Iraqi News Highlights Saturday Evening 7-1-23

Iraqi News Highlights Saturday Evening 7-1-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Across Two Directions.. Al-Baldawi Outlines Ways To Achieve Economic Sovereignty For Iraq

Saturday 01 July 2023 08:35 | Economical Number of readings: 642  Baghdad / NINA / - Today, Friday, the spokesman for the Sadiqoon Bloc, Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Planning Committee, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, identified two directions to achieve economic sovereignty.

Al-Baldawi stated, according to the bloc’s website, that “Iraq is one of the richest countries, with its economic potential and natural resources, which the foreign occupation has exploited and seized.”

He added, "Everyone knows that America uses economic and financial means, starting with the dollar and ending with oil sales, in the process of pressure and blackmailing countries and putting them under the control of the American will."

Al-Baldawi explained that: "If we come to Iraq and how to have economic sovereignty and control, this goes in two directions. The first is to invest the capabilities and capabilities available through national companies capable of managing these wealth and establishing gas and oil factories and projects, manufacturing industries and minerals from phosphate and sulfur." And other minerals and agriculture as well, and invest them properly.”

And he indicated that “the other direction is to open the doors of relations with other countries, and everyone aspires to be a partner for Iraq, but the American malicious hands are blocking all these projects, including the Chinese agreement, which all the Arabs went towards, while Iraq is He was the only one during the time of Adel Abdul Mahdi's government.

And he continued, “We are also talking about energy sources, and we have the possibility to invest in solar energy, and this can be opened with Europe, which has capabilities in this field,” adding, “We also have human wealth and mental capabilities that can be used properly, which will make Iraq at the forefront of the world’s countries in managing the economy and resources and managing the region.” Also.”/ End 9

Advisor To The Prime Minister: The Market Value Of Iraq's Raw Wealth Exceeds $15 Trillion

Political  | 02:55 - 01/07/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News  Today, Saturday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, identified a theory to maximize Iraq's revenues through its natural resources, and while he confirmed that Iraq ranks ninth in the world with its resources, he indicated that the market value of Iraq's raw wealth exceeds 15 trillion dollars.

Saleh said, in an interview with the official agency: “Iraq is one of the most important countries in the world, if not at the forefront of nations rich in natural resources or raw materials within the scope of the international classification of resources on the globe, as Iraq takes the (ninth) sequence among the priority of countries in the world that possess Natural diversity and economic quantities in the capacity of raw materials reservoirs capable of manufacturing and export or national industrial use.

He added: "As the circles estimate that the market value of those raw wealth in our country may exceed 15 trillion dollars at the current value, compared to about 45 trillion dollars for the United States of America, which is (the second) globally, and 75 trillion dollars for the Russian Federation, which is (the first) globally."

And he continued: “And when taking into account the historical experience in development, which is represented today by the development of an important international group of economies called (raw or basic material countries), which relied in their economic development and development on the manufacture and export of natural resources, Canada, Australia and New Zealand come at the forefront today, The thesis (raw or basic materials) comes in economic development, and it is one of the theories of export-led growth.

He pointed out that "the theory of export-led growth has its origins in research in social, political and economic history that was conducted specifically in Canadian universities by researchers of what were known as political economy departments, and among these groups of researchers was the economist Harold Ennis, Mackintosh and others, among the most prominent." researchers who took this approach.

And he added, "Therefore, we find that our country carries a unique model of economic development that puts it in the ranks of developed nations, and development can proceed strongly from the theory of manufacturing raw or natural materials in our country and exporting it to lead development," pointing out that "the natural resources that the economic model may work on Al-Iraqi for Development is represented by manufacturing raw exports with dozens of exploitable natural resources, provided that manufacturing chains with high technologies are capable of generating internal manufacturing linkages, which is called (value-added chains generated from links or backlinks of inputs and outputs) within the national factory. Iraq, through which the process of manufacturing and manufacturing is maximized, and the added value flourishes before being exported as products, which serve as production inputs to world markets.

