Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM  2-16-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM  2-16-24

Federal Trade Indicates An International Desire To Invest In Iraq

Three countries are holding meetings in this regard

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Zagros – Erbil   On Thursday, Federal Trade Minister Atheer Al-Ghurairi revealed a wide welcome and international desire to increase investments inside Iraq, while confirming that meetings were held with 3 countries in this regard.

The Iraqi government is adopting a new approach aimed at diversifying the sources of the economy and revitalizing its movement, through radical solutions that address current challenges and open broader horizons for the flow of foreign investment into the country's economy, which suffers from extended structural imbalances.

The packages of measures related to various legal and administrative amendments are among those followed solutions aimed at transforming the country into an attractive environment for foreign investments.

During his participation in the 113th session of the Economic and Social Council, which was held at the Arab League, Al-Ghurairi said in his speech that “Iraq today seeks, within the government program of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, to improve the investment environment and seeks to receive private sector companies with the aim of improving the economic reality in Iraq and announcing the availability of opportunities.” Great investment.

Al-Ghurairi added, “There are many important projects in Iraq, including the development road and the railway line between Holy Karbala and Najaf Al-Ashraf,” noting “the necessity of encouraging investments from the private sector inside Iraq.”

Explaining that “Iraq seeks to increase investment projects with Arab countries,” indicating that “there are major initiatives by Arab countries and there was a great welcome by them to increase investments in Iraq and implement many economic agreements and conferences, and there are many protocols implemented with the countries of the Emirates and Qatar.”

And Egypt and the formation of committees that include delegations from businessmen and the private sector inside Iraq, and we noticed a tangible change in the management of the economic file and the general economic policy of the Iraqi state.”

He also pointed out that “the meeting came out with many decisions that were approved, including promoting intra-trade, liberalizing trade in goods, and welcoming Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization.”

Al-Ghurairi stressed, “This is what Iraq aspires to, as its steps have begun to convey their messages to all countries, and the Iraqi economy will witness a significant recovery during the coming period in order to achieve common interests and achieve mutual benefit between Iraq and the Arab countries.”

Al-Ghurairi pointed out that “there are rapid initiatives in infrastructure investment with the Egyptian, Qatari and Emirati sides through many agreements that were concluded during the previous period.”

While Iraq's ambitions to diversify economic sources and attract foreign investments in various sectors face a number of challenges and difficulties, especially with regard to infrastructure and legislation.

Munich: Sudanese And British Foreign Minister Discuss Bilateral Relations And The Importance Of Improving Them

Politics | Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Friday (February 16, 2024), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed with British Foreign Minister David Cameron bilateral relations and the importance of improving them.

Al-Sudani’s office said in a statement received by “Baghdad Today” that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani received, this Friday morning, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, on the sidelines of his participation in the Munich Security Conference 2024,” noting that “the meeting discussed bilateral relations between Iraq and the United Kingdom, and the importance of improving and strengthening them in all aspects, in a way that serves the common interests of the two friendly countries.”

 Al-Sudani stressed, according to the statement, that “Iraq today represents fertile ground for investments and economic work, and that the doors of investment are open to British companies,” noting that “the government seeks to organize work with the international coalition, and move towards ending its presence in Iraq, and moving to bilateral relations.” Multiple alliance countries.

Regarding the situation in Gaza, Al-Sudani pointed out “the necessity for the major powers to exercise their role in ending the ongoing war in the Palestinian territories, and stopping its repercussions on the security of the region and the world, and the necessity of protecting civilians and providing urgent humanitarian aid to them, after the comprehensive destruction caused by the occupation forces in the Gaza Strip.” .

For his part, Cameron expressed "his country's desire to expand relations with Iraq, in a way that achieves mutual benefit," stressing that "these relations should not be limited to the security aspect, which is being organized through Britain's participation in the international coalition. Rather, his country desires to create... Multiple partnerships with Iraq, especially in the economic and development aspects.”

Yesterday evening, Thursday evening, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, headed to Germany, to participate in the Munich Security Conference 2024, after concluding his official visit to the Netherlands.   LINK

Al-Sudani: The Government Has Priorities, Including Reforming The Iraqi Economy

Thursday 15, February 2024 21:40 | Economical Number of readings: 714

Baghdad / NINA / Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said: The government has priorities, including reforming the Iraqi economy, and we cannot continue to rely on oil revenues only.

Work: 150,000 Men Applied For The Care Stipend As Female

Logo of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. "Internet"

Economy News – Baghdad  On Friday, the Social Protection Authority in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs revealed that there were 150,000 men who applied to receive the welfare salary as female.

The head of the authority, Ahmed Khalaf, said in a statement to state television, seen by Al-Eqtisad News, that “35,000 care abusers were discovered during the last period, and we may reach 300,000 abusers during the coming months,” indicating that “care services have ended the coverage of 900,000.” A family on social care, while the number of people covered by social care reached 7 million individuals.”

He added, "Social assistance salaries are equivalent to the employee's salary, as the aid measures aim to reduce poverty," noting that "90 percent of the beneficiaries have social welfare salaries."

He pointed out that "most of the organizations that claim to help the poor are organized gangs, and there are 150,000 men who applied to receive the care stipend as female."

Views 18 02/16/2024 -


Points To Ponder on Anxiety about the Future 

To be ambitious for wealth, and yet always expecting to be poor, to be always doubting your ability to get what you long for, is like trying to reach east by traveling west. ... No matter how hard you work for success, if your thought is saturated with the fear of failure, it will kill your efforts, neutralize your endeavors and make success impossible.  - Charles Baudouin

Studies by Medical Corps psychiatrists of combat fatigue cases ... found that fear of killing, rather than fear of being killed, was the most common cause of battle failure, and that fear of failure ran a strong second.    - S. L. A. Marshall

Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another step-pingstone to greatness.  - Oprah Winfrey

Half the things that people do not succeed in are through fear of making the attempt.  - James Northcote

A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.  - Billie Jean King


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