IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 11-14-19

IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 11-14-19

chattels   Iraqi Minister of Defense: Iraqi Security Forces are not shooting protesters. This is done by a 3rd party. Our examination of ammunition & tear gas canisters used against protesters proves they are not the kind used by Iraqi government forces.

chattels   Iraqi documents: the ammunition used to target protesters was imported by PMF (Hashd) from Iran. Ministry of Interior has returned the ammunition to PMF because it is past its expiration date.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / The House of Representatives has lifted its session for the day, confirming that it will continue to hold its sessions next week.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / The House of Representatives has set laws to be voted on at its next session.

The media department of the council said that the Integrity and Graft Law will be voted on - Amending the Law of Provincial and Districts Councils, Proposed Abolition of Privileges Law, Unified Retirement Law - Health Insurance Law - Olympic Committee Law.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi congratulated our national team on its victory over the Iranian national team, praising the performance of the Mesopotamian lions, and the victory that united Iraqis and celebrated by citizens and their security forces under the banner of Iraq.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi discussed with parliamentary integrity the issue of termination of agencies.

A statement from his office said that Abdul-Mahdi received the chairman and members of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee.

He explained that "during the meeting discussed the role played by the Commission on Integrity and Cooperation in the fight against corruption and the preservation of public funds to implement decisions and reform measures, as well as the issue of termination of agencies."

The committee affirmed "its support for the government's efforts to fight corruption, dismantle its system and expose the corrupt."

chattels   Is Iran trying to hijack Iraqi protesters’ demands?   Omar Sattar November 14, 2019

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chattels   BAGHDAD — In reaction to continuing mass protests that began Oct. 1, the Supreme Judicial Council is reviewing the Iraqi Constitution and will submit proposed amendments to parliament — though protesters fear that will only delay action on their demands.

Parliament has formed an Amendment Committee that is to complete its recommendations within four months, aiming to answer protesters’ demands for reforms to end corruption and the electoral quota system, which is based on religious and ethnic affiliations.

However, suggesting that the primary aim of the popular protests is for the government to amend the constitution is ironic, as they are calling for the current government to resign before elections are organized under a new law with UN supervision

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chattels   "The priority should be for a new election law that adopts direct individual voting and multiconstituency elections under full UN supervision. The future parliament will be the one to amend the constitution. ... The current parliament is discussing constitutional amendments with the aim of wasting time and delaying the discussion of a fair electoral bill.”

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chattels   Arguably the amendment of the Constitution by a corrupt government is akin to putting the fox in charge of the henhouse, eh ?

chattels   Regarding the call for a new election law, Iraqi President Barham Salah and the Cabinet this week each drew up drafts for one and may combine their proposals, according to the state-run Iraqi News Agency.

The president's version calls for reducing the number of parliament members, allowing for younger candidates and forming a new electoral commission without using the quota system on which the current commission was formed. However, the next stop for the proposals is the same parliament the protesters reject.

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chattels   As for constitutional amendments, the various political blocs have expressed three differing stances. Shiites — in particular the Fatah alliance, which is affiliated with Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) — want to convert the parliamentary political system to a presidential one.

Kurds want to preserve their political gains, especially those related to disputed areas. Sunnis, meanwhile, seek to maintain the parliamentary quota system, which is designed to ensure that their representatives are allotted a percentage of ministerial positions, as well as the speaker of parliament position.

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chattels   Parliament also plans to discuss the oil and gas law, and whether the number of parliament members should remain one for every 100,000 citizens, or be determined by province.

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chattels   Meanwhile, Kurdish parliament member Diyar Tayeb told Al-Monitor, “We believe Iraq's problems are due to the non-implementation of the constitution, not the other way around. This means there is no problem with the constitution and it doesn't need to be amended. If we want to achieve reform, we simply need to apply the constitutional provisions.”

Tayeb noted that amending the constitution is a difficult task. “Parliamentary blocs cannot all agree on specific amendments in the period set by the speaker," he said.

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chattels   It does seem unlikely that political parties will be able to agree on amendments within the four-month period, for many reasons — especially the major differences over which articles any amendment should address. In addition, as Tayeb said, the mechanisms of amending the Iraqi Constitution are very strict and complex.

For example, an amendment must be approved by an absolute majority of parliament members, after which it has to be voted on by the public. The amendment would become part of the constitution if a majority of provinces vote for it and if it is not rejected by two-thirds of the voters in three or more provinces.

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chattels   ................. critics say any adjustments the Amendment Committee might propose won't ease the Iraqi crisis, and won't even come close to the protesters’ fundamental demands of comprehensive political change.

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chattels   Tahrir Square tonight

#Baghdad #IraqProtests #IraqiProtests

Baxter   Drive Drunk in Ohio.... and look what it gets you...

chocolatiere   Sparky Baxter I lived in countries where many want a U.S green cards and will marry a senior sometime with 30 and 40 years difference .. of course now anyone can sneak through the border easy   Iraq was doing better with a dictator ,

the culture is based on the old Barbaric Babylonian religion and worship of the moon God ,reason for the crescent Moon everywhere .. Muhammad picked the moon God out of 265 God's while in Mecca ..

there are at least 129 verses in the Q'ran commanding to torture ,behead burn and kill all the infidels .. they are gradually taking over Europe .. hope our Dinars increase value in spite of the big mess .. Blessings

chattels   Baghdad (AFP) - Iraqi officials must ramp up their response to mass demonstrations demanding an overhaul of the political system, the United Nations' representative in Baghdad told AFP in an exclusive interview Wednesday.

chattels   A parliamentary source, in a press statement, followed by the “obelisk”, that “the presidency of the parliament set six laws to vote on in the next session, namely: –

– Integrity and Graft Law

– Amending the law of the provincial and district councils

– Proposal for the abolition of privileges law

– Unified Retirement Law

– Health Insurance Law

– The Olympic Committee Law.


chattels   Kaabi confirms to the representative of the United Nations: a full parliamentary agreement to accelerate the implementation of comprehensive reforms and constitutional and ministerial amendments

Wednesday 13 November 21:27 2019

chattels   Al-Kaabi stressed during the meeting that the House of Representatives continues to accelerate the completion of a package of legislation and reform decisions that correspond to the demands of the true demonstrators, pointing out that there is insistence at the presidency and members of the House of Representatives to make the necessary amendments to a set of important laws and long-awaited by the people over the past years,

Among them are the Electoral and Electoral Commission laws and the necessary constitutional and ministerial amendments, stressing that the reform package will include voting on service legislation that meets the needs of society.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi discussed with parliamentary integrity the issue of termination of agencies.

A statement from his office said that Abdul-Mahdi received the chairman and members of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee.

He explained that "during the meeting discussed the role played by the Commission on Integrity and Cooperation in the fight against corruption and the preservation of public funds to implement decisions and reform measures, as well as the issue of termination of agencies."

The committee affirmed "its support for the government's efforts to fight corruption, dismantle its system and expose the corrupt."


News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Morning 11-15-19


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