IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 3-1-20

IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 3-1-20

chattels   Baghdad ( NINA ) - The NINA reporter said that the number of deputies signed in the attendance record so far has reached 109.

Baxter   Just more Lies...

Patty   Baxter Oh, but again, it IS Iraq. They have a lot of past history to work through.

Patty   Baxter It's so sad. Anything out about the demonstrators?

chattels   I believe that the Kurds hold about 64 seats which would allow for the formation of a government if they unanimously support Allawi.

chattels   Patty Within the last 24 hours,

Security source: Protesters control Al-Khulani Square

Whitelions   COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES SESSION ADJOURNS FOR DAY AFTER FAILING TO ACHIEVE QUORUM.....ULAIMANI — A session of the Council of Representatives on Sunday (March 1) to vote on Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi’s proposed cabinet has been postponed after failing to achieve quorum.


Whitelions   House of Representatives fails to pass Allawi for the second time ​

Whitelions   ​

Whitelions   ​

Dave   Starting to get discouraged though.........

Clay   I know   they are totally backwards there

Dave   Wish they would have showed me something by now

Clay   will never amount to anything

Dave   ALL UP TO THE DEMONSTRATORS.....given up on the crooks 108 out of 325

LeLe   We can't give up. All of what's going on doesn't add up to me.

Dave   LeLe Sadly ,I have been attempting to prove to myself that Iraq is out of Ch7 sanctions.....not finding what I would prefer to be reading lately

Biff   Baxter beware of the Ides of March ;crystal-ball

biff   March will be a interesting!!! Zig beware of the Ides of March! ;crystal-ball

Sam I Am   Zig Some of us have given up on it.

Zig   Sam I Am : I'm shocked to hear that, Sam.... ;oh;

Sam I Am   no you're not

Sam I Am   But yeah, I've noticed over the past two years that the confidence in here has dwindled

Zig   To be expected   Too much hype can quickly turn into disappointment....Yup....

Sam I Am   The more abuse I get the more confident people are

Sam I Am   These days a lot of the guys are civil with me

Zig   I never have had any problems with people coming in here with different views, etc...but many people only want to hear one side...I can understand that....and of course many question the motives of anyone coming in here to burst our

Sam I Am   I usually only post when somebody mentions me

Zig   Even Kaperoni is considered to be "negative"

Sam I Am   Because he admits the money supply is a deal breaker

LeLe   Sam I Am never give up.

Zig   Negative because he says no "overnight" riches...people get upset when anyone tells them what they don't want to's human nature......

LeLe    Zig it's not overnight. It's been 17 years for some . So that's not overnight.

Sam I Am   17 years is hard to figure    Took me a year and a half and I thought I was slow

Zig   Almost 10 for am growing more pessimistic though hanging in there for now.....maybe I am

LeLe   Sam I Am Zig everyone has their own opinion. Rome was not built overnight.

LeLe   Zig 10 in October.

Zig   Meanwhile some Gurus are making a small fortune off of many people....

Sam I Am   I started buying in Feb. of 2010 so it would have been 10 for me

Zig   I kick myself for not starting a paid chat room years well.......

LeLe   Sam I Am you still hold some don't you?

Sam I Am   back then the gurus were saying that we're just waiting for the election results

Sam I Am   and waiting for Parliament to be seated

Sam I Am   LeLe I've still got some lower denoms ... 100,000 or so  the 50s are worthless

LeLe   Sam I Am so you must still believe!

Sam I Am   nope

Sam I Am   I had over 8 million

Sam I Am   just not worth the hassle trying to sell LDs

LeLe   Sam I Am I didn't buy because of what someone said. I believe it'll happen.

Sam I Am   <@5203505|Why do you believe that?

 Sam I Am   LeLe Why?

LeLe   Because I read the history on Iraq

LeLe   Sam I Am Zig I spent what I could afford.

Zig   LeLe : Me too...a gamble...

LeLe   Sam I Am Zig you can't keep blaming the Guru's. We are grown   people. We should know better.

gator   Still can not understand people with so called no skin in the game coming in here and trying to convence people with their opinion. What in it for them other than just to be negative.

LeLe   gator I don't know .

Zig  LeLe : LOL....You're right....but I was very stupid when I first bought Dinar....believed everyone out there.....

LeLe   Zig that means you were weak. Lol

gator   Sam I Am no worst than any of the others, none of them know

Zig   Sam I Am : Gator makes a good point....many can't understand why someone like you bothers to come in here......

LeLe   Sam I Am evidently you spent way more than what you could afford.

LeLe   gator exactly. No one knows. Everyone is Speculating at best.

Sam I Am   Zig I just come in here to see if people have any issues to discuss. Believe it or not people still have questions and some appreciate my input. Others don't.

gator   Sam I Am so your in the category as Kap who think they know more than others

Rand   I don't like Kap's theory, but so far he has been more correct than the other gurus.

gator   Rand what has he been correct on

Rand   Hasn't happened yet.

Sam I Am   gator Not exactly. I have a track record. I started my blog in Sept. 2011 and called out the BH Group before they were arrested. I called out TerryK before he was arrested. I called out Dinar Corp before Sam Tayeh was arrested. I've said for 8 years that nobody is going to get rich from owning dinar. So far I've been right.

gator   Rand every guru is correct on that

Sam I Am   I also predicted that the money supply would go up and it has

Sam I Am   because that's their policy

gator   Sam I Am so far means nothing, as you like others don't know a date of if

Rand   The other gurus keep saying it is happening now.

