IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 3-6-20

IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 3-6-20

Kaperoni   UN Chapter 7 has nothing to do with monetary policy. If it did, the IMF would not be encouraging the CBI to accept IMF Article VIII to send a message to investors that Iraq is open for business.

 Kaperoni   "25. The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and a multiple currency practice (MCP) with a view to eliminating exchange rate distortions. Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investor community that Iraq is committed to maintain an exchange system that is free of MCPs and restrictions for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate

futuremoney   Tony says its happening tomorrow … SO THERE !!!

Zig   futuremoney : Great!!

Kaperoni   From 2017 Article IV Consultation with Iraq is above

futuremoney   LOL

futuremoney   abouve sounds more appealing

Kaperoni   Zig Im all about facts Jig

 Zig   Kaperoni : Doing another call anytime soon?

Kaperoni   Most people dont want to learn or read facts. They would rather talk about guru nonsense

Zig   Kaperoni : True

Kaperoni   Zig not until something is accomplished in Iraq

Zig   Kaperoni : So

futuremoney   well Tony

Kaperoni   Zig They are getting farther and few between for sure

 Kaperoni   futuremoney maybe for a few. but so many believe

Dave   Kaperoni learn how translate NO yet?

futuremoney   not so much anymore

Kaperoni    Dave you have no clue. Read how monetary policy works please

Zig   Get a clue, DAVE!!

Kaperoni   yes   foolish dreamers

Dave   Nah....Kurdish

Doug_W   its OK to dream as long as U can seperate it from reality

Kaperoni   you will all like when the CBI does accept IMF Article VIII and the exchange rate is 1190

Zig   Kaperoni : Seriously....most of the peeps in here do live in the real world and do not listen to the BS

Kaperoni   Zig I have not met them zig

Dave   wheel barrows or wallets..... the million dinar question?

Dave   yet to be answered

futuremoney   Dave ;$$$

Zig   Kaperoni : Many people out there still think Dinar Alert is your site....and that you make money there.....  XYZ (Z) still wants a refund of that $7.95.....LOL

Zig   Maybe we should take up a

Dave   I got a 50 note

Zig   Kaperoni's calls and tweets can be found at He has lots of nice tweets to read about other Gurus today ;oh;

Dave   still never answered my question?

Jo   Zig Dave I don't have a site and I'm not saying the earth is flat. I'm just saying that it's not what they are telling us: A high speed spinning water ball hearling a millions miles an hour in 4 different directions. The Geocentric model is the Biblical cosmology the Heliocentric Model is a theory that Capurnicus made up in the 1500' and they ran with it never proven till they started flying in the early 1900 and then too late to go back so they are hiding much in Antarctica.

Jo   1min video Alleged Movement of the Earth

Dave   A high speed spinning water ball hearling a millions miles an hour in 4 different directions??????

Jo   That's the Heliocentric model you believe

Dave   Jo yes take note at those really old ruins.....which once indicated Summer and winter solstice.....that has changed some too......

Dave   How far is the north star........betcha that has moved some too over the last several thousand yrs

Dave   still a good guide though

Dave   Too bad Copernicus never had radio telescope?

futuremoney   you guys remember that guy who went real high in a balloon then parachuted down?  he had a camera...and it showed the curve of the earth

Baxter   Yep... I do...  He was up over 140,000 feet

Dave   futuremoney parachute open on impact?

futuremoney   of course it was prolly CGI,,,lol

Baxter   came down at over 600 mph....

Baxter   it only took him about 8 minutes to get down..

Dave   must have been wearing some tin foil

Baxter there is the video

futuremoney   video was faked...LOL

Baxter   LOL.... according to JO... LOL

Baxter   watch the video Dave.... about two min in.. it shows the earth

futuremoney   you can actually see the curve in a jet...if its clear slies

Dave   Baxter 700 mphs......what a ride......

Positive Dave   @Kaperoni Do you remember when years ago you report that Iraq would like to move to a more liberal exchange regime"AFTER A MINOR ADJUSTMENT TO THE RATE"?

Jo   @Dave and anyone else this is a playlist that explains the Flat Earth, worth a good look to see why so many people are into this. Truly Fascinating it will take some time to look into but worth every min.


xyz   GURU's opinion .... 3-6-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Think about all this for just a sec…They have had several Shia dominated government’s that were corrupt and not getting anything done for anyone but themselves…(Maliki, Abadi and Mahdi). 

They were headed for another Shia dominated government with even less accountability than in the past. 1) The protesters didn’t like this guy [Allawi]. 2) The Kurds didn’t like him. 3) Sadr didn’t like him. 4) The Iraqi President of the Republic, Barham Salih, very nearly resigned over having to “nominate” him in the first place. 

There are is a very good chance we just dodged another bullet with the developments of last Sunday. If he wasn’t the right guy to get this done – he wasn’t the right guy. Instead of always thinking THIS was some kind of delay… [post 1 of 2...stay tuned]

xyz   Iraq may suffer a financial crisis

With the continued decline in oil prices globally, Iraq may be the first country affected economically with talk of a fiscal deficit of up to fifty trillion Iraqi dinars

Patty   xyz Then, is there any chance that Dr. Al-Shabibi would take over?

xyz   The central bank begins a sterilization campaign for its building in the Basra branch

Xyz    Patty Dr. Al-Shabibi is Biden age mate

xyz   Iraq’s angry protesters returns to the streets

Iraqi demonstrators started on Thursday morning to close several roads and traffic intersections and burn tires in Basra province, south to denounce the mechanism of choosing a candidate to form the next government, local witnesses said. The

German news agency, DPA quoted the witnesses as saying that angry demonstrators have started since the early morning hours to cut off the commercial intersection and burnt tires and prevented the passage of vehicles and citizens.

