IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 10-23-19

IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 10-23-19

Baxter   NEWS..NEWS..EXCELLENT NEWS FROM A TRUSTED SOURCE: YOU ONLY WILL SEE IT HERE: ARE YOU READY: STAND BY FOR NEWS: 10-23-2019 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ...Lets talk a little bit about what happened Saturday...Iraq reinstated/ or revalued their was known to be international...It’s not known here yet – we know it early because of our contacts in Iraq - but that is excellent news...

this is the first fruits of what we all have been waiting for 15-16 years as far as what the dinar could be worth - 8.22 - and I understand it went up slightly from there – it could be higher than that now...Now will the dong be far from it – should not be that far away...I know roughly Its going to be in that range.

Sparky   ... Friday may be a showdown...if Sadr's million man army show s up...

Dave   Sparky or more.......time to plan way ahead this time

sandyf   @Portmagaland sandyf I'm with Chattels on being dense regarding that interview. I appreciate you digging it up.and posting it for us to read and I too, was wondering how it translates to current events regarding the dinar? Do you have any thoughts?

That depends on what you consider to be "current events", a sudden revaluation of the IQD? I like many others got caught up in the hype back in 2004 but research over the years has shown it was based on misinterpretation.

The Tant interviews, the article from the CBK and old articles from the CBI fly in the face of dinarland myths that have been the cornerstones of the guru hype for years. If the dinarland version of the history is BS, then what else is BS.

The real "current events" are that Iraq is in turmoil and currently not worth a great deal. There are strict accounting policies on assets and until that changes there is little alternative than to accept what the auditors see as the financial position.

I would like to think it is not a complete write off, the 2008 financial crisis highlighted a need for change and a change in a global perspective may bring about some benefit.

Portmagaland   sandyf Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated. Looking bleak just all around. Maybe my Kings will win their opener tonight, but I'm not holding my breath.

chattels   I read sandyf's post to mean that absent some global " reset " that the IQD is not likely to have any significant increase in value or avoid a total write-off given the ongoing turmoil / economic realities in Iraq.

I am too much of a macroeconomic moron to speculate upon what events or developments might precipitate such a global " reset " or change in global perspective, but if it involves the economic forces operative in the 2008 financial crisis then such a change in global perspective is likely to be a " violent ", unpredictable and unsettling event.

chattels   Otherwise we are left to the repetitive nonsensical predictions of the dinar gurus.

chattels   Positive illusion can both sustain and devastate us.

chattels   Iraqi strategic expert Hisham Hashimi: report on protests designed to shield senior leaders of responsibility. What about PM, Defense & Interior Ministers & PMF (Hashd)? All those blamed had no political affiliations or parties.

chattels   David M. Witty @DavidMWitty1   Iraqi strategic expert Hisham Hashimi: report on Iraqi protests had words in it like “poor administration” & “no control” designed to blame operational commanders but shield the top leaders of the nation. PMF hardly mentioned but there are still many questions on the streets.

chattels   David M. Witty @DavidMWitty1   US Defense Secretary: the US forces which withdrew from Syria to Iraq will leave Iraq within 4 weeks.


chattels   These forces were " stoned " and egged " as they left Syria voluntarily, unwanted in Iraq and to be tolerated for no more than four (4) weeks.

chattels   Iraq is so gracious and appreciative of U.S. blood and treasure.

chattels   Iraqi Bar Assoc held protest in Baghdad today Called for amending constitution fighting corruption changing election law ending sectarian quotas rule of law  …

chattels   Iraq shows some political will. Iraqi Defence Minister Najah al-Shammari said American troops crossing from #Syria are “transiting” #Iraq and will head to either Kuwait, Qatar or the United States “within a time frame not exceeding four weeks.” No "continued operations".

chattels   Mustafa Habib @Mustafa_Habib33   Important developments today in #Iraq before 36 hours of the big October 25 demonstrations:-

Iraqi president Barham Saleh, PM Abd Mahdi, Parliament Speaker Mohammed Halbousi & the judiciary head Feeq Zidan, stress to protect the demonstrators & the right of demonstrate (1)

chattels   Mustafa Habib @Mustafa_Habib33   Breaking: Moqtada al-Sadr describe the protests that will be launched in 25 October in #Iraq, a Revolution, & says that the recent actions of the political class to meet the demands of people by jobs & salaries is too late

chattels   Mustafa Habib @Mustafa_Habib33   The Prime Minister will give a speech to the people tomorrow, & he announced few minutes ago a package of reforms, a reshuffle in his govt to appointment of technocrats, reducing the salaries of senior officials in half, & establishment of a central court to combat corruption (2)

chattels   Mustafa Habib @Mustafa_Habib33    "Al-Nasar" coalition led by former PM Haider Abadi, criticizes the results of investigation commission about demonstrators killed: "it puts responsibility on senior officers for shooting against the demonstrators, but did not give clear answers about who killed them by snipers"

chattels   Mustafa Habib @Mustafa_Habib33    Breaking: #Iraqi government expels 52 senior generals in the security forces for the responsibility of killing 149 demonstrator during #IraqProtests early this month, include the commanders of army and police in Baghdad, Diwaniyah and Dhi Qar, & senior generals in 5 other cities

chattels   KRG: We hope for a positive response to our proposals to the federal government

Wednesday 23 October 23:25 2019

chattels   Iraq PM makes last ditch reforms to halt further protests


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