Iraqi News Highlights Late Tuesday Evening 8-29-23

Iraqi News Highlights Late Tuesday Evening 8-29-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Al-Sudani And Al-Maliki Discuss The Most Important Bills Submitted To Parliament

Political  |  08/29/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News  Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani discussed with the head of the State of Law Coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, the most important draft laws and legislations submitted to Parliament.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated in a statement, a copy of which Mawazine News received, that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani received, this evening, Tuesday, the head of the State of Law Coalition, Nuri Kamel al-Maliki, and the meeting witnessed discussions of public topics and issues, and progress in the implementation of the program."

The government and its priorities in providing services, the growing pace of performance of the executive agencies within the framework of economic reform, facing service challenges and meeting the demands of citizens, at various levels and fields.

He added, "They also discussed the most important draft laws and legislation submitted to Parliament, and ways to speed up files that affect the basic needs of citizens."

Mawazine Publishes The Full Decisions Of The Council Of Ministers Session

Political  |  08/29/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Today, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers issued a number of new decisions and approved several recommendations during its 34th session, including approval of amending the controls for selling plots of land and residential homes to their occupants of Yazidi citizens, and approval of the recommendation of the Ministerial Council of Economy regarding postponing the collection of customs duties for goods and commodities.

Imported, while the House of Representatives demanded to expedite the legislation of a number of draft laws related to the government program.

The media office of the Prime Minister said in a statement, "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani presided today, the 34th regular session of the Council of Ministers, which witnessed discussions on issues, public files, and conditions related to the economic and service aspects and the progress of implementing the government program," noting that "there was a During the session, a review of the general framework of the work of the National Data Center, related to the strategic e-governance project, and the subsequent steps of digital transformation, with regard to services provided to citizens.

The Prime Minister directed that "priority in digital transformation be given to departments that have direct contact with citizens."

He also directed that "ministers set a known and announced day, to receive citizens and follow up on complaints submitted to them, which require consideration by ministers," stressing "the importance of ministers making maximum efforts to combat corruption and prosecute the corrupt."

And he stressed that "one of the most important criteria for evaluating the work of ministers and the level of their performance is the amount of their efforts in combating corruption, and resolving its files within their ministries," directing "all ministries, to fully commit to implementing Law (28) of 2019, regarding the abolition of the privileges of officials."

The Council of Ministers decided to suspend official working hours for Wednesday and Thursday of next week, corresponding to September 6 and 7, on the occasion of the revival of the visit ceremonies; To remember the fortieth of Imam Hussein and his companions (peace be upon them), and set next Sunday as the date for the regular session of the Council of Ministers.

The Prime Minister directed, "all ministries, to mobilize maximum efforts in order to provide services to visitors and Husseiniya processions, and to assign specialized committees to carry out their duties and tasks in making the visit ceremonies a success."

In the course of continuous support for the Iraqi fraternal spectrum, and based on what was included in the ministerial curriculum, the office stated that "the Council of Ministers agreed to amend the first paragraph of the Council of Ministers Resolution (364 of 2022) to include nationalities and other sects of minorities other than Yazidis residing in the compounds mentioned in the aforementioned paragraph."

exclusively above,” pointing out that he “approved the amendment of the controls for the sale of plots of land and residential homes to their occupants of Yazidi citizens, issued pursuant to Cabinet Resolution (23193 of 2023) to ensure the implementation of Paragraph (1) mentioned above.”

And he indicated that "the council approved the recommendations of the Municipality of Baghdad regarding the waste treatment and energy production project, as follows:


2. Approval of the allocation of (1000) dunums; Including (900) dunums for the benefit of the Baghdad Municipality, and (100) dunums for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity, on the plot listed below in the Abu Ghraib district, outside the boundaries of the basic design for the city of Baghdad, which is: Part of the plot numbered (504/30) District (4) Oriba and Suleiman, with an area of ​​(18,418) dunums and (4) acres, owned by the Ministry of Finance.

3. The Baghdad Municipality, in cooperation with the Ministry of Electricity and the National Investment Commission, will attract investment offers to find out the appropriate technology for the Baghdad Municipality, provided that the Ministry of Finance decides to allocate lands to proceed with the implementation of the aforementioned project.

