Iraqi News Highlights  Sunday Afternoon 11-20-22

Iraqi News Highlights  Sunday Afternoon 11-20-22

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An Expert Reveals 3 Reasons Why The 2023 Budget Will Be The Best In 20 Years

Politics | yesterday, 19:52 |  Baghdad today-Baghdad  Economist Nasser Al-Kenani said on Sunday that the 2023 budget will be the best budget since 2003 until next year for several reasons.

"One of the most important reasons why the budget is the best is the presence of a modern government born after hard labor for a year," al-Kinani said in a statement to(Baghdad Today), explaining that "the prime minister is betting on providing the best of the tender in all areas of reform and service and addressing all the failures of the past years.

"The second reason is to achieve oil revenues estimated at 120 billion dollars in addition to other revenues estimated at 30 billion dollars,"he added.

"The third reason is to reduce the salaries and allocations of the three presidencies and try to eliminate corruption in all parts of the State,"al-Kinani said.خبير-يكشف-عن-3-أسباب-ستجعل-موازنة-2023-هي-الأفضل-منذ-20-عامًا.html

Approving Oil And Gas Within 7 Months.. Approving Oil And Gas Within 7 Months

Posted On2022-11-20 By Sotaliraq   Baghdad / Hussein Hatem   The Baghdad government is awaiting the visit of the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, to discuss several files, on top of which is what came within the ministerial curriculum of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani.

The delegation has not yet set a date for its visit to the capital, Baghdad, which is supposed to discuss the share of the Kurdistan region in the 2023 budget, the entitlements of the Peshmerga, Article 140 of the Constitution, and the Sinjar Agreement.

The representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Sherif Suleiman, says, "The Kurdish delegation has not set a date for its visit to the capital, Baghdad, until now, and it is still waiting for the necessary arrangements to be made."

Suleiman added, "The Kurdish delegation will discuss many files, the most important of which is what was included in the ministerial curriculum of the head of the federal government, Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani."

He pointed out, "Among the files that the Kurdish delegation will discuss is the share of the Kurdistan region in the 2023 budget, the entitlements of the Peshmerga, Article 140 of the Constitution, and the Sinjar Agreement."

Suleiman pointed out, "The central government and the Kurdistan government are committed to developing appropriate solutions to the outstanding issues between them, and the Kurdish delegation will arrive soon, and there are some procedures that are currently being worked on in preparation for the visit."

He continued, "The share of the Kurdistan region in the 2023 budget is determined by the population percentage, and we hope that it will be fair and suitable for everyone," pointing out that "the oil file in the region will be decided by the legislation of the oil and gas law, and the political agreement prior to the formation of the government provided for the completion of its legislation during a period ranging from 3-7 months from the date of formation of the government.

The Kurdistan government announced the formation of a committee to negotiate with the federal government regarding the implementation of the ministerial curriculum.

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani said, in a tweet, that “it was decided at the cabinet meeting (in the region) that the negotiating delegation with the federal government would consist of: the Minister of Finance, the Acting Minister of Natural Resources, the Minister of Planning, the Chief of Staff of the Council of Ministers, and a secretary.” Council of Ministers".

He added, “They were also instructed to start negotiations within the framework of constitutional rights and cabinet decisions regarding outstanding issues as soon as possible, and they confirmed the implementation of the federal government’s agenda and the political agreement voted on in the House of Representatives.” ‏

Likewise, the regional government announced that the agreement concluded between the political blocs that resulted in the formation of the current federal government headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani stipulates the enactment of three important laws, most notably the oil and gas law, within a maximum period of 6 months.

A spokesman for the regional government, Jutiar Adel, said in a press conference last week, "The government had serious intentions to resolve the differences and outstanding issues with the federal government, especially during the ninth formation of the Kurdistan government," adding, "But, we were not able to resolve These differences, due to the many obstacles we faced.

He added, "We are still serious about resolving these differences," noting that "what will be discussed during the Kurdish delegation's visit to Baghdad are the files agreed upon by the political forces before forming the government."

Gutierre indicated that “some of these files are related to executive affairs, while others are related to legislative affairs,” noting that “the most important of these files are the budget, the issue of oil and gas and Article 140 of the Constitution, and that within the concluded political agreement, these The constitutional article must be implemented through the activation of its committee.

And he continued, “We also agreed with Baghdad to spend the budget and give the share of the Kurdistan region in accordance with the constitution,” explaining that “there is good coordination between the Office of Financial Supervision in the region and the Federal Office of Financial Supervision to solve financial problems between the two sides.”

