IQD CALLS Saturday Evening 2-8-20

IQD CALLS Saturday Evening 2-8-20

Francis Albert   What Kap doesn't see, is the forest for the trees. It is obvious to anyone paying attention to the news, and three reliable sources that I know of: ()..none of these by the way have ever predicted a date or a rate of any sort.

Francis Albert   Back to the obvious, Iraq is going to take their currency international and take off the program rate instilled by the IMF, U.N. and God knows who else has their fingers in the money pile when a nation is invaded like Iraq was.

Francis Albert   So, a hit from program rate to something like .86 popping on Forex overnight, (my prediction), is very possible and doable. Kap doesn't understand that Iraq doesn't have to pony up .86 for the alleged 40 Trillion Dinar "out there." He doesn't get that part.

Francis Albert   And of course it will "float". All currencies are pegged to the dollar and go up and down as people buy them, go short them an go long. I think there's about....ready....5 Trillion Dollars a day wagered on currencies through FOREX ever DAY. So, it's an active little market.

Francis Albert   And Kap is right. Who knows how long it will take for it to go up from the initial hit? I think a few months can get us to an "interesting" number. But, hey, .86 is pretty darn interesting, but I wouldn't sell at this price. That's my .86 worth today for what it is worth.

Zig   Francis Albert : Interesting....Thanks......I will copy your posts and send them via email to Kaperoni.....hopefully he will drop by and reply.....

Doug_W   @Francis Albert AND of that supposed 40 T out there how much is being held by federal reserve banks as "account" money and payment will most certainly be "digital" at cash in not ALL paper in ur hand

Francis Albert   Doug, virtually all currencies are 95 to 100% digital today. So, it doesn't matter. When someone says there are 40 T Dinar out there...if that is true, it is mostly all digital. The Dollar is about 97% digital of the, (we believe), about 30 Trillion out there. Matters not.

Francis Albert   To you point. Yes indeed. We have no idea of who is holding these 40 T Dinar, (if that number is real). It has been my opinion, that I've posted here, that Central Banks the World over most like hold the 40 T Dinar. And this is key. Why?

Francis Albert    Because Central Banks are banks of issue. They create currencies on a computer. They literally delete "money" from their balance sheet every day. I conjecture that Dollar Inc. runs the show and they run all central banks, (sans Russia, China, Iran and N Korea), and Dollar Inc. is the war machine...

and if they want Iraqi's to be happy, solid and willingly allow U.S. to set up bases all across Iraq, (as what has happened), they want Dinar to go up, (what do they care?)...if the Iraqi's are happy and not demonstrating and love the U.S., Dollar inc's whole purpose of invasion in 2003 is manifested.

Francis Albert   Thus: if the Central Banks destroying lots and lots of Dinar to make this whole thing benefit them..they just...poof...hit the delete key. Easy Peasy.

Francis Albert   Remember, currencies have no real value, none of them. The Dollar is just the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry right now.

Francis Albert   My mentor is the late Andrew Gause. His two books, "The Secret World of Money" and "Uncle Sam cooks the books" are both easy reads, affordable and well worth ones time. Especially, especially now as many reading this may be getting a nice return on this Dinar investment.

And, without a real, true understanding of how the game is played on a macro level....will, have a difficult time growing the dollars and/or keeping them

Doug_W   I agree totally bottom line Iraq can make monitary changes when ever they want I believe it is and has been a security issue holding them back

Francis Albert   It feels that way to me also Doug. I "believe" (no proof or secret sources), that the CBI has been ready to do something significant. (not sure what this will be), but something, and as things cool down and the Iran's influence decreases...something will happen.

Wilder   Francis Albert Doug_W I agree. I think maybe come out with a rate and increase or float up as their gdp allows. But not until as you say Doug with a set gov't and security issues are resolved.

Francis Albert   Wilder, I don't think GDP has much affect. Once on FOREX, the buyers, (seeing potential) will drive the value up. GDP, IMO, won't change all that much short term, as their major export is Oil and oil has always and will always be sold in Dollars.

Francis Albert     And they are cranking out about as much oil as they are allowed to today.

Patty   Francis Albert Unless the current Iraqi govt. has some sort of an undisclosed Chinese deal where they will use the Yuan instead of the USD...However, I can't see - if all the reports are right - how China can do that even more so now with the coronalvirus closing ports, etc.

Francis Albert   There are no accidents:

Francis Albert   7th February, 2020   One of the most senior figures at the International Monetary Fund is stepping down in a move that will allow the Trump administration to influence who will take over as second-in-command at the financial watchdog.

Kaperoni   Francis Albert Francis Albert You should go back and read the documentation or articles on what is stated from the CBI and other sources. They have made it clear that Iraq is primarily a physical currency country. Yes, they are trying to impliment electronic money but with over 42 trillion in circulation (called chunky) because it is in country and in the homes of citizens (under mattresses, pillows etc.) it must be accounted for.

You cannot RV anywhere near a 1 to 1 rate with that much physical money in circulation as it would have to be accounted for. Heck, Iraq's total underground wealth is only 15-16 trillion dollars. You think they could afford 42 trillion? lol If they go to a 1 to 1 rate overnight it will be a LOP.

The only other solution is to build a market economy, diversify the resources and gradually raise the value over time. Then then can collect these notes are citizens deposit them in banks as well as reduce pressure created on the financial system as a result of significant foreign investment.

Dave   Great news......inform Kap that Rafidian bank is now open for business.....and not stuffing envelopes with cash to pay retirees and govt employees, but paying them electronically like the other banks

Dave  Lets also simply omit the vast other resources/minerals/gold that Iraq has an abundance of

Baxter   Dave.. thx for the news

Dave    15 trillion in oil........that is what they know of......further exploration has yet to really occur due all the wars etc........Flaring all that natural gas........

