Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 1-14-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 1-14-24

A Parliamentary Committee Reassures: The 2024 Budget Will Not Witness A Financial Deficit

Economy News – Baghdad    Today, Sunday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, expected that there would be no financial deficit in Iraq’s fiscal budget for the year 2024, while he confirmed the existence of decisions that require new financial funding.

Al-Kadhimi said, during an interview followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the budget is ongoing and the Ministry of Finance can disburse the allocations of ministries and governorates for the year 2024 normally and without delay, whether operational or investment.”

He added, "The government is submitting amendments to the table of amounts, and these amendments are in the process of being completed and sent to the Finance Committee. They will be studied there, approved by Parliament, and are on their way to implementation."

The member of parliamentary finance explained, “Considering the budget as a tripartite, there are observations made by the government on the experience of last year’s fiscal year 2023, or that there are decisions made by the Council of Ministers that require new financial funding.”

He continues, "There was no financial deficit in the 2023 budget and there was a surplus, but the 2024 budget will not have a financial deficit, especially since oil prices are constantly increasing."

Last June, the House of Representatives approved the financial budget for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025, after a difficult struggle and a series of parliamentary sessions. This budget was considered the largest in the country’s history, with a value of about 153 billion dollars for each year.

Views 69 01/14/2024 -

"Al-Eqtisad News" Publishes Exchange Rates In Iraq: They Recorded A Decline

Economy News – Baghdad  Al-Iqtisad News publishes the dollar exchange rates in local markets during Sunday’s trading.   The exchange rates of the dollar, on the Al-Kifah Stock Exchange in the capital, Baghdad, reached 152,900 dinars per 100 dollars, while on the Basra Stock Exchange, it reached 153,100 dinars per 100 dollars.

Exchange rates varied in the governorates of the Kurdistan region, reaching 152,750 dinars per 100 dollars in Erbil, while Sulaymaniyah and Dohuk recorded 152,850 dinars per 100 dollars.

Views 30 01/14/2024 -

The Baghdad Stock Exchange Opens With A Decline In Dollar Exchange Rates

Economy |Baghdad today _ Baghdad   The exchange rates of the US dollar fell against the Iraqi dinar today, Sunday (January 14, 2024), on the Baghdad Stock Exchange.

The "Baghdad Today" correspondent said: "Selling prices in money exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 153,750 dinars."

He added, "Purchasing prices reached 151,750 dinars for every 100 dollars."  LINK

A List Of The Latest Update Of Exchange Rates In The Iraqi Governorates

Posted On01-14-2024 By Sotaliraq

 “Baghdad Today” publishes a list of exchange rates for the dollar against the dinar in all Iraqi governorates, where the lowest price came in Baghdad, while the highest price came in the governorates of Muthanna, Wasit, Salah al-Din, and Dhi Qar.

The list was as follows:

Dollar exchange rates in Iraqi governorates

100 = 153,000 Baghdad

100 = 153,050 Erbil[

100 = 153,050 Basra

100 = 153,100 Sulaymaniyah

$100 = 153,050 Dohuk

$100 = 153,150 Kirkuk

$100 = 153,150 Halabja

$100 = 153,100 connectors

$100 = 153,050 Najaf

$100=153,100 grey

$100 = 153,150 Samawah

$100 = 153,150 Nasiriyah

$100 = 153,100 Karbala

$100 = 153,100 with penalty

$100=153,050 suit

$100 = 153,150 kout

$100 = 153,100 Diwaniyah

$100 = 153,150 Tikrit

$100 = 153,100 architecture


Soon.. Approval Of A Draft National Policy To Combat Begging

Iraq  01/14/2024   Baghdad: Rula Wathiq and Shaima Rashid  The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs revealed that the draft national policy to combat begging will soon be approved, while the Parliamentary Work Committee indicated that the Social Security Retirement Law has entered into force.

Director of the Anti-Begging Department in the Ministry, Haitham Adel, told Al-Sabah: A committee was formed two years ago, headed by the National Security Advisory and the membership of representatives from some relevant ministries and institutions. It prepared a draft draft (the National Policy to Combat Begging in Iraq) and is now in the process of approving it and presenting it to the Prime Minister.

To decide. He pointed out that the plan distributed its tasks in terms of performance, leadership, follow-up, performance evaluation, and knowledge of areas of strength, weakness, and support, noting that the Ministry of Labor was tasked in 2015 with forming a department concerned with combating begging, with recommendations from the Citizens Affairs Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, and formed committees in the governorates headed by the Deputy Governor. Membership includes representatives from various ministries and institutions.

Adel stated that during April of last year, the Prime Minister directed the Ministry of the Interior to chair a committee to combat begging and homelessness, with representatives from the National Security Service and the Ministry of Labor as members, whose mission is to find and assist people who need social welfare salaries and include them in it after writing a pledge not to practice begging in the future,

stressing that The mobile teams' mission is to approach the affairs of foreign workers in the Ministry of Interior, to inform them of the presence of beggars on the streets, to verify their identification papers and to force them to leave Iraq if they violate the laws.

For his part, member of the Parliamentary Work Committee, Jassem Al-Moussawi, explained to “Al-Sabah” that begging is an uncivilized phenomenon and must be reduced by trying to include these people in the social welfare salary and speeding up procedures against them.

Yes, there are anomalous cases, and some of them are well-off and capable, but some take begging as their profession. To live, and if this happens, the Ministry of Interior must take measures against them, and we stress their follow-up and limitation.

He stated that Parliament, as a legislator, must put an end to these matters and to many of the phenomena that exist in society that are not appropriate for Iraqi society or the government, stressing the need for there to be a law that holds these phenomena accountable because there are wealthy people who practice this profession, but the real cases must include a salary for care and a network. Protection and accelerating their inclusion.

Al-Moussawi continued: There are gangs that exploit some people and they are victims of them. We must benefit from them, in addition to the presence of instructions to hold them accountable by the security services because this falls within human trafficking, and the Minister of Interior must hold these cases accountable and monitor them.

He stressed that the Retirement and Security Law has entered into force, but the previous windows are only provided by the security offices in the governorates, noting that today there is talk from the Ministry of Labor about the existence of advanced retirement companies with the Ministry in order to open advanced windows to accommodate the large number in a modern electronic way.

Al-Moussawi added that through electronic outlets and in order to include the largest possible number of guarantees, especially since the law included broad segments, he expected that during the coming period all problems would be resolved and the law would enter into force.

Edited by: Adhraa Juma


Provoking Points To Ponder on Adversity:

A problem is a chance for you to do your best.  - Duke Ellington

Emergencies have always been necessary to progress. It was darkness which produced the lamp. It was fog that produced the compass. It was hunger that drove us to exploration. And it took a depression to teach us the real value of a job.  - Victor Hugo

Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties.  - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity.  - Frederick Phillips

Fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong men.  - Marcus Annaeus Seneca

I think my biggest achievement is that after going through a rather difficult time, I consider myself comparatively sane. I'm proud of that.  - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

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