Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Afternoon 1-3-23

Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Afternoon 1-3-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Hani Ashour To / NINA /: Parliament Is Required To Move Quickly To Put An End To Any Future Rise In The Dollar

Tuesday 03 January 2023 10:05 | General Number of readings: 332   Baghdad / NINA / - The strategic researcher, Hani Ashour, confirmed that Parliament is required to move quickly to put an end to any future rise in the dollar against the local process.

He told the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ) that what the local market witnessed of the rise in the dollar is the second wave for it after the first wave, which came by a government decision nearly two years ago, and its price was raised to 145,000 dinars for one hundred dollars.

Ashour added that this wave was due to external influences from the United States and the International Monetary Fund, which led to a new rise in the prices of basic materials, which had a clear impact on the purchasing power of the majority of citizens.

He explained that the parliament, which a number of its deputies demanded to hold an extraordinary session and host the governor of the Central Bank, is required during this period and more than ever before to say its word and enact laws that protect citizens with limited income from these economic fluctuations, from which the citizen did not reap anything but the rise in prices and the stability of his salary without change. /

Al-Sudani: Fluctuations In Dollar Exchange Rates Are An Opportunity For Economic Reform And Preventing Currency Smuggling

Tuesday 03 January 2023 19:11 | political Number of readings: 111   Baghdad / NINA / - Prime Minister Muhammad Al-Sudani affirmed that fluctuations in the exchange rates of the dollar are an opportunity for economic reform and preventing currency smuggling.

Al-Sudani said in a press conference: "There is a follow-up with the competent court regarding the return of stolen and smuggled funds inside and outside Iraq.

We have circulated orders to Interpol to pursue those wanted in the tax secretariat theft file."

He added, "We have come a long way in the oil smuggling file. There is a review of the contracts of electronic payment companies that affect citizens."/ End

Parliament Intends To Pass 170 Laws During The Current Parliamentary Session

Political | 02:15 - 03/01/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News The Parliamentary Legal Committee announced, on Tuesday, that 170 laws await legislation in the current session, while determining the fate of the important suspended laws.

Committee member Omid Ahmed said in a statement to the official news agency, which was followed by Mawazine News, that "parliamentary committees are currently discussing 170 deferred laws from previous sessions," pointing out that "the committees are determined to pass these laws during the current parliamentary session."

He added, "The House of Representatives is trying to pass important laws that affect the lives of citizens, including the civil service law, the slums law, the social welfare law, and other laws," noting that "the House of Representatives hopes that the government will send the budget law during the first days of the beginning of the second legislative term." He continued, "

Al-Nazaha: Iraq Will Soon Recover The Money That The Former Regime Smuggled Abroad..And One Of The Ministers Obstructed Our Investigations Into The "Theft Of The Century"

Tuesday 03 January 2023 19:21 | political Number of readings: 106

Baghdad / NINA / - Today, Tuesday, the Federal Integrity Commission announced the recovery of 4 billion Iraqi dinars from one of the defendants, "as part of the list of former officials," and confirmed: "The amount is part of the 17 billion dinars that must be paid by the accused."

The head of the Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, said, in a press conference held on Tuesday evening, that "Iraq will recover, within the next few days, more than 80 million dollars from the United States of America, which is part of the money of the former regime smuggled abroad."

He added: "The accused, from whom the money was recovered, is currently in the process of trial, whose date was set on 12/1, and we cannot mention his name at present," noting that: "The accused still owes 13 billion dinars and some millions of dinars that we are working to recover. Currently ".

The head of the Integrity Commission criticized one of the ministers, saying, "He prevented the Integrity Commission from performing its role, and this violates the law, so we will file a lawsuit against him and hold him responsible for the employees' escape," calling on that minister to know: "He is the servant of the people and he must apologize, otherwise we will take the necessary measures against him." .

Judge Hanoun confirmed, "The commission would have prevented important officials from traveling, but this minister obstructed our work, and he is also accused of stealing the century."

And he stated: "An arrest warrant was issued against this official, and he was arrested because he was unable to prove the legality of this money, and we are still working to clarify the secrets of the theft of the century, because the sums are large and the number of the accused is also large," noting that "one of the accused of stealing the century is working In the Integrity Commission, he fled to Turkey, and obtained a Turkish passport there, and we are working to retrieve it now.”/ End 5

The Netherlands Is Looking Forward To Enhancing The Extent Of Financial And Investment Cooperation With Iraq

Money and business   Economy News – Baghdad   Finance Minister Taif Sami received, on Tuesday, the Dutch Ambassador to Iraq, Johannes Lindert, in the presence of a representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sami stressed, according to a statement by the Ministry of Finance, "the strength of the cooperation relations between Iraq and the Netherlands and the continuous development and growth they are witnessing in all fields, especially with regard to the financial and economic field."

