Iraqi News Monday AM 3-8-21

Iraqi News Monday AM 3-8-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance Excludes The Return Of The Dollar Price And Reveals: Entities Have Set A Condition For Passing The Budget

Author: AhadNA2 On 3/8/2021 - 3:28 PM  87  The Parliamentary Finance Committee ruled out, on Monday (March 8, 2021), the return of the dollar exchange rate against the dinar, while indicating that the parties have set a condition for passing the budget.

Committee member Jamal Cougar said in a press statement, that "there are those who link the budget to the legislation of the Federal Court Law, and this is not correct," indicating that "the Kurdish representatives did not threaten to boycott the elections at all if the budget was not approved."

He added that "the budget depends on the parties that linked the budget with the Federal Court Law, and these authorities threatened that the budget was not approved without legislation of the Federal Court Law," noting that "the return of the exchange rate is impossible and will not happen."

Today, Monday (March 8, 2021), the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee revealed a parliamentary tendency to restore the dollar’s ​​exchange rate to 1,300 dinars, while indicating that Parliament will discuss the budget, especially the exchange rate clause next Thursday.

A Parliamentary Move To Restore The Dollar’s ​​Exchange Rate To 1,300 Dinars

Author: AhadNA2 On 3/8/2021 - 10:38 AM 65   The Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee revealed, on Monday, a parliamentary tendency to restore the exchange rate of the dollar to 1,300 dinars, while indicating that Parliament will discuss the budget next Thursday.

Committee member Ali Saadoun Ghulam said in a press statement, "The parliament session next Thursday will be devoted to discussing the general budget inside the parliament in the main hall," indicating that "the session will deal with the paragraph on the exchange rate for the dollar."

He added, "Opinions are heading towards the return of the exchange rate to 130 and a gradual compromise and vote on the exchange rate," noting that "if Parliament votes on the exchange rate decision, it will be binding on the Minister of Finance and the government.

Ghulam asserted, "I think that the exchange rate will return to 130 and he will vote on it in the Iraqi parliament."

On March 3, 2021, the Presidency of Parliament called on the deputies to take a serious and urgent stand to restore the previous price of the dollar, indicating that it had a negative impact on the citizen and economic stability in general.

Barzani: I Support Al-Kazemi To Hold A National Dialogue To Reach A Final Agreement Between Baghdad And Erbil

Editing date: 3/8/2021 15:10 • 61 read times  [Erbil-Where]  The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, announced on Monday his support for the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, for holding a national dialogue, reaching a final agreement and developing radical solutions to the problems of the Kurdistan region with the federal government.

Nechirvan Barzani said in a tweet on "Twitter": "I support the invitation of the Prime Minister, Mr. Al-Kazemi, to hold a national dialogue between the various Iraqi parties and to conduct a real and deep dialogue in order to reach a final agreement and develop radical solutions to the problems of the Kurdistan Region with the Iraqi federal government in accordance with the constitution."

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi called today, in a speech on the occasion of the Pope's departure, for a dialogue on a final agreement between the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Al-Kazemi Calls For A National Dialogue To Achieve The Aspirations Of The Iraqi People

Monday 08, March 2021 13:02 | PoliticalViews: 382  BAGHDAD / Nina / called on Prime Minister Mustafa Kazemi, a national dialogue to be a conduit for the achievement of the aspirations of the Iraqi people and said Kazmi in a speech to the Iraqis on the occasion of the conclusion of the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Iraq: " with all the hospitality and appreciation and let the people of Iraq today, Pope Francis, such as Receive him with love, generosity and human authenticity. "

He added, "This dear, generous visit, with all the signs of welcome and national unanimity that it was full of the success of its noble purposes, represented a bright point that embodied the essence of our loving, sincere, civilized people who believed in the values ​​of justice and peace."

He Kazmi: "I got a message to His Holiness the Pope all over the world, a touring heart filled with the spirit of hope in Iraq beloved cities, and reached our message to all the peoples of the earth to say:

We are the people of Iraq .. the people and the history of civilization, I Amos NinaMany wars .. and blood spilled on our land until it dwindled .. and death spread throughout decades its black shadows in our homes..and the ravages of weapons, corruption, terrorism and hatred ravaged our lands, but our authentic metal did not rust, because the spirit of life, love of peace and adherence to human values ​​did not rust.

