municipality and the Civil Aviation Authority, and without there being a secretion of those lands, and the horizontal construction requires obtaining the approval of the Committee Supreme design foundation.

The statement confirmed, "Parliamentary Resolution No. 30 of July 2, 2019, demanded the government to stop granting investment licenses to lands located within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport until verification by the competent parliamentary committee."

And she continued, "Despite the request of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee to stop the procedures for granting residential lands within the limits of the basic design with a symbolic allowance for contravening the provisions of Article (9 / VI) of the amended Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, and the Prime Minister, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the National Investment Authority were approached.

Responsibility for implementing Regulation No. 6 of 2017 that violates the provisions of the Investment Law and called for its amendment and informed all investment agencies, state real estate, the Baghdad Municipality and all sectoral agencies, and that continuing to work with it means the loss of state assets with small amounts and a waste of public money estimated at tens of billions of dollars.

He added, "Each of the Federal Office of Financial Supervision supported by its letter No. 12205 on 9/28/2020 the correctness of our committee's diagnosis of a defect in the system and that it contradicts the provisions of the amended Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 as well as the support of the State Council," pointing out that "the Investment Subcommittee has established By approaching the Prime Minister’s office, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Finance, the Baghdad Municipality and the Federal Integrity Commission, and she requested that the procedures be stopped, but without any response.

He continued, "We have submitted news and a complaint to the Integrity Investigation Court in Al-Karkh according to Book No. (93) on 08/26/2020 and the case is still pending before the judiciary according to the letter of the Office of the Head of Integrity Commission No. Office / Q.M / 715/33 in 2020 / 10/6.

The committee clarified that "after the current administration took over the authority and in its first hosting in our committee on 12/10/2020, we asked it to provide us with the results of the investigation into the licenses that were granted in the year 2020 and the licenses granted within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport, including a project license for the residential role and promised us to send the results of those Investigations within 21 days, but it has not sent any of those investigations to this day despite the constant assurances and our request to the Commission to stop any works for the license of the Baghdad residential project, so that the government does not bear compensation for the investor for these works.

The committee noted, "It seems that there are those who want to destroy the Iraqi economy !! And we are surprised today by the Minister of Interior laying the foundation stone for the project without the presence of a representative from the National Investment Commission, despite all the violations and suspicions of corruption and waste of public money marred by the project's assignment, as the real value of the land It amounts to (Cool trillion Iraqi dinars, which has been estimated at a rate of (2%) of its value in the theft of public money in broad daylight and in view of the Prime Minister, the Judicial Council, the Integrity Commission, the Financial Supervision Bureau and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives. "

She appealed to "the political blocs in the Alliance of Saeron and Fatah, and in particular to mention His Eminence, Muqtada al-Sadr, to intervene and stop this project and other corrupt projects that drain the Iraqis' money."    LINK

Al-Halbousi: Parliament rejected salary deductions and passed the legislation of the Federal Court law

Time: 02/13/2021 11:11:09 Read: 2,938 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, confirmed today, Saturday, that the House of Representatives rejected salary deductions and is proceeding with the legislation of the Federal Court law.

In his speech during the official memorial ceremony for the Iraqi Martyr’s Day, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of the Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim (may his secret be sanctified), in the presence of the three presidencies and political and diplomatic elites, Al-Halbousi said, “We still have a lot to realize the ambitions that were delayed due to the fierce terrorist attack we faced.

On the one hand, and corruption persisted on the other hand, until our efforts faltered, the promising country’s project was delayed, services declined to an unreasonable extent, and reconstruction projects were delayed and a lot of time, effort and money were wasted.

He added, "The time has come to support the national forces to get Iraq out of its ordeal, to achieve the reform project represented by getting rid of the remnants of terrorism and corruption, to achieve the prestige of the state by confining weapons, and to prevent uncontrolled weapons to ensure the security of citizens and the political process and not to interfere in the election results, and to limit its power in the hands of the state." To confront terrorism and organized crime, and to enhance the capabilities of our security and military forces. "

Al-Halbousi added: “We are preparing for early elections that will establish a new phase, because these days are considered an important watershed in the history of the political process. .

He pointed out that "the House of Representatives rejected all the deductions raised in the draft budget by the citizen, in order not to add a new concern to his accumulated concerns."

He pointed out that "the suffering of the displaced and the fate of the absentees cannot be overlooked, and the need to stand on the violations that citizens are subjected to here and there as a result of the uncontrolled weapon, which has begun to constitute a worrying phenomenon for the citizen and the state."

The Speaker of Parliament stated that "the impact of the economic downturn will not be limited to the livelihood of the citizen, but will also undermine - if its deterioration continues - all the efforts that were made in the last phase to build the state."