LeLe   Sam I Am guru's background has nothing to do with Iraq!

Sam I Am   So I have helped the dinar community to learn that the gurus they followed were in facts frauds and criminals

Sam I Am   LeLe True, but it does help one to rethink the investment like I did

Baxter   and then.... theres Dan Atkins... snake salesman and his infamous... Dr. Todd...

Sam I Am   Once you realize that the gurus are ** you have to consider that maybe the dinar "investment" is a scam

Baxter   Sam I Am... you know about him...??

LeLe   Sam I Am that doesn't mean the Dinar is not going to change. I don't spend my precious time worrying about what a guru says. Everyone always talk about the guru's and the listen to all their calls. What a bunch of hypocrites?

Sam I Am   Anyway, no ... I'm not like Kap. He has gone from pumping the RV to pumping the float. I was never a guru. I have always been on this side since I became Sam I Am.

LeLe   Baxter this is not a perfect World.

gator   Sam I Am wrong, only if you believe the gurus. Doesn't make the dinar a scam.

Baxter   LeLe... not hardly

Sam I Am  Baxter Yeah, he started out as Checkmate ... former MLM guy

Baxter   but it would help.. if they were a little more honest

LeLe   Baxter at least Dan doesn't and I say Dan doesn't call it.

gator    Sam I Am pumping the, that's makes you like Kap then

Baxter   LeLe.... no... he doesnt...

Rand   The only one I listen to is Mr. Brando, only because he and his wife are entertaining, but still just as full of BS as the rest.

Baxter   Mr. Brando? is he still around

LeLe   Sam I Am what does that have to do with the Dinar?

Sam I Am   LeLe I was answering Baxter

Rand   Yes, Bax

Baxter   ok..thx       I didnt know

LeLe   Rand it's all for entertainment. I looked at one of his videos the other day. LMAO

Rand   Yes, he is funny most of the time, but so full of himself.

LeLe   Baxter never heard of him until the other day. I still listen to MYT. Lol

Sam I Am   LeLe Midnight Think Tank?

LeLe   Sam I Am yes.

Sam I Am   are they still around?     Dear Lord   LOL

gator   LeLe yes pure enterainment! No one know if or not, a rate, a date. All they have is an opinion.

Rand   LeLe Yes, and we know what it is.

LeLe   Sam I Am yes.

LeLe    gator that's right.

Jsst   Tell me has Iraq made any progress ? From 2003 to 2020 Why and is there a problem Did you know that Monkey's have a organized society . Oh that;s write we are speaking about Iraqi.. Iraqi Government they wear suites .. I wonder What would happen, if we put Suites on monkey's ?

Zig   Patty : I disagree about anything changing this month...most people will probably disappear after getting

Zig   Remember that this is a speculative guarantees....despite what you hear elsewhere.....

Patty   Zig Yes. speculative, but oh my I've learned so much. It has been worth the cost of my small amount of foreign currency.

Wilder   Local USPS employee tests positive for coronavirus .

LeLe   Wilder 10 minutes away from me.

biff    Corona Virus a Bio Weapon

Wilder   LeLe So sorry about that. This is stupid. We need to keep everyone in prayer fot God's protection. You also have a student high school tested positive. I will try to find link

chattels   Iraqi President Bahram Salih accepts the withdrawal of Mohammed Allawi as PM nominee & begins look for a new candidate.

chattels   #Iraq PM designate @MohammedAllawi just tweeted he'll not make further attempts to form an Iraqi govt following failure of parliament to get quorum to vote on his candidates. Key question now is who will be the next designate charged by the Iraq president, within 15 days.

chattels   A plausible reading of article 76 of the #Iraq constitution is that the president can now choose any candidate to be the next PM designate, regardless of backing by biggest bloc. Some Iraqi politicians contest this but don't really provide a clear argument

chattels   See / read " The President of the Republic can appoint another candidate from the largest bloc, according to Article 76 " Saturday 29, February 2020

Wilder   Two western Washington high schools to close Monday over coronavirus concerns.

chattels   Iraqi PM-designate Allawi resigns due to 'political pressure'

chattels   "I am calling on the Mr. President [Barham Salih] to accept my apology that I cannot carry out the responsibility I was given," he added.

He said he did his best to resolve the existing problems gripping Iraq, most notably corruption.

In parts of his speech, he called on the protests to continue.

Wilder   8th person tests positive for coronavirus in Washington state. A possible nursing home outbreak is investigated.

TWWIII   Yesterday when I bought more silver bullion prices were going up & down by 28 cents up & down. Price I pd was 16.49 usa troy once.Watch, this week will be the same but within 1-3 weeks I believe the price will be going up more again. Buy low & hang on then sell high.: Today price is 16.91▲  +0.45  +2.72% 

March 2, 2020 2:58 AM EST. Delayed 10 minutes. Currency In USD Keep an eye as the price will fluctuate hourly.  

Wilder   Turkey Declares Major Offensive Against Syrian Government.

TWWIII   LeLe Y W Lele, be safe up there...hope the virus does not hit Lakewood nor down here in Vancouver

crazy crypto   google this" english into hebrew" type in "covid" ans copy the hebrew word than go back to google and type hebrew into english and copy the hebrew word and tell me what u get

Wilder   crazy crypto Kobe

Wilder   crazy crypto covid to Hebrew=קובי to English = Kobe to Hebrew =קובה to english = Cuba


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"Important Developements" From DinarAngel Sunday Evening 3-1-2020