IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 12-12-19

IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 12-12-19 Part 2 of 2

Chattels ISIS militants kill 11 PMF in Saladin attack: security officials

1 hour ago

chattels The failure of Iraqi and Kurdish armed forces to coordinate in provinces like Kirkuk, Saladin, and Diyala has allowed ISIS to regroup and resurge.

chattels General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a briefing with US Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Wednesday that the group could re-emerge in six to 12 months as a result of the US drawdown in Syria.

Clay here we go again

Dave chattels Are not those the disputed territories?

Dave kirkuk is.....

Dave comes down too who is going to pay to police that?

chattels Dave Yes. Disputed territories include Khanaqin, Kifri and Baladrooz districts of Diyala Governorate, Tooz District which is currently part of Salah ad Din Governorate, and Badra District which is currently part of Wasit Governorate.


chattels The Committee for implementing article 140 defines the disputed territories as those areas that were Arabised and whose borders were modified between 17 July 1968 and 9 April 2003. Those areas include parts of four governorates in pre-1968 borders

chattels One of the major problems in trying to implement Article 140 was a discrepancy in the definition of 'disputed area'.

Dave thought the Peshmerga were now getting paid and now part of Iraqs military forces?

chattels The article only refers to regions that would go through this normalization process as "Kirkuk and other disputed areas"

chattels Dave I do not believe that the Peshmerga have been fully included.

Dave Fully.....LOL

Dave almost not quite

Dave what ever happened with that referendum they were supposed to have last September.....?

chattels Khallati: Badil Abdel-Mahdi has not been settled yet, but his qualities have been resolved [Baghdad-Ain] The deputy of the Parliamentary Bloc of Parliament, Hassan Khalati, confirmed that a candidate for prime minister has not yet been decided.

chattels Dave The referendum was held.

Dave .......and?

chattels An independence referendum for Kurdistan Region of Iraq was held on 25 September 2017.

chattels The referendum led to a military conflict with the Iraqi central government, in which the KRG lost 40 percent of its territory and its main source of revenue, the Kirkuk oil fields. Following the referendum, Masod Barzani resigned as president.

Baxter werent they going to vote on the election law today in a special session??

Dave chattels No talking of the disputed territories.....or was that the census.........yes CENSUS......oops

chattels Dave No census as yet.

chattels Iraq begins preparations for 2020 general population census

Source: Xinhua| 2019-05-06

chattels After the census there is to be a referendum.

chattels Under article 140.

chattels Have not heard anything about the census recently.

Dave chattels thought there was supposed to be a census completed last sept for the disputed territories

chattels Constitutional Amendments Committee: Our meetings are continuing and the contentious files have not been resolved yet

Editing Date: 12/12/2019

chattels Dave Many dates have come and gone. It is Iraq. Nothing is certain, except uncertainty. :)

Dave Maybe in the coming days..... lol

chattels Dave You got the lingo.

Dave been around long enouigh

chattels Dave Yes we have.

Dave toooooo longgggg

chattels Dave Ain't dat da truth !

Dave thanx for dumbing down your vernacular

chattels Gullah. A member of a black people living on the coast of South Carolina and nearby islands, the Creole language of the Gullah, having an English base with elements from various West African languages

Chattels " I talked to 2 contacts in Iraq and they are still positive we will see it before next Tuesday...... " - 12-12-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ

Baxter Oh BOy

chattels :)

Dave chattels never thought chattels would spend a second on that nonsense

chattels Dave Humor and entertainment value only.

Baxter werent they going to vote on the election law today??

Dave postponed

Baxter figures

chattels Baxter Still conflicted.

Dave lol always

Clay always postponement they move like slugs

Dave 2 days for a new PM ,,,,i bet nope

Munecon Hello Everyone New Here greetings from Puerto Rico

Munecon I've been following the page for some time now, getting the updates of the calls, decided to join the chat so i can be more informed

chattels U.S. Military Official Warns Of Dangerous Escalation In Iran-Backed Attacks In Iraq

December 12, 2019

Sparky Munecon what are your thoughts on this endeavor?