He stressed that "the work of the House of Representatives from the beginning of its session and through the stage of demanding demonstrations, which the people called for in an approach that is not easy, and our steps were balanced between what the citizen aspires to and what the constitutional and legal frameworks require."

He concluded: "I find this occasion and this meeting the best opportunity for openness about the formulation of perceptions about the current and future stage, and in the presence of this elite elite of leaders and decision-makers, especially as we approach the date set by the House of Representatives to vote on the budget and vote on amending the Federal Court Law and the legislation paving the way for the establishment of Free and fair elections. "   LINK

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Receives Ambassadors Of The Countries Of The Economic Contact Group In Support Of Iraq

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, received today, Saturday, the ambassadors of the countries of the Economic Contact Group in support of Iraq.

During the meeting, His Excellency reviewed the latest developments related to government steps in the field of economic reform, the completion of the white reform paper, and the inclusion of related concepts in the general federal budget law, which is now presented to the House of Representatives.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of government measures to address the chronic problems afflicting the Iraqi economy, and their link to corruption and mismanagement.

His Excellency said: The reform paper carries a future vision towards building an advanced Iraqi economy that stimulates local production in the industrial, agricultural and other sectors, provides job opportunities, and optimizes Iraq's human and material energies.

Mr. Al-Kazemi also indicated that the government is taking steps to combat corruption despite the great pressures that hinder this file as a result of damage to the interests of those who have been living illegally on state resources for many years.

His Excellency stressed the need to activate the outputs of the international conferences held in this regard, in order to turn into concrete steps that are in the interest of the Iraqi economy, and to provide a decent life for the citizen.

The ambassadors of the Economic Contact Group, headed by Germany and the European Union, in addition to the World Bank, praised the importance of the steps taken by the government to implement reform, and expressed their willingness to work according to the priorities set by Iraq to support the reform process and anti-corruption efforts.

Information Office of the Prime Minister  13 -Feb-2021

Al-Kazemi: The Government Is Taking Steps To Combat Corruption Despite The Great Pressures

Political| 03:50 - 13/02/2021   Baghdad - Mawazine News The Prime Minister confirmed, on Saturday, that the government is taking steps to combat corruption, despite the great pressures that hinder this file.

A statement by Al-Kazemi's office said in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of, that "the latter received the ambassadors of the countries of the Economic Contact Group supporting Iraq, and during the meeting, according to a statement by his office, he reviewed the latest developments related to government steps in the field of economic reform, the completion of the preparation of the white reform paper, and the inclusion of concepts. Related to it in the general federal budget law now before the House of Representatives.

According to the statement, the Prime Minister stressed "the importance of government measures to address the chronic problems afflicting the Iraqi economy, and their link to corruption and mismanagement," indicating that "the reform paper carries a future vision towards building an advanced Iraqi economy that stimulates local production in the industrial, agricultural and other sectors," It provides employment opportunities, and invests human and material capacities of Iraq face optimal.

He said to "move the government in steps to fight corruption despite the great pressures that hinder this file as a result of damage to the interests of the remaining subsisted on the resources of the state illegally for many years."

He stressed the necessity of activating The outputs of the international conferences held in this regard, in order to turn into concrete steps in the interest of the Iraqi economy, and to provide a decent life for the citizen.

The ambassadors of the Economic Contact Group, chaired by Germany and the European Union, in addition to the World Bank, praised the importance of the steps taken by the government to implement reform, and expressed their willingness to work according to the priorities set by Iraq to support the reform process and efforts to combat corruption. Ended 29 / h

An Economist Calls For Investing In The Ministerial Economic Reform Initiative

Saturday 13, February 2021 11:24 | Economical Views: 314  Baghdad / NINA / Economic expert Safwan Qusay called for investing in the ministerial economic reform initiative to re-evaluate some financial and administrative laws.

Qusay said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ): "In light of the growing need for comprehensive economic reform, the government has begun to launch a comprehensive economic reform process headed by the Prime Minister, and it is necessary to invest these efforts to reassess some financial and administrative laws,

in addition to creating a kind of fair competition between The general government sector and the private sector to manage wealth and revitalize the international investment sector in the local environment to exploit the idle youth energies and reduce poverty rates in Iraq, which possesses the tools for advancement in all economic sectors.

Qusay also called for "removing the corrupt and the corrupt from positions of responsibility and putting the state men in positions of responsibility, and they are many."

He added: "The technical measures necessary to achieve this are broad, but they must be comprehensive and based on free ideas that do not search for private interests and proceed from the vision of economic integration with the countries of the region and between federal ministries and with the local and international private sector and stimulate the process of organizing the informal private sector."

He continued: The reform is supposed to take place from within the economic units and from outside, calling for real reform that transcends failure and rises to Iraq without hesitation.


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