IQD CALLS Late Saturday Night 2-8-20

IQD CALLS Late Saturday Night 2-8-20

Francis Albert   Kap, if your assertion that there are, in fact, 42 T paper Dinar in mattresses inside of Iraq. IF...just to play it out....CBI can easily just make in unlawful for 25,000 notes to be exchanged for Dollars at a bank inside of Iraq and ban the outflow or Iraq crossing borders...mail..whatever.

Kaperoni   Francis Albert But that is not what they are talking about now when they talk about chunky. They are specifically talking about the amount of money that is not in the financial system(70%) that is within the country. They know this because only a certain number of people are participating in the banking system at this time.

Francis Albert   Kap, I would conjecture Central Banks have many, many Trillions today. Can't prove it, just my opinion.

Dave   Francis Albert Yeah i can get 10000USD at my local bank today

Kaperoni   Francis Albert are you nuts? The dinar is not some lottery ticket. It's a physical currency that has value. And they are part of the IMF. Which Has a charter that specifically has rules on how countries support their currency

Kaperoni   I think you all have a lot of reading to do. To understand how monetary policy works. Kaperoni   I have to go have a good day.

Dave   Kaperoni yeah our research pros

Francis Albert    How about a little respect. I am not nuts. There could be 42T outstanding and 90% of it digital in Central Banks.

Dave    Francis Albert WE are all nuts here just not KAP

Dave   FRee float too When CBI sAYS NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Dave     Kap knows bettter

Dave   5 trillion Dinar taken in each month get stuffed into envelopes to pay all

Francis Albert   And Central Banks have never lied? Please.

Rand   I agree, Francis.

KRnMS   Chi has reduced its currency in circulation to 5 trillion, think about it, this is easy to do by burning bills received during daily auction, lately about $250 million a day

Dave   KRnMS From all those Matresses?

Francis Albert   The IMF and Central Banks and the Dollar Inc folks have this well in hand, they may be a bit controlling, greedy and whatever..but, they know what they want to accomplish. And I think a key to this is a strong vibrant internationally tradable and respected currency. They know where the bodies are buried and can make any rules they want, anytime, to serve their needs.

KRnMS   CBI can easily reduce dinar in circulation through the auctions

Dave   KRnMS Kap says it goes directly out to pay everyone

KRnMS   CBI grts trillions of dinar daily when it sells millions of USD

Dave   in notes


Dave   KRnMS its theirs to burn

KRnMS   and quit giving it to IRAN

 Francis Albert   The CBI could assert there are 42 T paper Dinar in mattresses just to discourage people outside of Iraq from investing in it right now. Central Banks, Governments, IMF say whatever they want. Mainstream never questions it.

KRnMS   IRAN is on the run, it will be soon

Dave   IMF just sets the rules...

Francis Albert   This whole thing with U.S. and Iran is no coincidence is ongoing today

Rand   Yes, burn it, burn it, burn it.

Dave   Francis Albert Thought was all about Iraq?

Dave   Rand maybe they have our banks do it routinely

Rand   Way cool.

KRnM   Skilled another big shot Iranian terrorist in Yemen..... GO TRUMP!!

KRnMS   Allawi is looking good to me

Francis Albert   Central Banks extinguish "money" assets, notes...all the time. They are banks of issue. Money is not a problem for them. People catching on how they really operate is their only Achilles heal

KRnMS   I’m encouraged

Francis Albert   And I think U.S. put him there.

Dave   CBI has been under the microscope of the IMF me thinks

Dave   Won alot of awards for maintaining their position despite the odds

Francis Albert   Dave, don't look at them as separate. CBI = JP Morgan = FED = IMF = USD....all the same crowd.

KRnMS   New IMF leadership coming in and guess who makes the pick!!!??

Dave   and the other CABAL forces that BE.......


KRnMS   YEA!!!

Dave   has Air Force 1 full iof Dinar!

Rand    Trump is not backing down, he is kicking A??, and not bothering to take names.

Patty   Does anyone know what the inflation rate is in Iraq?

Dave   Patty actually growing

Dave   GDP is up

Patty   like Zimbabwe? will they have to come up with a hundred trillion Zim note?

Francis Albert   The idea that U.S. has mountains of Dinar today is perhaps a fairy Tail. Trump has spoken publicly about how much treasury has...look it up, ..don't recall exact amount but it was earth shattering amount.

Dave   Patty Kap will know that

Dave   Trump rumored to be Dinar whale

Francis Albert   Sorry...not an earth shattering amount. And in my opinion all the Dinar that UST has and will have, after people exchange at banks in U.S. will be exchanged for oil at a cheapo price. The plan from the beginning.

Dave   Francis Albert That would be interesting

Rand   I think he said the U.S. has like 40 million dollars worth(U.S.) that they could freeze.