We have nothing but great human meanings ... We have lived together for more than six thousand years ago and we are still together. "

He pointed out: "Iraq is facing a real opportunity to restore its historical role in the region and the world despite all obstacles and challenges, and we, as a government, are committed to the will of our people to achieve security, peace, reconstruction and prosperity. We hold on to some of us the multiplicity of our religions, doctrines and nationalities as the hands of His Eminence Sistani and His Holiness the Pope, Iraq.

The message of humanity and peace, Iraq is the crown of tolerance, and Baghdad is the city of peace and the platform of the intellectual movement, and on the basis of this historical responsibility, and in the atmosphere of love and tolerance promoted by the visit of His Holiness the Pope to the land of Iraq, the land of Mesopotamia. ".

He also called on political forces and parties to give priority to the interests of the homeland and to move away from the language of convulsive rhetoric and political fallacy, to prepare for the success of early elections, and to give our people the opportunity to hope and trust in the state and the democratic system.

The Prime Minister called on all the different political forces, popular and youth protesters, and opponents of the government, to the table of responsible dialogue before our people and before history.

Al-Kazemi addressed the youth, saying: “Our Iraqi youth, our youth everywhere, realize the scale of your suffering, your ambitions, and the injustice that befell you, but we have to be patient and unite, for the sake of Iraq and for the sake of the homeland and for the sake of the future that befits our generations, and this is why the government needs enough time to protect Iraq.

And arranging our national Iraqi home, "stressing:" The tension in the situation is not in the interest of the country, and sufficient time must be given to the government to build on the achievements during the past period, and to secure the elections on sober and fair bases. "

And he called, in all sincerity, of the opposition to an open and frank dialogue with the government on the basis of the country's interest, security and sovereignty, and on the basis of preserving the security of Iraq, supporting the state and the rule of law.

He pointed out that "the strategic dialogue initiated by the government on arrangements for cooperation with the international coalition is based mainly on creating the environment and timings for the removal of all combat forces from the land of Iraq, within the framework of agreed-upon technical mechanisms while preserving the best relations with the coalition countries, in a manner that guarantees the sovereignty and security of Iraq." ".

Regarding the relationship with the Kurdistan region, Al-Kazemi called for a true and deep national dialogue, at all official, party and popular levels, to reach a framework for a final agreement on the relationship between the central government and the Kurdistan region in a way that preserves the unity of the Iraqi territories and addresses the accumulated problems radically.

And on foreign relations, between: “The government, since its formation, has embarked on restoring Iraq's external relations and founding to restore Iraq to its natural position and its regional weight internationally, and we have made advanced steps in this field.

The visit of His Holiness the Pope was to reinforce these steps. And communication between many countries in the region, and there is an international readiness to support Iraq in the economic reform project, after we succeeded in crossing the economic crisis. "

He called on all Iraqi brothers, neighbors and friends to: "consolidate the values ​​of peace and cooperation among the countries of the region and banish the specter of wars, differences and conflicts that will not serve our peoples of a common history."

Al-Kazemi affirmed: "Iraq is fully prepared to play an effective role in devoting the calm and opening the doors for dialogue to solve the region’s crises, and for everyone to be partners in development not a focus of disagreement and conflicts. Iraq insisted on its refusal to be an arena for external conflicts." The only acceptable one for our people and Iraq. "

He continued: "On your behalf, I extend my thanks and appreciation to all those who contributed to the success of the historic visit of His Holiness the Pope to the land of Iraq, from governmental institutions, popular events and political forces, and I thank on your behalf all of you His Holiness the Pope who loved Iraq and the people of Iraq, and touched on the kindness, depth and authenticity of this great and powerful people with its diversity,

We thank His Holiness for every word of fairness towards our people, every call for dialogue, tolerance and peace that he delivered throughout our beloved Iraq, and for every emotional interaction with the challenges that this people faces.