The Minister of Finance pointed out, "The importance of continuing to work on developing the horizons of cooperation and partnership, and pushing them towards more advanced levels, in a way that benefits the two countries and their friendly peoples."

For his part, Ambassador Lindert expressed "the aspiration of his country's government to enhance the extent of constructive cooperation with Iraq, especially with regard to aspects of money, investment and contribution to sustainable development projects in the country."

Views 104   Added 01/03/2023 - 12:04 PM   Updated 01/03/2023 - 7:30 PM

The Dollar Crisis Is Pushing The Government In A Narrow Box, And The Sudanese Are Heading To Diversify Revenues

Posted On2023-01-03 By Sotaliraq   Baghdad / Hussein Hatem  The exchange rates of the dollar are still fluctuating after the recent rise, which approached 160,000 dinars for every 100 dollars, as it is almost stable at the 150,000 mark.

The government of Muhammad Shia al-Sudani is trying to diversify sources of revenue to maintain the stability of the Iraqi economy, at a time when the Finance Committee confirmed that the exchange rate of the dollar would be 1450 dinars for every one dollar.

And the Prime Minister confirmed, yesterday, Monday, that “the exchange rate fluctuations and their impact on the Iraqi economy made us stick to the inevitability of economic reform, support for agriculture, industry, tourism and trade, instead of Iraq being a market for imported goods and a passage for smuggling hard currency and money laundering,”

noting that “ Iraq has an opportunity to rise as an industrial country, with an industrial identity, and the government is supportive of the industrial sector in this path,” according to a statement by his media office.

In turn, Moein Al-Kadhimi, a member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, said in an interview with (Al-Mada) that “the rise in dollar exchange rates during the last month of last year negatively affected the local market and the citizen.”

Al-Kazemi added, "The treatments were fast, and the exchange rates will return to what they were (approximately 145,000 dinars per 100 dollars)."

He pointed out, "The Prime Minister is trying to implement his government program accurately, by diversifying sources of income and encouraging the private sector, agriculture and industry, and not being satisfied with oil financial revenues."

Al-Kadhimi stressed, "The need to reduce unnecessary expenditures and increase investment expenditures in order to transform the Iraqi economy from a rentier one to an economy with multiple dimensions."

As for the price of the dollar in the 2023 budget, the member of the Finance Committee explained that “the price will remain constant as it was in the 2021 budget (1145 for every 100 dollars), while the price of a barrel of oil will range between 62-65 dollars.”

And he expected, “The arrival of the draft public financial budget law for the year 2023, with the beginning of the legislative term of the House of Representatives,” stressing that “any delay in the draft budget law will not affect the salaries of employees.”

In turn, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, said in an interview with (Al-Mada) that “the fluctuations witnessed by the exchange markets in Iraq during the past period are not due to economic reasons, and that the financial situation in Iraq is at its best.”

Saleh added, "Iraq's reserves of foreign currency exceeded $100 billion, and the current account surplus rate amounted to about 15 percent."

He pointed out, "What happened was as a result of regulatory controls that linked the window for selling foreign currency, especially foreign transfers, to the so-called (international compliance with the dollar area). Therefore, the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States monitors its currency, and asks about ways to go."

Saleh explained that "Iraqi merchants are required to provide correct documents on their orientations and the final beneficiary, as well as the type and price of the goods, so as not to arouse suspicion among the international authorities."

And he continued, “In the first period, demand was more than supply and the gap occurred,” noting that “with the passage of time and the regularity of foreign currency requests with more transparent documents, the market will organize and the gap will disappear.”

And Saleh went on to say: “There is no fear of the Iraqi dinar, for it is strong,” expecting that “it will be stronger in the future once the financing of foreign trade for Iraq is regular.”

In addition, the (Al-Mada) correspondent said, “The central Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad closed at an exchange rate of 152,900 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars.”

He pointed out that the buying and selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad have stabilized, as the selling price reached 153,500 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase prices reached 152,500 dinars for every 100 dollars.   LINK

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