IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Evening 12-12-19
IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Evening 12-12-19
Doug_W Clay are U thinking about buying silver again?/ look its back down now
Doug_W Silver:$16.89
Francis Albert The Internet and some "Dinar" sites are just a buzz full of doomsday predictions regarding the Dollar. They point to these massive Repos, (overnight loans), fancy way of just creating money at the FED and keeping thing going. The World is awash in debt, and fortunately for the Dollar Inc. folks, it is virtually all dollar denominated debt. IMO the pull on the dollar is inevitable and why all this...
"OMG this is stealth QE4..." Yes, it is, but these dollars keep finding homes without excessive price inflation. So, again I will argue that the only way the system crashes is if They Run Out of Zeros.
Francis Albert This paragraph from article out today from credible source. Hardly describing an "about to be doomed" Dollar. Tremendous Demand In 30Y Treasury Auction Following Morning Rout
There is just one word to describe demand for today's $16 billion 30Y auction: tremendous.
From the top to the bottom, this was one of the strongest auctions on record, largely aided by today's dramatic rout across the curve which built up a substantial concession ahead of the auction.
Francis Albert People love those worthless old dirty fiat Federal Reserve Notes, not backed by anything but f-16's willing to lend the U.S. money for 30 years at 2% and change.
Francis Albert this was the first part of the article..not sure what that is referring to.
Baxter Francis..... so do you believe the "RePo Loans" are gonna end soon??
Baxter its what is holding Dougs Silver value down....
Baxter These Re Po Loans.. are putting Millions of dollars per day into our Stock Market..etc....
Baxter this cant last forever
Doug_W never heard of them Bax?
Baxter Oh.. they are real
Baxter The Feds are putting this money up every day.... writing checks with no backing... to keep our dollar up
Baxter thats why the stock market is so high...and gold and silver are down
Doug_W interesting
Doug_W a form of QE kinda
Baxter what he is saying... is true...
Baxter After Trump got into office... he changed a lot of statistical stuff... Like the Unemployment percentages... He changed the rules... so the unemployment looks better than what it actually is...
Doug_W there are employers here BEGGING 4 employees
Baxter here too Doug
Francis Albert Have no idea on the Repo's ending...if it walks and quacks like a duck,it's a duck. Just more QE to keep the thing floating along.
Doug_W so then IDK only can go off local
Baxter signs everywhere..
Baxter Francis... thats all the Feds are doing... keeping us floating along
Francis Albert I believe so
Baxter yep
Baxter I do believe there is going to be some kind of global money reset... at least for the major countries..
Doug_W THAT will shake things up
Baxter whether Iraq has anything to do with it... who knows
Francis Albert Here's a cool quote by Henry Ford, circa 1920
Baxter Lots of countries going broke Doug
Francis Albert "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Francis Albert What do you mean by a "reset" Baxter?
Baxter Im not sure.... but the money system is going to have to be changed....and countries shouldnt be allowed to change their currencies worth... because of trade deficits
Baxter this Oil Credit Idea going around... does make some sense..
Doug_W tomorrow is Friday the 13th good things can happen that day
Francis Albert why does the money system have to change now?
Baxter when the Marshal Plan came into effect in 1948... the US put up 18 bILLION dollars to help reset the structure of 17 countries devastated by ww2... 18 billion was a lot of money in 48.... and the US only was paid back 5% of that money
Francis Albert OK...and?
Baxter I think this Oil Credit idea Iraq... and giving them 20 years to pay it back... may have some possibilities... they know it will never be paid back.
Baxter but the money made during that time will be a lot more than the money put out
Francis Albert You're right Countries like Germany are still paying back the U.S. for the big war. Iraq, IMO will be paying U.S. with cheap oil till the end of time. I don't there's a time limit.
Baxter Iraq cant pay to have 40 trillion dinar erased from their financial position.... but.. a 20 year loan.. during that 20 years.. Iraq will be another Dubai...or even better...and that money... will never be paid back
Baxter its all funny money anyways
Francis Albert Well, you are assuming the 40 Trillion, (theoretical amount of Dinar will have to come back. I believe many Central Banks are holding Dinar and they can just burn them if they want to.
Baxter that could be also...
Baxter but I do believe... the US Govt will pay us with these oil credits... its the only feasible way possible...
Baxter and they will make money on them in return
Francis Albert They will pay us with Dollars they create at the FED, FED, (banks), take a cut and UST ends up with physical Dinar to either cash in for cheap oil, sell to other Countries at a profit or not.
Baxter well... Iraq isnt going to pay us... thats for sure
Doug_Was long as we get OUR dimes
Baxter There you go Doug
Francis Albert :)
Baxter even if there is only one trillion 3 dollars.... where is Iraq going to come up with 3 trillion dollars?
Baxter its impossible with a reserve of just 50 billion
Francis Albert well, exactly, that is why it doesn't work that way
Baxter no.. it cant
Francis Albert And remember, Iraq is only "On the hook" essentially for break out of FOREX...say (I predict), .86 Traders buy and sell that will raise the value...all that money, say up to 3 or 4 dollars, comes from people making an loosing money trading. Iraq is out of the picture at that point..because they are just buying and selling ethereal Dinar that don't and will never exist.
Baxter I would love to see 86 cents..... wow
Baxter I be gone in a flash
Francis Albert Well, I think you would be making a big mistake to cash out at .86 Just my opinion.
Baxter I would certainly cash out ten million or so
Baxter thats all I need... dont even need that...
Francis Albert I suggest, you tie yourself to your bed, watch FOREX...for a's not going to go down
Doug_W I wish I HAD 10 Million
Baxter well.. I bought it 14 years ago about 3500 to one
Francis Albert Cash a 25,000 note, just to see that it is real...running around money....sit back and watch the fun
Doug_W we got ours piecemeal
Baxter I sold a collector car and put about 20 grand in Dinar... but this wasnt supposed to last 14 years... LOL
Doug_W lol
Francis Albert Well, then you've earned it Baxter...good on you.
Baxter yes...and I know where that car is today... and I want it back
Baxter and Im gonna buy it back... if I get my Dimes
TWWIII SILVER-MAR 2020 @SI0Y CECS-OZS US Markets Closed 17.02▲+0.17 +0.99%
December 12, 2019 9:06 PM EST. Delayed 10 minutes. Currency In USD
Dave Wow Ted Cruz drops a bomb.........
Baxter what now
Dave Baxter Baxter Baxter
Dave Baxter ypu will luv it
TWWIII Dow up 252.40, 28,165.90
Matt Dow Jones Industrial Average INDEXDJX: .DJI 28,132.05 +220.75 (0.79%)^