Al-Kazemi concluded his speech by saying: “You are Iraq, on your footsteps human civilizations lived, converging and spreading love, thought and science. You are Sumer, Babylon, Emphasized and Assyria. You are the extension of the past with the present and the future. Iraq

Two Reasons Threaten The Iraqi People To Increase The Poverty Rate To 50%

Author: AhadNA2 On 3/8/2021 - 10:54 AM 94   The economic expert, Wissam Al-Tamimi, stated that the government's continuation of the policy of raising the dollar exchange rate will lead to an increase in the poverty rate from 30 to 50 percent, pointing out that what increases this percentage is the curfew imposed by the government.

Al-Tamimi said in a press statement, "The government's decisions related to raising the dollar exchange rate increased the suffering of the citizen, and brought benefits to some companies owned by politicians."

He added that "the poverty rate in Iraq will rise from 30 to 50 percent by the end of this year, especially with the continuation of the decision to raise the dollar exchange rate, as well as the curfew imposed by the government under the pretext of prevention and avoiding the increase in Corona infections."

And that "oil prices have recovered again and there is a great renaissance in the countries of the world and the return of factories and factories to work, which will raise the price of a barrel of oil to more than $ 75 next summer, which will achieve the government's ambition to achieve financial abundance and overcome the deficit and even prepare a supplementary budget in a continuous time." It has an economic blockade on the people, as the rise in the price of oil must coincide with the devaluation of the dollar.

Dollar Prices Are Rising Again

Time: 03/08/2021 11:28:13 Read: 4,979 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The exchange rates of the dollar rose today, Monday, on the main stock exchange in Baghdad.

Al-Kifah Central Stock Exchange in Baghdad recorded 145400 Iraqi dinars against 100 US dollars, and Al-Harithiya Stock Exchange registered 145,350 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars.

While the Central Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 145300 Iraqi dinars during its opening last Thursday morning.

It is noteworthy that the buying and selling prices rose in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, where the selling price reached 146,000 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase prices reached 145,000 dinars per 100 US dollars.  LINK

Speech Of The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, On The Occasion Of The Conclusion Of The Visit Of His Holiness Pope Francis To Iraq

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Our dear, generous people ...

with all kindness and appreciation bid farewell to the people of Iraq today, His Holiness, Pope Francis, with the same love, generosity and human authenticity they received.

This dear, generous visit, with all the signs of welcome and national consensus that it was full of the success of its noble purposes, represented a bright point that embodied the essence of our loving, sincere, civilized people who believed in the values ​​of justice and peace.

The message of His Holiness reached all parts of the world, while he wandered with a heart full of hope in the beloved cities of Iraq, and the message of our people reached all the peoples of the earth to say:

We, the people of Iraq, the people of history and civilization, we have suffered many wars ... and blood spilled on our land until I died ... and death spread throughout decades its black shadows in our homes ... and the crows of weapons, corruption, terrorism and hatred ravaged our lands ... But our original metal did not rust, Because the spirit of life, love of peace, and adherence to human values ​​have not rusted ..

We have nothing but great human meanings in our souls ..

We have lived together for more than six thousand years ago and we are still together .. We hold in the hand of some of us the multiplicity of our religions, doctrines and nationalities as the hands of Sistani's eminence and holiness held the pope ..

Iraq is the message of humanity and peace, Iraq is the crown of tolerance, and Baghdad is the city of peace and the platform for the intellectual movement.

Our beloved dear people .. Iraq is facing a real opportunity to restore its historic role in the region and the world despite all obstacles and challenges, and we, as a government, are committed to the will of our people to achieve security, peace, reconstruction and prosperity.

On the basis of this historic responsibility, and in the atmosphere of love and tolerance promoted by the visit of His Holiness the Pope to the land of Iraq, the land of Mesopotamia, we present today the call for a (national dialogue), to be a pathway for achieving the aspirations of our people.

We call on all the different political forces, popular and youth protesters, and opponents of the government to the table of responsible dialogue before our people and before history, we call on our forces and political parties to give priority to the interest of the country and to move away from the language of convulsive rhetoric and political projection, and to prepare for the success of early elections, and to give our people the opportunity for hope and confidence In the state and in the democratic system ...our Iraqi youth, our youth everywhere ...

I realize the extent of your suffering, your ambitions and the injustice that befell you, but we have to be patient and unite, for the sake of Iraq, for the sake of the homeland, and for the sake of the future that befits our generations, and that is why the government needs enough time to protect Iraq and arrange our national Iraqi home ..

