Iraq News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 11-3-23

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 11-3-23

A List Of The Countries That Receive The Most American Aid.. Iraq Is Ranked Second

International  1,122 views   Alsumaria News – International  Afghanistan has topped the list of countries receiving the most US aid since 2000, with a total of $144 billion, according to the US Agency for International Development and the State Department.

The data showed that Iraq came in second place with aid amounting to 91 billion dollars, then Israel with about 84 billion dollars, while the American aid that Egypt has received since the beginning of the 21st century amounted to about 44 billion dollars, and Ukraine received aid from the]United States  amounting to 32 billion dollars.  2023-11-03 | 1,122 views   LINK

Decreased Smuggling Of Petroleum Products To The Kurdistan Region By 90%... 3 Strategies

Local   Today 11:20   Al-Ma’louma/ Diyala..    A security source confirmed, on Friday, that the smuggling of petroleum products to the Kurdistan region will decline by 90% during 2023.

The source said in an interview with “Al-Ma’louma/,” that “the law enforcement operation in Diyala, which began last March, adopted an important axis, which is addressing "The file of smuggling of all kinds, especially petroleum products, has been a source of concern, especially with the recurrence of crises."

He added, "Three strategies were adopted on the land roads between Diyala and the Kurdistan region, the most important of which are the checkpoints and the closure of all breezeways in the countryside overlapping the administrative borders, which contributed to the decline of the smuggling file by up to 90%."

He pointed out that "addressing the smuggling issue led to creating flexibility in providing fuel, in addition to cutting off any attempts at smuggling from the rest of the governorates through the Diyala roads to the region, given the severe damage it causes."

The smuggling of petroleum products caused severe harm in Diyala by creating crises and repeating long queues in front of gas stations. End 25 F   LINK

Security Forces Tightened Their Procedures In Central Baghdad And Installed Large Screens To Broadcast Hassan Nasrallah's Speech

2023-11-03   Shafaq News / A security source reported, on Friday, that the Iraqi security forces had tightened their security measures in Tahrir Square in the center of the capital, Baghdad.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "The security forces tightened their security measures within Tahrir Square, as dozens of protesters began arriving to the square, and a large screen was set up to watch Hassan Nasrallah's speech."

A segment of Iraqis are awaiting the expected speech by the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, regarding the development of the current events in the Gaza Strip and the war against Israel.   LINK

Washington Approves A Deal To Sell Military Equipment To Iraq Worth $300 Million

Security |Baghdad today - follow-up   Today, Friday (November 3, 2023), the United States of America agreed to sell military equipment to Iraq worth $300 million.

The Pentagon said, "The State Department has approved the planned sale of logistical support and related equipment for Bell helicopters to Iraq."

She added that the deal would cost an estimated $300 million, noting that "the company's Textron unit is the main contractor for weapons."

Earlier, the American “Business Insider” website reported that there are four deals to purchase air fighters that may take place with countries in the Middle East, including Iraq, that would reshape the region’s largest armies, which for decades have been importing advanced warplanes in large numbers and were destroyed in some cases. Often record numbers in their purchases.

The report stated, "Iraq was conducting negotiations regarding 14 Rafale aircraft, and if completed, the deal would represent the first time that Baghdad had purchased combat aircraft from France since the former regime requested 133 Mirage F1 aircraft in the 1970s and 1980s."

The report pointed out that Iraq received its first F-16 aircraft in 2015, and they became the backbone of the Iraqi Air Force, but within five years, the future of these aircraft became questionable due to maintenance problems and technical aspects.  LINK

Al-Rasheed Bank: Applying To Purchase Dollars For Travelers Is Done Through Our Official Website

Economy   2023/11/03 10:45  Number of readings: 87   Baghdad - Iraq Today:  Al-Rasheed Bank confirmed that applications to purchase dollars for travelers are made through its official website.

The bank said in a statement, “Travelers wishing to obtain the dollar must enter the bank’s official website and apply via the link through the form designated for this purpose.”

He added, "Applications must adhere to the review deadline. Otherwise, the application will be canceled if they do not review the branch within the specified time."   LINK

Advisor To The Prime Minister: There Is No Shortage Of Currency Liquidity, And The Government Is Very Careful About Two Things

Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Today, Thursday (November 2, 2023), the advisor to the Prime Minister, Amer Al-Adad, denied that there was a shortage of financial liquidity in hard currency with the government.

Al-Adad said in a televised statement followed by "Baghdad Today", "Money is available, including hard currency, through oil sales and the central bank's currency auction."

He explained, "Electronic payment points allow a person to pay with an electronic payment card at points of sale in order to increase the transparency of the movement of money in the country and preserve public money. It is part of a larger program to shift to electronic banking and bring savings from homes to the banking system."

He added, "At this stage, the number of electronic payment cards in Iraq may range between 7 to 9 million cards, and we expect it to grow further with the imposition of collecting fees. We are in a transitional period so as not to confuse the market, after which the electronic payment system will be emphasized."

Al-Adad stated, "The economic reforms in the current government are characterized by seriousness and follow-up. In the reform program, we found that the targets do not match the goals, and we set new targets for each goal."

He stressed, "Collection is the duty of the state; but this type of contract has been transferred to the private sector, and the experience of electronic collection of electricity has been largely successful and this has been proven in Anbar, and investment depends on reforming the banking system."

He pointed out that "the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is very cautious regarding the issue of the people's assets, lands, and residential complexes, and is working on a real plan to support prices."


Provoking Points to Ponder on Difficulty:

Difficulty is the soil in which all manly and womanly qualities best flourish; and the true worker, in any sphere; is continually coping with difficulties -- His very failures, throwing him upon his own resources, cultivate energy and resolution; his hardships teach him fortitude; his successes inspire self-reliance -- W Matthews

It cannot be too often repeated that it is not helps, but obstacles, not facilities, but 
difficulties that make men -- W Matthews

Difficulties strengthen the  mind, as labor  does  the body -- Seneca

There is no merit where there is no trial; and till experience stamps the mark of strength, cowards may pass for heroes, and faith for falsehood -- 
A Hill

The  greater the obstacle, the more glory we have in overcoming it; the  
difficulties with which we are met are the maids of honor which set off virtue -- Moliere

Difficulties show men what they are  - In case of any difficulty God has pitted you against a rough antagonist that you may be a conqueror, and this cannot  be without toil -- Epictetus 

Our energy is in proportion to the resistance it meets -- We attempt nothing great but from a sense of the 
difficulties we have to encounter; we preserve in nothing great but from a pride in overcoming them -- Hazlitt

There are 
difficulties in your path - Be thankful  for them -- they will test your capabilities of resistance; you will be impelled to  persevere from the very energy of the opposition -- But what of him that fails?  - what  does he  gain? Strength for life -- the  real merit is not in the  success but  in the  endeavor and win or lose -- he will be honored and crowned -- W M Punshon


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2-23  


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