Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Afternoon 12-28-22

Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Afternoon 12-28-22

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

An Iraqi Bank Takes The Initiative To Sell The US Dollar At The Old Price

Political | 03:36 - 12/28/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News Today, Wednesday, the Islamic World Bank announced its initiative to sell the dollar at the old official rate of the Central Bank (1465) dinars.

The bank stated, in a statement received by Mawazine News, that it "will sell the US dollar at the official price (1465), at the rate of (2000) dollars for each citizen throughout the week, including holidays (Fridays and Saturdays)."  He added, "This initiative came to relieve the burden of the citizen and in line with the plan of the government and the Central Bank to reduce the exchange rate." 

Central Bank Governor: The Measures Taken Will Contribute To Achieving Monetary Stability

Money and business   Economy News – Baghdad On Wednesday, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Muhammad Tamim, chaired an emergency session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy, during which he hosted the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, who reviewed the measures taken by the bank’s administration to control monetary policy and limit the rise in the dollar exchange rate in the local markets.

He explained, according to a statement by the Ministry of Planning, that "the measures taken will contribute to achieving monetary stability in Iraq," stressing "the bank's keenness and readiness to fully cover documentary credits for food imports and provide foreign currency for citizens."

The statement added, "Members of the Ministerial Council for the Economy expressed the government's full support for the central bank's measures that would achieve a state of stability and reduce the exchange rates of the dollar in the markets."

According to the statement, "The Ministerial Council of Economy discussed the Ministry of Commerce's procedures regarding securing foodstuffs, and praised the ministry's simplification of its procedures by granting import licenses within one day and securing strategic storage of foodstuffs."

The council also discussed "a number of recommendations related to amending customs tariffs in accordance with economic requirements, with the exception of foodstuffs and medicines from those procedures."  Views 55  Added 12/28/2022 - 5:12 PM  Updated 12/28/2022 - 5:48 PM

Shakhwan Abdullah Calls For A Review Of Fiscal Policy To Prevent A Rise In The Exchange Rate Of The Dollar

Wednesday 28 December 2022 17:39 | Economical Number of readings: 81  Baghdad / NINA / - Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Shakhwan Abdullah Ahmed, called for a review of fiscal policy to prevent a rise in the exchange rate of the dollar.

Abdullah stressed, according to a statement by his media office, the need to implement precautionary financial policies to maintain the exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, and to enhance the demand for the national currency through the continuation of state spending on infrastructure projects, the acceleration of economic growth rates and the increase in internal demand.

And he stressed, "The necessity of not enabling those who control the black markets to benefit from the exchange rate turmoil, and to cordon off wrong monetary practices that harm the economy and commercial activity throughout the country."/ End

The Minister Of Planning Presides Over An Emergency Session Of The Ministerial Council Of The Economy To Limit The Rise In The Exchange Rate Of The Dollar

Wednesday 28 December 2022 17:13 | Economical Number of readings: 94  Baghdad / NINA / The Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, chaired this evening, Wednesday, an emergency session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy, during which the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, guested.

And the Ministry of Planning said in a statement, "The governor of the bank reviewed the measures taken by the bank's management to control monetary policy, and limit the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar in the local markets."

"The measures taken will contribute to achieving monetary stability in Iraq," he said, stressing the bank's keenness and readiness to fully cover the documentary credits for food imports and provide foreign currency to citizens.

The members of the Ministerial Council for the Economy affirmed the government's full support for the Central Bank's measures that would achieve a state of stability and reduce the exchange rates of the dollar in the markets.

The statement added, "The council discussed the Ministry of Commerce's procedures regarding securing foodstuffs, and praised the ministry's simplification of its procedures by granting import licenses within one day and securing strategic storage of foodstuffs."

The council also discussed a number of recommendations related to adjusting the customs tariff in accordance with economic requirements, with the exception of foodstuffs and medicines from those procedures.

Hamoudi: The Time Has Come To Turn The Challenge Of The Dollar's Rise Into An Opportunity To Reorganize Our Country's Financial Management

Wednesday 28 December 2022 12:10 | Economical Number of readings: 288  Baghdad / NINA / - The head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Hammam Hammoudi, said: It is time to turn the challenge of the crisis of the rise of the dollar into an opportunity to reorganize the financial management of our country, and to improve the economic performance that produces it, not just the consumer.

Hammoudi indicated in a statement, "This responsibility is not borne by the state with its government and parliament only, but rather requires a general, popular, elite, media and political stand, and for all of us to unite, opposition and loyalists, those inside and outside Parliament, and those in power and outside it to develop a vision to liberate their money as they liberated them." their homeland, and directing the compass of their economy to what benefits them all and makes them live a decent life, without Iraq, its money, its land and its future being a victim of this pole or that, or in the hands of this side or that.

Hamoudi called for an authentic and inclusive Iraqi stand and brotherhood to turn the challenge into an opportunity for all Iraqis and for their future./ End

Parliamentary Finance For / NINA /: Iraq Is On The Verge Of A Major Economic Recession..And The Concerned Authorities Must Put An End To The Fluctuation Of The Dollar Against The Dinar

Wednesday 28 December 2022 09:49 | Economical Number of readings: 396  Baghdad / NINA / - A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, confirmed that Iraq is on the verge of a major economic recession, while attributing this to the fluctuation of dollar prices against the dinar.

Cougar said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ) that "the current fluctuation of the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar will lead to economic stagnation and thus reflect negatively on the country's economy," noting that the Iraqi citizen is a victim of this fluctuation and we are waiting for the measures of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance in the price of the dollar. ".

He pointed out that "the foreign investor and the Iraqi trader are afraid of practicing their work with the fluctuation of the dollar, which prompts them to stop their investments and wait for the government's actions, and thus stop the wheel of the economy."

Cougar called on the concerned authorities to "take decisive measures to end this fluctuation, put an end to it, and restore confidence in the Iraqi dinar."/ End

High Oil Prices In World Markets

Economie| 08:43 - 12/28/2022  Follow-up - Mawazine News

Oil prices rose, on Wednesday, with market optimism about a recovery in fuel demand as China continues to ease restrictions to combat “Covid-19”.

And by 01:17 GMT, Brent crude futures for February delivery rose 31 cents, or 0.4%, to $84.64 a barrel.

West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose 22 cents, or 0.3%, to $79.75 a barrel, according to Reuters.

The President Of The Republic: Iraq Today Is On The Path Of Development, Progress, Reconstruction And Stability

Political | 03:06 - 12/28/2022  Baghdad - Mawazine News, President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid affirmed today, Wednesday, that Iraq is on the path of development, progress, reconstruction and stability.

The Presidency of the Republic said in a statement, a copy of which Mawazine News received, that "The President of the Republic, Abd al-Latif Jamal Rashid, visited today the Al-Tahira Church in the city of Mosul and a number of other nearby churches."

She added, "The president toured the area and was briefed on the ongoing reconstruction of a number of churches that were destroyed during the criminal ISIS terror period."

And he stressed that "the dark era of ISIS ended with the end of this criminal group," pointing out that "Iraq today is on the path of development, progress, reconstruction, and stability at all levels." Ended 29/M99


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More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday PM 12-28-2022


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