The tension in the situation is not in the interest of the country Sufficient time must be given to the government to build on the investigations during the past period, and to secure elections on sober and fair foundations.

My brothers ... dear opponents, I invite you, in all sincerity, to an open and frank dialogue with the government on the basis of the country's interest, security and sovereignty, and on the basis of preserving the security of Iraq, supporting the state and the rule of law.

The strategic dialogue initiated by the government on cooperation with the International Alliance of existing arrangements in the foundation to create the environment and times to remove all combat troops from the land of Iraq, within the technical mechanisms agreed time while maintaining the best relations with the coalition countries, and to guarantee Iraq 's sovereignty and security ..

As I call for a genuine, deep national dialogue, at all official, party and popular levels, to reach a framework for a final agreement on the relationship between the central government and the Kurdistan region in a way that preserves the unity of the Iraqi territories and addresses the accumulated problems radically.

Since its formation, the government has been working on restoring Iraq's external relations and establishing to restore Iraq to its natural position and its regional weight internationally, and we have made advanced steps in this field, and the visit of His Holiness the Pope was a reinforcement of these steps. International to support Iraq in the economic reform project, after we succeeded in crossing the economic crisis.

Accordingly, we call on all the brothers, neighbors and friends of Iraq to consolidate the values ​​of peace and cooperation among the countries of the region and to banish the specter of wars, disagreements and conflicts that will not serve our peoples of a common history.

Today, Iraq affirms its full readiness to play an effective role in consecrating the calm and opening the doors for dialogue to solve the region’s crises, and for everyone to be partners in development, not a focus of disagreement and conflicts.

Iraq has insisted on its refusal to be an arena for external conflicts, and the logic of cooperation and brotherhood is the only acceptable one for our people and for Iraq.

Our honorable people .. On your behalf , I extend my thanks and appreciation to all those who contributed to the success of the historic visit of His Holiness the Pope to the land of Iraq ..governmental institutions, popular activities and political forces.

On behalf of all of you, I thank His Holiness the Pope, who loved Iraq and the people of Iraq, and touched the kindness, depth and authenticity of this great, powerful and diverse people.

We thank your Holiness for every word of fairness towards our people, every call for dialogue, tolerance and peace that I have delivered throughout our beloved Iraq, and for every emotional interaction with the challenges that this people faces.

My family is nationwide.

You are Iraq. On your footsteps human civilizations have lived, converging and spreading love, thought and science. You are Sumer, Babylon, Emphasis and Assyria. You are an extension of the past, the present, the future.

You are the Iraq of the prophets, imams, saints, scholars and creators .. You are the renewed hope and you are the makers of life ..   Long live Iraq ... Long live Iraq.  

Media Office of the Prime Minister 8 March 2021

Biden Hails The Pope's Historic Visit To Iraq

Political| 05:27 - 08/03/2021  BAGHDAD - Mawazine News  , US President Joe Biden praised, on Monday, Pope Francis' "historic" visit to Iraq, saying that it sent a "important" message of brotherhood and peace.

"Seeing Pope Francis visiting religious sites like the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham, spending time with Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and praying in Mosul - a city that a few years ago suffered from violence and the extremism of a group like ISIS - is a symbol of hope for the entire world," Biden wrote.

The Pope arrived in Iraq on Friday and returned to Rome on Monday, after he traveled to the country and met the Supreme Authority, Ali al-Sistani.

And the 84-year-old Pope left Iraq this morning, after a historic visit, which is the first for a greater rabbi to Iraq.

The Iraqi Stock Exchange closes higher

Economie| 03:24 - 08/03/2021 Baghdad - Mawazine News The Iraqi "Stock Exchange" index closed today up by 1.22%, stopping at 565.73 points. 

The index recorded an increase in the shares of 9 companies, and a decrease in the shares of 3 others, while 4 companies maintained their share prices.

 The number of shares traded reached 1,329,225,102 shares, worth 687,900,630 Iraqi dinars, obtained from the conclusion of 441 deals, including 16 joint-stock companies, out of 104 companies registered in the stock exchange.


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