With the aim of strengthening defense systems, securing Iraq's airspace, achieving air sovereignty throughout the country, and providing support to our armed forces in the sectors of responsibility, the office stated that "the Council of Ministers approved a contract by the Ministry of Defense with the French company Thales to purchase radars, as an exception to the contracting methods stipulated in Article ( 3) From the instructions for implementing government contracts (3 of 2014).

And based on the continuous directives of the Prime Minister to relieve the burden of families and support prices, the Council approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Economy (230192 s), which included approval to reduce the percentage of customs duty imposed on live animals imported for slaughter purposes (cattle and sheep) to become (4% ) and shall be reviewed after (6) months from the date of issuance of this decision.

In a step aimed at spreading general culture in society, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Human Development (23022 b) for the year 2023, which stipulated the adoption of March 3 of each year as a day to celebrate reading in Iraq, under the slogan (Iraq Reads), Assigning the concerned authorities to prepare their plans to activate the issue.

And within the framework of government support for sports federations and clubs, it was approved to increase the financial allocation for Al-Zawraa Sports Club by an amount of one billion dinars for the year 2023, from the social services account of the General Company for Iraqi Ports, based on the provisions of the amended Public Companies Law (22 of 1997), and as an exception to the decision Council of Ministers (25 of 2021).

According to the statement, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation to the House of Representatives, regarding expediting the legislation of a number of draft laws, as one of the important projects related to the government program, as follows:

1. Draft Law on the First Amendment to the Law of Seizing and Confiscating Movable and Immovable Assets, Pertaining to the Elements of the Previous Regime No. (72) of 2017.

2. Draft Law Amending the Martyrs Foundation Law No. (2) of 2016

3. Draft Law on Freedom of Expression and Demonstration peaceful.

4. Child Protection Bill.

5. The draft law on protection from domestic violence.

6. The Ministry of Communications draft law.

7. The Communications and Informatics Bill.

8. A draft law for the allocation of lands and orchards located within the basic design of the city of Baghdad and the municipalities.

9. A draft law to return real estate to its owners, which was included in some decisions of the (dissolved) Revolutionary Command Council.

10. A draft law for renting agricultural lands.

11. The draft law of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service.

12. The draft law of the Iraqi National Security Agency.

13. The Anti-Terrorism Bill.

14. The Council of Ministers and Ministries Draft Law.

15. Draft Law for the Second Amendment to the Law to Abolish Legal Texts that Prevent Courts from Hearing Cases No. (17) of 2005.

16. Draft Law Granting Employees Regular Leave.

17. Births and Deaths Bill.

 According to the statement, the Council of Ministers discussed other issues on the agenda and issued the following decisions in their regard:

First:    Approval of the recommendation of the Ministerial Council of Economy No. (230200 s) regarding postponing the collection of customs duties, for goods and goods imported in the name of ministries and agencies not associated with a ministry, according to the following: Approval of

extending Cabinet Resolution No. (23035) for the year 2023 is effective until December 31, 2023, and this extension will be the last.

Second:   The Ministry of Finance allocates an additional (400) million dollars to the Ministry of Electricity; To complete projects whose details have been proven, based on the provisions of Article (60) of the Federal General Budget Law No. (13) for the year 2023.

Third:   Approving the recommendations of Meeting No. (19) of the National Population Council set out in the book of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, based on the Diwani order (23550 of 2023), which included:

1- Inclusion of the wounded of the Ministry of Defense, who have a disability of 100%, to obtain apartments in the residential complexes of the governorates, similar to the families of the martyrs.

2- Determining the percentages of distribution of housing units implemented by the Ministry of Construction and Housing among societal groups (martyrs, displaced persons, victims of terrorism, widows, people with special needs, non-employee citizens, state employees), according to specific percentages.

3- Extinguishing the fines imposed on the residents of Al-Sadr and Al-Shumoukh complexes, which are located in Dhi Qar Governorate.

4- Reducing the prices of housing units for the category of beneficiaries of the Ministry of Migration and Displacement, returning from displacement inside Iraq only, by 50%.

5- Determining a percentage by the Higher Ministerial Committee for the new cities of the housing units, which are announced for investment, to be transferred to the housing departments in the concerned governorates. End29


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