He stressed "the importance of Derayah's reflection on the prosperity of economic development and the growth rates required to be achieved, in light of the degree of development of material capital accumulation and its high value, or in terms of the growth of the gross domestic product of our country."

Iraq's Oil Imports To America Rose To Double During The Past Week

Energy  Economy News _ Baghdad  The US Energy Information Administration announced today, Saturday, that Iraq's oil imports have doubled over the past week.

The administration said in a table seen by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "the average US imports of crude oil during the past week from nine major countries amounted to 5.709 million barrels per day, up by 137 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 5.572 million barrels per day."

She added, "Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to an average of 216 thousand barrels per day last week, up by 114 thousand barrels as a daily rate from the previous week, in which oil exports to America reached an average of 102 thousand barrels per day."

She pointed out that "most of America's oil revenues during the past week came from Canada at a rate of 3.776 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico at an average of 758 thousand barrels per day, and oil revenues from Saudi Arabia amounted to an average of 460 thousand barrels per day, and then Colombia at a rate of 222 thousand barrels per day."

According to the administration, "the amount of US imports of crude oil from Nigeria amounted to an average of 96,000 barrels per day, from Brazil at a rate of 71,000 barrels per day, from Ecuador at a rate of 67,000 barrels per day, and from Libya at a rate of 43,000 barrels per day, while it did not import any amount of oil." Russia".   Views 35  07/01/2023

The Secretary-General Of The United Nations Condemns The Burning Of The Holy Quran And Prepares To Respond To Mr. Sistani's Message

political | 01/07/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Today, Saturday, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, announced that he had received the message of the supreme religious authority, Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani, regarding the burning of the Noble Qur’an in Sweden.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ahmed Al-Sahhaf, said in a statement, a copy of which Mawazine News received, that “Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein received, on Friday evening, 6/30/2023, a phone call from the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, During the call, they discussed the abuse that the Holy Qur’an was subjected to by an Iraqi person residing in the Kingdom of Sweden, on Wednesday corresponding to 6/28/2023.

Al-Sahhaf added, "Fouad Hussein gave an explanation in which he stated that these actions raise and develop multiple problems between the countries of the Islamic world and European societies, in which these events and situations take place, and these actions in turn feed the phenomenon of Islamophobia and extremist and terrorist ideas and sow hatred and violence in all countries of the world." .

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed "the need to work internationally to combat these ideas that lead to insulting the sanctities and their symbols and burning the heavenly books, including the Holy Qur'an."

For his part, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, confirmed that he "followed this event, as well as the reactions in Iraq and the Islamic world," expressing his "condemnation and condemnation of this heinous act."

Guterres stressed, "the need to work to confront the phenomenon of Islamophobia," adding: "I received the message of the supreme authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, and I highly appreciate his efforts, and I will prepare a response message in this regard."

And the statement continued: "In conclusion, Fuad Hussein thanked the Secretary-General of the United Nations for his position, which was expressed by the Assistant Secretary-General for the Affairs of Ancient Civilizations in the statement he issued, and his great interest in the message of Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, stressing that everyone is working and striving to achieve security and peace." Peaceful coexistence and combating extremist ideas.

Ministry Of Oil: Last Month's Revenues Amounted To More Than $7 Billion

Economy | 01/07/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Ministry of Oil announced, today, Saturday, the total exports and revenues achieved for the month of June.

The ministry stated in a statement, received by Mawazine News, that "according to preliminary statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), the total amount of exports of crude oil reached (100) million (59) thousand and (52) barrels, with revenues amounting to 7 billion. And $115 million.

The statistics indicated that "the total quantities exported of crude oil for the month of June from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to (98) million (725) thousand and (620) barrels, while the quantities exported to Jordan amounted to (299) thousand and (445). ) barrels, while exports from Qayyarah were (1) million and (33) thousand and (987) barrels, while the average daily quantities exported amounted to (3) million and (335) thousand barrels per day.

It showed that "the average price of one barrel amounted to (71.11) dollars."

It is noteworthy that the ministry, through its belief in informing the people of export operations and the revenues generated from them, has taken this monthly procedure.


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