Iraqi News Highlights Sunday Afternoon 7-9-23

Iraqi News Highlights Sunday Afternoon 7-9-23

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Sudanese Advisor Announces The Advantages Of Iraq's Accession To The Egmont Group

political | 09/07/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  , the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, announced, on Sunday, the advantages of Iraq's accession to the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, while stressing that joining the group will make Iraq a key player in financial security at the internal and external levels.

Salih said, "Iraq's accession to the international group to combat money laundering, crime funds and terrorism, which is called the (EGMOND) group, is a turning point in the course of Iraq's integration with the international information exchange and investigation units and cooperation in pursuing the recovery of crime and terrorist funds and transit money laundering operations." to the limits.”

He added, "Iraq's accession to this logistical organization in the field of organized international financial investigation in the field of availability of information related to financial crimes will give Iraq a stronghold to be a key player in the financial security of our country and the outside world in a coordinated and integrated manner."

He pointed out that "the goal of the (Egmont) group, which is the place where the international group was established in Brussels in the year 1995, came to represent a basic forum and an official network of international cooperation for financial intelligence units around the world in order to provide support to their respective governments in combating money laundering and terrorist financing." and other financial crimes.

He pointed out, "This support includes expanding and organizing international cooperation in exchanging financial intelligence information, increasing the effectiveness of financial information units by providing training and exchanging employees to improve the expertise and capabilities of employees, and enhancing secure communication between units through the application of technology via the secure Egmont network." In addition to assigning financial information units and anti-money laundering offices with modern programs and technologies in the pursuit of transient financial crimes.

MP: Oil Will Continue To Rise And Will Reflect Positively On The Iraqi Economy

Sunday 09, July 2023 10:34 | Economical Number of readings: 377  Baghdad / NINA / - Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Zainab Al-Moussawi, said that global indicators indicate that crude oil prices continue to rise until the end of this year, as they recently recorded more than $75 per barrel.

Al-Moussawi said in a statement: "The rise in crude oil prices will reflect positively on the Iraqi economy because it maximizes its oil revenues and enables it to overcome the negative financial impact resulting from the suspension of exports from the Kurdistan and Kirkuk fields, which amount to 470,000 barrels per day."

And she pointed out, “After the rise in crude prices and addressing the deficit as a result of the financial surplus, we stress the need to make optimal use of it in investing in developing industry and agriculture and supporting the foundations of the real private sector, to operate factories and factories and produce locally made goods and services, in conjunction with imposing taxes on goods that are produced locally.”

It does not exceed the prices of foreign commodities, and activate the role of control over local products.”/ End 11

Iraq's Oil Exports To America Decreased To 122 Thousand Barrels Per Day During The Past Week

Economy | 09/07/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Iraq's oil exports to America declined over the past week.  The US Energy Information Administration stated, "The average US imports of crude oil during the past week from nine major countries amounted to 5.833 million barrels per day, up by 124 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 5.709 million barrels per day."

The administration added, "Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to an average of 122,000 barrels per day last week, decreasing by 94,000 barrels as a daily average from the previous week, in which oil exports to America amounted to an average of 216,000 barrels per day."  And she continued, "Most of America's oil revenues during the past week came from Canada, at a rate of 3.

The administration indicated, “The amount of US imports of crude oil from Brazil amounted to an average of 224,000 barrels per day, and from Nigeria at a rate of 192,000 barrels per day, and from Ecuador an average of 157,000 barrels per day, and from Libya at a rate of 45,000 barrels per day, while it did not import any amount of oil.” Russia".

The Stability Of The Exchange Rate Of The Dollar Against The Dinar

Sunday 09, July 2023 | Economical Number of readings: 265  Baghdad / NINA / - The exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar witnessed stability in the local markets and money exchanges.

The selling price of the dollar reached 148,750 dinars per hundred dollars, and the purchase price was 146,750 dinars per 100 dollars./.

$223.7 Million In Central Bank Sales

Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Sunday, the sales of the Central Bank of Iraq in the foreign currency sale window amounted to more than .7223 million dollars.

The Central Bank’s website published a schedule of its dollar sales, and “Al-Iqtisad News” viewed it, as it included the participation of 34 banks and 35 exchange companies, and covered external transfer requests of $213.7 million, while cash requests amounted to $9.98 million.

And the Central Bank of Iraq sells the dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards at a price of 1305 dinars per dollar.

Views 36   07/09/2023 -

The Minister Of Planning Is Discussing With The Governors The Mechanisms Of Implementing Projects

Reconstruction and building  Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Sunday, the Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, discussed with the governors the mechanisms for implementing projects after the approval of the general budget (2023-2025).

And the ministry stated in a statement, that “Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, chaired today an expanded meeting of all governors, to discuss and define appropriate mechanisms for implementing projects and distributing the sums allocated to the governorates in the general budget law,” noting that “during the meeting, it took place.” Discussing a number of issues and files related to the reality of the ongoing projects within the regions development program.

Al-Tamimi stressed, according to the statement, that "this meeting came to discuss with the governorates regarding the projects that are supposed to be included for this year and the need to direct them towards providing services to citizens," stressing "the need for these projects to have a developmental impact and respond to spatial and developmental gaps."

The meeting included, according to the statement, "developing visions and solutions to most of the problems that impede the implementation of the federal general budget for the year (2023-2025), and it was also agreed to communicate on a daily basis to overcome obstacles to the actions of governors and reach the furthest point in the province by providing service."

For his part, the head of the Supreme Coordinating Authority for the Governorates, Ahmed Al-Fatlawi, called on the governors to "complete the requirements for listing projects and the requirements for disbursing completed amounts in relation to advances in accordance with the requirements set by the Ministry of Planning in order to facilitate procedures and implement projects."

He added, "The governorates suffer from problems related to ongoing projects, which need a double effort to expedite the disbursement procedures, solve problems related to previous projects, and benefit from the remaining time in order to include projects in the coming years,"

noting that "one of the priorities mentioned in the government program regarding Infrastructure projects for the governorates are: not to include any project unless the area in which it is included has completed its infrastructure services, whether with regard to sanitation, potable water, and others.

Views 24  07/09/2023 -


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