Iraqi News Highlights Sunday Evening 5-7-23

Iraqi News Highlights Sunday Evening 5-7-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraq Ranked Fourth In Its Exports To America During The Past Month

Sunday 07 May 2023 09:31 | Economical Number of readings: 399  Baghdad / NINA / - The US Energy Information Administration announced that Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to about 6 million barrels last April.

The administration said in its table: “Iraq exported crude oil to America during the month of April last 5.940 million barrels, an average of 198 thousand barrels per day, down from the month of March, in which Iraqi oil exports to America amounted to 7.533 million barrels, and an average of 243

She added, "Iraq exported crude oil to America during the first week of April at an average of 241,000 barrels per day, while its average export was 180,000 barrels per day in the second week, and an average of 222,000 barrels per day in the third week," noting that The average of exports for the fourth week amounted to 148,000 barrels per day.

The US Energy Information Administration stated that "Iraq ranked fourth in its exports to America during the past month after Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia, and ranked second in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia, whose exports to America amounted to 10 million barrels and 140,000 barrels per day," indicating that "Canada came It ranked first as the most oil-exporting country to America, followed by Mexico.”/

A slight decline in dollar prices in Baghdad with the closing of the stock market

Economy   Sunday, May 7, 2023 Baghdad / The National News Center  The exchange rates of the US dollar decreased against the Iraqi dinar, today, Sunday, with the closure of the main stock exchange in Baghdad.

The correspondent of the National News Center said, "The central Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad closed at an exchange rate of 144,200 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while the prices this morning were 144,400 dinars for 100 dollars."

He added, "The buying and selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 144,500 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase prices amounted to 143,000 dinars per 100 dollars."

The Minister Of Planning And The Representative Of The United Nations Fund Discuss Joint Cooperation And Support For The Ministry's Efforts To Implement The Population Census

Sunday 07 May 2023 15:43 | Economical Number of readings: 176  Baghdad / NINA / - The Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, discussed today, Sunday, with the representative of the United Nations Fund, joint cooperation and support for the ministry's efforts to implement the population census.

The Ministry of Planning said in a statement, "The Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, met with the representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Iraq (Nester Omohangi), and his accompanying delegation.

 It explained, "During the meeting, they discussed aspects of joint cooperation between the two sides in many files, especially with regard to By supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Planning in implementing the general census of population and housing, and in other areas related to the fund’s competence and its role in benefiting from the expertise and capabilities of donor countries in supporting population issues, and implementing what was included in the national document for population policy to be officially launched on the seventeenth of this month.

The Minister of Planning indicated that the exceptional importance of conducting the general census of the population, and the need for the availability and concerted efforts to ensure its implementation in accordance with the approved international standards, pointing out that the implementation of this vital project is one of the priorities of the Iraqi government, and that the Prime Minister directed the creation of the environment appropriate to perform it.

For his part, Omohangi welcomed the level of cooperation shown by the Minister of Planning, expressing his organization's readiness to provide the best possible types of support to the Iraqi government, relying on advanced global methodologies in conducting the general population census, and mobilizing more support for Iraq in this field

Within A Month.. Iraq Achieves 17 Trillion Dinars In Financial Revenues

Economy   Sunday, May 7, 2023 10:51 am  Baghdad / National News Center  The Ministry of Finance issued the accounts of the Iraqi state for the month of February for the fiscal year 2023, which indicated that the volume of financial revenues amounted to more than 17 trillion dinars, while it indicated that the contribution of oil to the federal budget amounted to 96%.

And the / National News Center / continued, the data and tables issued by the Ministry of Finance in the current month of May for the accounts of last February of the year 2023, which showed that oil is still the main resource for Iraq’s general budget, as it reached 96%, which indicates that the rentier economy is the basis in Iraq's general budget.

And through the financial tables, it showed that “total revenues until January amounted to 17 trillion, 668 billion, 982 million, 693 thousand, and 586 dinars, after excluding from them the transfer revenues amounting to 2 trillion, 233 billion, 629 million, and 735 thousand dinars, indicating that the total expenditures With advances, it amounted to 15 trillion, 923 billion, 515 million, and 419 thousand dinars.

According to the finance table, “oil revenues amounted to 19 trillion, 207 billion, 539 million, 763 thousand, and 376 dinars, which constitute 96% of the general budget, while non-oil revenues amounted to 695 billion and 72 million and 665 thousand dinars.”

Low Central Bank Sales Of Foreign Currency

Economy   Sunday, May 7, 2023 1:02 PM   Baghdad / National News Center   Today, Sunday, the Iraqi Central Bank's sales of foreign currency decreased slightly, to record about $180 million.

According to the schedule of the currency sale window, affiliated with the National News Center, the Central Bank sold during its auction today 180,151,132 dollars, which the bank covered at an exchange rate of 1305 dinars, per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards, and at a price of 1310 dinars per dollar for foreign transfers, and at a price of 1310 dinars per dollar.

critically. Most of the dollar sales went to enhance balances abroad in the form of (remittances, credits), amounting to $131,651,132 million, while the remaining $48,500,000 million went in the form of cash sales.

Oil Announces The Second Batch Of POS Stations

Economy  Sunday, May 7, 2023 Baghdad / National News Center  Tday, Sunday, the Ministry of Oil announced the second batch of stations operating with the POS electronic payment system.

And the ministry stated, in a statement received by the National News Center, that “the Ministry of Oil announces the second batch of stations operating with the POS electronic payment system.”

And she added that "the second meal includes four stations on both sides of Karkh and Rusafa," noting that "on the Rusafa side, the Abu Qalam station and the Palestine station will be, and on the Karkh side, it will be the Saydia station and the Mansour station."

Last April, the Ministry of Oil announced the practical launch of the electronic payment service at gas stations in Baghdad


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