He stressed that "the agreement concluded between the political blocs in Baghdad stipulates that the oil and gas law, the Federal Supreme Court law, and the Federal Service Council law will be legislated within a period of 6 months from the formation of the current federal government." In turn, the researcher on political affairs, Ali Al-Baydar, says, "The visit of the Kurdish delegation to Baghdad is necessary for it to be of a positive nature to resolve the crises between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region."

Al-Baider added, "The rapprochement between the federal ministries and the ministries of the region contributes greatly to addressing many outstanding problems between the two parties and issues of common concern."

The researcher in political affairs pointed out that "resorting to the option of diplomacy between the two parties is the best solution," noting that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani is serious about addressing the crises between the center and the region."

Al-Baydar pointed out that “some crises need more than one electoral cycle to address them,” noting that “the presence of desire and will facilitates the resolution of many issues.” Earlier, the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, confirmed that the constitution is the guarantor for resolving the contentious files between Baghdad and Erbil.

Al-Sudani said in a press conference, “There is a serious desire that we felt from the Kurdistan region, and this matter is also available to the government and political parties to confront these files professionally and with solutions that guarantee justice for all parties, especially since Baghdad and Erbil agree on the ceiling of the constitution to regulate this relationship.”

With regard to the draft oil and gas law, he explained that, “One of the most important solutions in this file (the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil), and our deliberations are continuing with the Ministry of Oil to prepare a draft law that will be subject to preliminary discussion with the regional government before it is presented to the Council of Ministers, and then sent to the House of Representatives.

He pointed out that “the budget file and its draft law entail obligations, and just as the Kurdistan region calls for rights, it has obligations, and these must be applied in accordance with the law and the constitution so that Baghdad can fulfill its financial obligations, whether they are in the budget law or in the rest of the entitlements.”  LINK

Iraq's Oil Exports To America Decreased To 141 Thousand Barrels Per Day

Economie| 10:42 - 11/20/2022   Follow-up - Mawazine News  The US Energy Information Administration announced, on Sunday, that it recorded a significant decrease in Iraq's oil exports to the United States, bringing the average to 141 thousand barrels per day during the past week.

The administration said in a report, "The average US imports of crude oil during the past week from nine countries amounted to 4.778 million barrels per day, down by 725 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 5.503 million barrels per day."

She added, "Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to an average of 141 thousand barrels per day last week, down from the previous week in which oil exports to America amounted to an average of 503 thousand barrels per day."

She also indicated that "most of America's oil revenues during the past week came from Canada at a rate of 3.076 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico at a rate of 528 thousand barrels per day, and oil revenues from Brazil amounted to an average of 307 thousand barrels per day, and then Saudi Arabia at a rate of 211 thousand barrels per day." ".

According to the administration, “the amount of US imports of crude oil from Nigeria amounted to an average of 181,000 barrels per day, from Colombia at a rate of 143,000 barrels per day, from Ecuador at a rate of 101,000 barrels per day, and from Libya at a rate of 90,000 barrels per day, while it did not import any quantity from Russia.” ".

Economist On Bank Loans: It Is Not Feasible For A Citizen And Their Interest Is High

19 November 19: 11  Information/ private..  Economist, Zia Al-Mohsen, on Saturday, considered the loans of state banks "not of economic feasibility" for citizens, while he stressed that   the interest rate of loans may approach 56%.

"When an Iraqi citizen goes to borrow from banks, he is going to relieve himself, but we note especially the government, that the interest it imposes on citizens is approaching 56%, "Al-Mohsen said in an interview with Al-maalouma agency.

He added that  "any citizen trying to get a loan of 10 million dinars, he must repay the amount of 16 million and 600 thousand Iraqi dinars, which is a large amount for citizens".  The Economist explained that

"citizens resort to loans for two reasons, either to  meet a consumer need or

go in the process of establishing a project to increase income, which may provide value to the Iraqi economy, and therefore

when he sees such ratios and interest for loans, he refrains from that loan.  He pointed out that

"there are a number of obstacles, including guarantees guaranteeing the granting of loans to some categories, such as employees and associates, and the salary of the sponsor must be high," considering

these loans "are not economically feasible for citizens".

Government banks such as Rafidain, from time to time, launch many financial loans with different amounts of interest at high rates, which may reach half the amount that a citizen may receiveاقتصادي-بشأن-قروض-المصارف:-ليست-مجدية-للمواطن-وفائدتها-عالية


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