Dave   Baxter NEWS come on buddy........FACTS

Doug_W   Dave news CAN be facts and real not like CNN

Kaperoni   Dave dave it is not just oil. Salih stated all minerals including oil, phosphates, sulfer, silcon and other inportant raw minerals total 15-16 trillion.

Dave   So if i understand CNN BBC CTV ABC PBS NBC CBS all crappola?

Dave   Kaperoni Rafadian banks now paying electronically

Dave    stuck on 42 bilion for hoqw many yrs

Kaperoni   Dave And the banks functioning paying wages, salaries, pensions has nothing to do with the dinars value.

Dave   Q cards....FAUX news TOOO

Dave   Kaperoni your point.....?

Kaperoni    If Monetary policy was decided based on whether or not banks were functioning or not every central bank in the world would have $10 exchange rates, LOL.

Patty   Kaperoni Interesting.

Dave   Kaperoni YEAH disregardful what CBI has stated for your own idealogy

Kaperoni    The problem is that most of you that are on these chat rooms don't care to learn how monetary policy really works. What it takes for a currency to appreciate. If you did you would realize any kind of significant RV was foolishness.

Dave  Kaperoni Yeah like that is what Russia Kuwail did....???

Dave   lol

Kaperoni   Dave lol

Dave   Balsamic Sammuelson effects LOL

Kaperoni   That the best you can do? Peove me wrong with real facts then...and not your vague nonsense

Dave   Listen to CBI .....not GURUS

Kaperoni  Dave Funny how you disregard what's in proven documents? Have you ever read an IMF Article IV? The Balassa/Samuelson effect is exactly what the IMF stated.

Dave   Kaperoni your douments that you cherry pick omitting the other half of the story

Kaperoni   Well the cbi has said over and over there is in excess of 42 trillion dinar (chunky) All but you're going to ignore that because why? it's not what you want to hear.

Dave   Kaperoni that and much more

Kaperoni   Dave Lol yea i cherry pick direct from the IMF

Dave   Float?????

Francis Albert   Who has these mythical 42 T Dinar Kap?

Kaperoni    clearly your a fool

Dave    Francis Albert Only Kap has the Answers

Francis Albert   Not helpful Dave....just like to chat

Dave   10 yrs of Kap......never changse same crap

Kaperoni   Francis Albert Obviously you don't read the information that comes out of Iraq, whether it's news articles or from the CBI or any other professional Source or Economist, but the dinar that is in excessive 42 trillion is in homes called chunky. 

In other words. It's in mattresses. It's outside the banking system, but it has to be accounted for because it's in Iraq. Therefore you cannot RV at 1 to 1. It would throw the entire Financial system in chaos and that is over 2 times the entire worth of the country. LOL

AlbertWell, he has been right for ten rv

Kaperoni   Dave truth hurts

Dave   OBVIOUSLY>>>>>>????

Dave   Lopster at work

Patty   Francis Albert You know who has the 42T...their government, and our former politicians. ;:));

Francis Albert   How does the CBI know where they are? Central Banks could have most of them.

Dave   CBI Knows

Dave   all those matress stuffers out there

Kaperoni   I'm not a lobster. I don't want it to Lop. But what you are asking for it and the gurus are asking for is some overnight event. And if that occurs, it will be a lop or Neutral event because there is no way for Iraq To support such an event. 

It would throw the entire Financial system into chaos. . The only possible way for Iraq to raise the value is gradually. And that is exactly what the IMF has been calling for for years. Although you all want to ignore it? Why do you think they're putting so much effort into a private sector or market economy? ? 

Because they want Iraq to stand on their own two feet and have a currency that has value based on Market forces. Not some arbitrary number that is randomly just made up.

Patty   Dave How much would that many dinars weigh? And, are they STILL printing money?

Dave   Delete 3 zeros just off the nominal rate not notes lol

Francis Albert   You are assuming 42 T Dinar will come running into somewhere to want .86 a Dinar or whatever it bounces up to on FOREX.

Dave   HAVE no idea on rates ...less than a dime would be a lop

Kaperoni   Francis Albert Because the dinar is not sold outside the country. Other than what was sold through the Minister of Finance / CBI as a controlled leak to speculators to rebuild the reserves. Yes, Eventually central banks around the world may hold dinar and Salih stated such years ago.

Dave   new currency would cost for more to mint than what it would be worth

Dave   Yeah auctions talking in 4-5 trillion a month

Francis Albert   Kap, if your assertion that there are, in fact, 42 T paper Dinar in mattresses inside of Iraq. IF...just to play it out....CBI can easily just make in unlawful for 25,000 notes to be exchanged for Dollars at a bank inside of Iraq and ban the outflow or Iraq crossing borders...mail..whatever.

Kaperoni   Francis Albert But that is not what they are talking about now when they talk about chunky. They are specifically talking about the amount of money that is not in the financial system(70%) that is within the country. They know this because only a certain number of people are participating in the banking system at this time.

Francis Albert   Kap, I would conjecture Central Banks have many, many Trillions today. Can't prove it, just my opinion.

Dave   Francis Albert Yeah i can get 10000USD at my local bank today

Kaperoni   Francis Albert are you nuts? The dinar is not some lottery ticket. It's a physical currency that has value. And they are part of the IMF. Which Has a charter that specifically has rules on how countries support their currency

Dave   that in RUPEES TOO

Kaperoni   I think you all have a lot of reading to do. To understand how monetary policy works. You will quickly find out your dreams are not possible.

Kaperoni   I have to go have a good day.


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