Read: The significance of the veiled Knesset member

According to the sources, the intersection is critical in the province. It leads to a group of important roads such as the demonstrations square in the navy yard, the military hospital, Basra Court of First

Instance and Basra General Traffic Directorate. The witnesses said the protesters chanted slogans demanding the fulfilment of their demands including expediting the nomination of an independent candidate to form the next government.

The Iraqi security forces were deployed in the province’s streets, calling on the protesters to retreat to the central demonstrations square, reopen closed roads, and restore the movement of vehicles.

Patty    xyz Are you trying to say that older people aren't strong enough nor smart enough to take on an Iraqi task? "Tisk, Tisk"

Francis Albert   Natural Health is how I make my living. And I can say this with about a 95% confidence rating. (nothing is 100%). There are no cures or vaccines for viruses. The flu shot thing is a scam. The Covid19 was most likely a bio weapon and released on purpose in China.

Francis Albert   Fascinating this is this, and you tell me if the release was by "chance" Asian people have high levels of a receptor called ACE2 in their genetic code. People with a high ACE2 level have a more difficult time with this virus.

Francis Albert   Viruses don't kill people. Most who die, for example 50,000 yearly in U.S. from "The Flu" are elderly, immune compromised with many pre existing conditions and develop pneumonia because it is just too much. Plus, most are immobile, in nursing homes, lying flat and lung infections are virtually guaranteed.

Francis Albert   Now for opinion. I believe this was a controlled event by The Globalist who are still trying and will continue to bring down President Trump. It is not the "left" who want him out, it is the Globalist who hate Nationalist like the President. The Globalist own/control virtually ALL media and have hijacked the minds of the political "left."

xyz   Francis AlbertThen you should NOT worry about corona ... request someone infected to cough on ya and then ...

Francis Albert   My studies are also financial and this Corna thing may be what the Dollar Inc. people will truly take out for a spin and see what they can accomplish. Banks are borrowing dollars at about .75 percent (less than advertised) from the FED, who they own, and buy and sell equities, so they are making money everyday when the Dow goes up and when it goes down.

Francis Albert   People with strong developed immune systems are not and will not be affected by this or any other virus. Fear of anything makes one weaker, so if you fear a virus, you are easier prey.

Francis Albert    Nothing happens by chance, especially when it give government to control people movements and markets.

Francis Albert   Sorry...fat finger...when it gives governments an opportunity to train people to do what they want. This is all warm up stuff for make vaccinations mandatory to get on airplanes some day.

Zig   Francis Albert : Are you into a lot of conspiracy stuff?

Francis Albert   One thought from Dinar consciousness, that many here are interested in. Keep in mind, Religion and politics are one in the same in the Middle East. Inextricably tied together, no separation. It would be like all the Democrats here being devout Christians and the Republicans being, say, Scientology. Can you imagine what it would be like? The Middle East.

Francis Albert    Zig.."Conspiracy" is a strange word. It simply means two or more people do a dastardly deed :) So, yes I can assure you Lee Harvey Oswald was not a lone nut who shot a President.

Francis Albert  Media uses the word conspiracy theorist to anyone who disagrees with the conventional wisdom they are selling.

Xyz   Francis Albert but you can claim that " Covid19 was most likely a bio weapon"?


Francis Albert   I started in broadcasting in 1968, and I've never ever experienced a more controlled dysfunctional media

Francis Albert    xyz...well, I've talked with some folks, who are deep into how these "viruses" come into being and massive evidence it is. the HIV thing was/is a controlled event. Check out a thing called Tuskegee syphilis experiment.

Francis Albert    Nothing is 100%. So, we go through life and find people, develop relationships over years and as that as a backdrop "believe" their take on things. And continue to trust them until they prove untrustworthy. Does that make sense?

Zig   Yes

Francis Albert   I mean, at some point relationships and trust is what we have to work with.

xyz   Francis Albert are you talking about politicians?

Francis Albert    And of course also our "gut" take, objective and clear intuition is often on target.

Francis Albert mean trust?

xyz   yup

Francis Albert   IMO all politics is performance art. The government, all governments are so screwed up bloated entities that are like a giant squid, they just keep growing and want to control those who vote them in. We all know this, it's a mess.

Francis Albert   I do have one theory, you all may find amusing and/or interesting. Just for fun. I think the political left are so dazed and confused over President Trump, and they don't realize the forces that want to eat them all for breakfast. One day when a changing of the guard occurs, and it will come to pass.

The Globalist like the Clinton/Obama/Bush crowd will never ever, never let another person like Trump in, no matter how many ballot boxes they have to stuff. And then, when these people take more and more of their freedoms away bit by bit...they will pray for a Donald Trump.

Francis Albert   And these are the same people who populate the U.N. the Central Banks, Big Agri, Big Pharma, AMA, CDC and of course CIA/FBI. So, when this investment comes in someday, I argue get into some hard currency and stay under the radar.

xyz   Francis Albert are you a liberal?

Francis Albert   Actually I am a Soul inhabiting a human body. If I was on a game show and had to, had to identify my self politically, my only choice would be Libertarian.

xyz   Francis Albert socialist?

Francis Albert   Do I really sound like a liberal socialist? Come on...try a little bit harder :)

xyz   Francis Albert had to try ... jejeje

Francis Albert   There's no truth to the rumor that Harvey Weinstein's sentence has been reduced five years in exchange for having to binge watch Hulu's new documentary entitled "Hillary" 10 times in a row.

Matt   March 6, 2020: Market Summary >

Wilder   Here’s what coronavirus does to the body.


"General Questions to Ask Wealth Advisers" from DebTarHeelGirl


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of March 7, 2020