Munecon Sparky Well, to be honest I started investigating on this topics since last year

Munecon There are many sources that collide on their updates and information and constantly are contradicting and confusing the people that follows this process

chattels Iran should not mistake American restraint for weakness: Esper

Munecon Can you gyus bring me light in wich of the sources is more reliable?

chattels "We need change and reform quickly, we need the state that represents the citizen, and the wise people have to say their words before it is too late." - Al-Abadi

chattels Munecon What " sources " are you referring to ?

Sparky chattels ...US should enforce sanctions on every country that does business with Iran. I'm...

Sparky Including Iraq...

Munecon chattels The ones that post the calls/updates

chattels Sparky If so, Iraq would fall apart, IMO.

chattelsMunecon For example ?

Munecon Bruce MarkZ TNT?

Sparky chattels ... could it get any worse ?

chattels Munecon When have any of them ever been right about anything ?

Munecon chattels good point

chattels Munecon I have been waiting and watching for ten years.

Munecon there is also a guy named Mr. Capacho on Youtube

chattels Munecon Do not know of him.

chattels Munecon What does he say ?

chattels Sparky Yes, I believe that it can get worse.

Munecon chattels so that's why i'm asking, one can get frustrated an loose hope

chattels Munecon Welcome to the life of a speculator in the Iraqi IQD.

Munecon chattels well he's mostly into geopolitical, but his updates make a lot more sense that the ones that believe that things are happening

chattels Some have given up and most are frustrated.

Sparky Munecon ...oh no, I'm still buying IQD...cautiously optimistic...

Munecon Sparky jajajajajajajaja

chattels Munecon Do you have a link for anything recently posted by him ?

Munecon chattels If you understand spanish, he is colombian

Munecon what gets my attention is that he has gone silent

Sparky Munecon ... discretionary funds only...


Munecon Sparky Is this only Dinar holders

Munecon ?

chattels Munecon So, he asserts that an increase in the value of the IQD will be part of a global reset ?

Sparky chattels ... we'll see who jejeje last...patience my fellow investors, and think positive...a new day is rising in Iraq... just may take a few minutes to achieve our goal...

Sparky Munecon ... basically, yes...

Munecon chattels No, not exactly

chattels Munecon There are some dong and Zimbabwe holders.

Munecon Sparky What about the zim holders?

Sparky Munecon ...not good outcome...Imo...

chattels Munecon Does he say that the IQD will increase in value on it's own ?


Munecon chattels No, he says that the solution to the debt is to back up all currencies in gold

chattels Munecon Sounds like a reset to me.

Munecon yes reset

Munecon Sparky You said that the Zim are not good outcomes

Sparky Munecon ...we all have doubts...certainly not a sure thing...

chattels Munecon Many disparage any prospect of success with the Zim.

Munecon Why are so many people that estimates the 100T in about tens of millions of dollars?

chattels Munecon Arguably wishful or deluded thinking.

chattels I do not profess to know anything. I just hope to get lucky.

Sparky Munecon ...exponential hyper inflation...coupled with no political policy to change in near future...Imo...

Munecon well

Munecon Sparky The last thing that we loose is hope

Munecon Sparky What has gotten under my skin is the fact that i've seen comments of people that abandonded their jobs, sell properties and basically lost everything on waitng on this empty promises "that next week" and "tomorow night"

Sparky Munecon ...yes, very sad...some folks are desparade and un informed...and

Munecon i believe that the intention of the rv, is "good". It will be a scenario in wich people can prosper. Here in Puerto Rico things are not so good. But we people are so festive that the mayority don't realize it

Sparky Munecon ... excellent attitude...

Sparky Munecon ...think and grow rich...Napolean Hill...exce excellent read...

Munecon I love my country, i love this island. But the actual situation is bad. opportunities are reserved for the friends and family of the people in power, in every aspect. And the rich get richer while the honest has to conform with what he has.


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