Iraqi News Highlights Thursday Afternoon 8-24-23

Iraqi News Highlights Thursday Afternoon 8-24-23

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The President Of The Republic: The Government Continues To Consolidate Stability And Promote Investment Opportunities

Political  | 08/24/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News, President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid affirmed, on Thursday, the government's move to consolidate stability and enhance investment opportunities.

And the Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement, which Mawazine News received a copy of, that "President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid received, at the Baghdad Palace, Malaysian Foreign Minister Zambri Abdul Qadir, in the presence of Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, and during the meeting, they discussed the existing bilateral relations between Iraq." and Malaysia.”

The President stressed "the importance of strengthening and developing it in areas of common interest, in a way that achieves the mutual interests of the two peoples and the two countries," noting "Iraq's keenness to build good relations with neighboring countries and the world."

For his part, Minister Zambri Abdul Qadir expressed his happiness to visit Baghdad and meet the President of the Republic, praising the developments that Iraq is witnessing at various levels.

He pointed out, "Malaysia's endeavor to enhance cooperation and investment between the two countries by encouraging the work of companies, factories and factories," expressing his hope that "the Malaysian embassy in Iraq will open within the next two months."

Iraq Market: Trading Of Shares Worth More Than 8 Billion In 5 Sessions

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraqi Stock Exchange announced today, Thursday, the weekly trading indicators.

The market stated in a statement that, during the third week of August, it organized five trading sessions from Sunday (August 20) to Thursday (August 24), and the following indicators were achieved during this week:

1. The number of shares traded during this week amounted to more than (11) billion shares.

2. The value of shares traded this week amounted to more than (Cool billion dinars.

3. The trading index in the market closed for the first session of the week at (829.96) points, while the index closed at the end of the week at (845.60) points, achieving an increase of (1.85%) from its closing at the beginning of the session.

4. During the week, (5429) sale and purchase contracts were executed on the shares of the companies listed in the market.  Views 20   08/24/2023

Central Bank Sales Amounted To More Than 198.8 Million Dollars

Economy News-Baghdad  Today, Thursday, the sales of the Central Bank of Iraq, in the foreign currency sale window, amounted to more than 198.8 million dollars.

The Central Bank's website published a table of its dollar sales, and "Al-Iqtisad News" reviewed it, as it included the participation of 31 banks and 96 exchange companies, and covered external transfer requests of 166.7 million dollars, while cash requests amounted to more than 32 million dollars.

The Central Bank of Iraq sells the dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards at a price of 1305 dinars per dollar, per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards and at a price of 1310 dinars per dollar for foreign transfers and at a price of 1310 dinars per dollar in cash.  Views 32  08/24/2023 -

The Opening Of A Branch Of The Securities Commission And Its Market In Sulaymaniyah

Money  and business  Economy News-Baghdad  On Thursday, the governor of Sulaymaniyah announced the opening of the International Center for Finance and Trade in Sulaymaniyah, which will start its work in the coming period, indicating that the center will bring investors and funds together to create job opportunities and move Sulaymaniyah to an important economic stage.

"The International Center for Finance and Trade will open in Sulaymaniyah for the first time in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region," said the governor of Sulaymaniyah, Haval Abu Bakr, during a press conference followed by "Al-Iqtisad News".

He added, "The center will gather investors and money to create job opportunities and encourage and finance small and medium enterprises."

turn; Between the head of the Securities Commission at the Central Bank of Iraq, Faisal Al-Haimus, during the conference; "Over the past two months, we have reached an agreement between the Commission and the Miran Group to work on granting a license to a branch of the stock market in the International Center for Finance and Trade in Sulaymaniyah," he said.

The head of the authority referred to "the signing of a memorandum of understanding to open a branch of the Securities Commission and a branch of the stock market in Sulaymaniyah," stressing "the authority's support for the center by providing job opportunities and financing in Sulaymaniyah and the Kurdistan Region."

The International Center for Finance and Trade started with the support of the Iraqi government, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq to support those wishing to open small or medium projects. This center will be important for gathering investors with capital.

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Securities Commission announced the signing of a cooperation agreement between it and the International Center for Finance and Trade, obligating the two parties to enhance financial investment and develop economic activities in the Kurdistan Region, in a strategic step aimed at supporting the Iraqi economy and enhancing cooperation between the public and private sectors.

Views 35  Added 08/24/2023 - \

The Price Of The Dollar Rose In Baghdad With The Closing Of The Stock Market

Economy  Thursday, August 24, 2023 Baghdad / The National News Center  The prices of the US dollar rose against the Iraqi dinar, today, Thursday, in the Baghdad markets, with the closing of the stock exchange.

The correspondent of the National News Center said, "The dollar prices rose with the closure of the main Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, to record 152,900 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars, while the prices this morning were 152,500."

He added, "The selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad rose, as the selling price reached 153,500 dinars, while the purchase price reached 152,500 dinars for every 100 dollars."

Oil Is Falling In Early Trading

Economy  Thursday, August 24, 2023  Follow-up / National News Center  Oil prices fell in early trading on Thursday amid disappointing economic data from major economies and as investors waited for US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's speech on Friday for clues about interest rates.

And by 0359 GMT, Brent crude fell 26 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $ 82.95 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude fell 30 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $ 78.59 a barrel.

Manufacturing data released by a batch of Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) surveys on Wednesday painted a bleak picture of the health of economies around the world, raising concerns about demand, analysts said.

Japan reported factory activity contracted for the third consecutive month in August. Business activity in the Eurozone also fell more than expected, especially in Germany. The British economy appears to be heading for contraction in the current quarter, at risk of falling into recession.

Business activity in the US came close to a recession point in August, with growth recording its weakest level since February.

The Us Ambassador Is Discussing With Representatives Of The World Bank Ways To Support The Sudanese Efforts To Build The Economy Of Iraq

political | 12:11 - 08/24/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News,  the US Ambassador to Iraq, Ilia Romansky, discussed with representatives of the World Bank support for the efforts of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to build Iraq's economy.

Romansky said in her tweet: "I met yesterday with representatives from the World Bank and discussed ways to provide technical assistance and other ways in which the bank can support Sudanese efforts to build Iraq's economy and provide world-class infrastructure to ensure a better future for Iraqis."

The US Ambassador Tweeted: I Met With Representatives Of The World Bank To Support The Efforts Of The Iraqi Government

Thursday 24, August 2023 | political Number of readings: 109  Baghdad / NINA / - The US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romansky, said that she had met with representatives of the World Bank to support the efforts of the Iraqi government.

And the ambassador added in her tweet on Twitter: I met yesterday with representatives of the World Bank and discussed ways to provide technical assistance and other ways in which the bank can support Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to build Iraq's economy and provide world-class infrastructure to ensure a better future for Iraqis./

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 8-24-2023


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