Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Afternoon 8-8-23

Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Afternoon 8-8-23

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The Minister Of Defense Arrives In The United States Of America

Tuesday 08 August 2023 17:12 | a wish Number of readings: 72 Baghdad / NINA / The Minister of Defense, Thabet Muhammad Al-Abbasi, arrived at the head of a high-ranking delegation to the United States of America today, in response to an official invitation.


The Minister Of Defense Is Discussing With His American Counterpart Joint Security Cooperation

Iraq  Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Baghdad / National News Center  Today, Tuesday, Minister of Defense Thabet Al-Abbasi held a meeting with his US counterpart Lloyd J. Austin to discuss joint security cooperation, while Austin praised the tremendous progress made by the Iraqi forces in defeating the terrorist gangs of ISIS.

A security source said, "The Minister of Defense, Thabet Al-Abbasi, held a meeting today with his American counterpart, Lloyd J. Austin, at the Pentagon headquarters in Washington, during the opening of the Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue between the United States and Iraq (JSCD)."

During the meeting, Austin praised “its importance in promoting a permanent security partnership between the United States and Iraq based on the strategic dialogue in July 2021, which reaffirmed commitment to the 2008 Strategic Framework Agreement, which led to the exit of American forces from Iraq, and led to the transfer of the mission to training and provision.” Advice, assistance and intelligence sharing with the Iraqi security forces.

Austin reaffirmed "the strategic partnership between the United States and Iraq," stressing "the commitment of the United States to a secure, stable and sovereign Iraq."

He praised "the tremendous progress made by the Iraqi security forces in the campaign to achieve the permanent defeat of ISIS," noting that "terrorist gangs still pose a threat."

He affirmed "the commitment of the United States to continue training, providing advice, assistance, and exchanging intelligence information with Iraqi security forces at the invitation of the Iraqi government," expressing his appreciation for "Iraq's commitment to reducing the number of ISIS fighters detained and displaced in northeastern Syria."

He urged "the Iraqi delegation to continue returning, rehabilitating and integrating Iraqi citizens residing in northeastern Syria."

Al-Halbousi And The Delegation Of The Kurdistan Democratic Party Discuss The Oil And Gas Laws And The General Amnesty

political | 10:48 - 08/08/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News   Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi discussed today, Tuesday, with the delegation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the oil and gas laws and the general amnesty.

A statement by the Parliament's media office, a copy of which Mawazine News received, stated that "Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi received the delegation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by Fadel Mirani."

The statement added, "During the meeting, developments in the political situation in the country were discussed, and the importance of enacting the laws contained in the political agreement paper and the government program, including the oil and gas law, the amendment of the general amnesty law, and others during the coming period, as well as stressing the importance of continuing the dialogue between the government." The federal government and the regional government to solve problems in accordance with the constitution.

The Dollar Exchange Rates Rose With The Closing Of The Stock Exchange In Baghdad

Economy  Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Baghdad / The National News Center  The price of the dollar rose today, Tuesday, in the Baghdad markets, with the closure of the main stock exchange in Al-Kifah.

The correspondent of the National News Center said, “The dollar prices rose with the closure of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges, as prices recorded 152,000 dollars against 100 dollars, while the prices this morning were 151,500 dinars against 100 dollars.”

He added, "The selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad rose, as the selling price reached 153,000 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase price reached 151,000 dinars for every 100 dollars."

Al-Rafidain Bank Is Discussing With The Finance And Government Banks The Draft Internal Regulations

Economy |  08/08/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News Al-  Rafidain Bank announced, today, Tuesday, the discussion of the draft internal regulations for government banks.

And the media office of the bank stated in a statement, “The Director General of the Rafidain Bank, the agency, Maher Hussein Rashid, chaired a meeting in the general administration of the bank that included the Director General of the Legal Department in the Ministry of Finance, Muhammad Hamza Mustafa, and representatives of government banks, in the presence of assistants and a number of department directors and employees of the Rafidain Bank.”

He added that "the meeting discussed the draft internal regulations for government banks and their compatibility with the development of the banking reality in the country."

And he continued, "The Director General reviewed the model of the internal system of government banks, studied it, and made proposals and observations on the draft system that was completed and in accordance with government laws, specifically the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Iraq, and corporate law, taking into account the governance guide,"

 pointing out that "the draft internal regulations for government banks It is an important start at the level of introducing advanced technological and digital updates, in line with the global systems of the banking sector. End 29

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