Dave   Bush planned to have those war costs covered

KRnMS   Trump said USA has 35 trillion IQD or 35 billion USD, little controversy there what he actually meant, he is smart not to tell all

Dave   Bush allowed to have Iraq sell its currency despite being sanctioned

KRnMS   We know USA troops are not leaving and more bases being built, Trump is too smart to let Iran know how many troops are actually there, plus many support forces ready to strike, air, sea , and ground forces

KRnMS   be encouraged!!!!

KRnMS   Allawi to have his cabinet by end of next week!

Dave   KRnMS To see it will be to believe it

KRnMS   Historically most rv’s occur in April

KRnMS   coincides with budget opening ?

madness   I think if this rv goes it will be april the start of the banking quarter

Dave   no the GCR?

Rand   Really, the U.S. has 35 trillion out of the 42 trillion outstanding? Hard to believe.

madness   but we said that last year

madness   as long as those protesters keep up the heat, its looking better

Dave   madness and the yr before ....and the yr before...and.......

madness   lol yeah dave good point

KRnMS   Two political blocs upset with Allawi for conferring with Iraqi demonstrators , Get out IRAN!!

Dave   and the yr before that tooo

madness   its too bad we cant get them poor protestors some guns, geez where are the gun runners when you need them, if they were armed, you bet iran would be out of there quick

madness   its a one sided fight right now

KRnMS   Love it he’s talking to the people

Dave   Blue caps been called off.....

madness   yeah I saw that

madness   all this time we were thinking sadr was on the side of the people, and boom turns out he is an iran puppet too, he has to go too

Dave   that shocked me?????

Dave   thought he was a good guy on our side

madness   wish they would have put the general as PM, thats who the people wanted

Dave   though never liked USA presence there

madness   yeah I think we killed sadr's brother, so for sure he has no love for us

KRnMS   The Iranians did a helluva good job infiltrating

Dave   madness Allawi leaves the Green Zone IMF will join?

madness   they sure did, and sad to say, the only way the iraq people may get them out is by force, but the poor souls need some arms to even up the game

KRnMS   but many of the traitors are running I understand, mahdi reportedly...and it is confusing to understand Sadr

madness   im baffled the cia has not sent in a crap load of ak 47's to arm the people, that would be to our benefit, get iran out for good, it would be bloody, but hell its bloody right now, at least give them a fair fight chance.

Rand   Sorry to change the subject, but lately I have been listening only to Adam Montana and Mr. Brando. But they make money off their websites too. So, I'm guessing they fall in line with the other gurus. Makes me wonder, is there anyone that we can trust?

Dave   And Maliki is going to commit suicide?

madness   maliki should have been hillaryed long ago

Dave   Rand Start with what news chattels and larry posts

Rand   K, I am new here, so thanks, Dave.

madness    yeah there is one you can trust, real live community engagement , the admin sticks to the news, never would ask for donations or sell guru crap

Dave    RandDP good too

madness   he is really cool too

Rand    DP ?

Dave   Dinar Perspectives

madness   usually they do a call every sunday at 5pm pst. we all just chat about the dinar world

madness   yeah dinar perspectives is good too

Rand   Way cool, thank you guys.

madness   but they rarely do a call

Dave   madness because not much has changed to the good

8 Feb 20, 05:59 PM Rand   What is real live community?

8 Feb 20, 05:59 PM Dave   madness on FACEBOOK

8 Feb 20, 05:59 PM Rand   K, thanks again.

8 Feb 20, 06:00 PM madness   rand dont get suckered by these con man gurus, you dont need to donate, or patreon crap, or open a trust, or buy a trust, or health medicine and god knows what else these idiot gurus are peddling

Dave   Rand madness will keep you honest

Rand   Good to know, but I'm afraid I did buy and offshore LLC through Adam. So sounds like I have already been duped.

madness   as in the words of my buddy, just tell me when its time to go to the bank, or get baxters dime

Rand   Thanks so much, Dave and Madness.

madness   sorry to hear that, they tried that crap with me and told them can go PHHuyck themselves, im an x court reporter, I know what time it is

Dave   Rand thanx required

Dave   Rand Do try a DP call or 2........

madness   well I would check out the validity of that offshore LLC, I an going to open one up too along with an offshore trust, but there is no sense in opening anything up until the dinar pops

Rand   Sure wish I had ran across this site much sooner. I have lost so much. Thanks again. I will, Dave.

Dave   some enjoy torpedoing the Gurus that show up here......

Patty   Rand Welcome aboard! You'll get tons of help in navigating this site. Just to let you know, I've "donated" to another site and all I hear is duplication, and how it's ALL President Trumps fault - even if the guru stubs his toe, it's still the President's fault. Got so old I won't go back. And the other site had 'guests' on trying to sell healthy things...A healthy thing is a hot cup of chocolate and a cigarette.

madness rand if you ever have any doubts come here, real good folks here, they wont hustle you and will steer you in the right direction so you dont get jacked from here on out

RandIt is in Saychelles.

WilderMultiple U.S. troops killed and wounded in attack in Afghanistan.


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