IQD CALLS Chat Friday 2-7-20

IQD CALLS Chat Friday 2-7-20

TWWIII   New email from Kuwait: Hi TW, it was announced last night that 1,000 of our 1,400 troupes are coning home in late March. Last week things got very quiet here. There are no more protesters nor villans at the boarder now. In the english newspaper here, it said that once Allawi was announced for PM in Iraq, things got very quiet after a that week. .

The army is leaving 400 but 500 more US Army or Marines will stay through the summer. The english paper said that the new PM will be meeting with the SAUDI gov and reopening discussions about Iraq's monetary reforms including strengthening their currency like they did in 1991. I will be on a 4 day pass shortly.

I will go to the bank here for you & get the dinar for you. Thanx for sending me the funds.............thatz the end of the email, hope y'll enjoy, Good Night

chattels   The dollar ends the week, stable in Baghdad

Friday 07, February 2020

chattels   The selling price of the dollar is 121 thousand and 500 dinars per hundred dollars.  The purchase price of the dollar is 120 thousand and 500 dinars per hundred dollars.

 chattels   .............. the Prime Minister-designate is facing tests in achieving sovereignty and service file and extending security and avoiding partisan quotas. Stressing that he is responsible for preparing for early elections and speeding up the nomination of the cabinet.

This came during the Friday prayer sermon in Najaf and said that people are waiting for the formation of the new government and hope for the success of the Prime Minister-designate, calling on the political blocs to help and support him.

chattels   This is a very well written and informative article. " Not a break, but fissures in US-Iraqi military alliance "

biffDoug Check it out

biff   Doug Abdul Mahdi has fled to france

Doug_W   No Parle Francee

Patty   Doug_W You'd probably learn to speak French real quick, if that's where your hidden millions are...just sayin.

Doug_W   lol

Doug_W   Who is Glenn Beck I have never seen him B4

Jmmy Lee   Doug_W google" who is glenn beck"

Jimmy Lee   Doug_W beck was on fox many years ago

biffDoug now we know what happened to 1.8 bil that going to Ukraine ;$$$

biff   @doug_W IMO I believe that someone in the last administration sabotage the politics in Iraq. Glenn Beck will expose that too. ;secret;

biff   More brainfood Doug Glenn Beck

chattels   Iraqi PM-designate threatens to quit after Najaf protester killings

chattels   Branding Allawi a “controversial” choice for prime minister, protester coordination bodies in Dhi Qar province on Thursday gave political parties a week’s deadline to select a date for a public referendum in which candidates chosen by protesters are voted on.

“We will shoulder the responsibility of choosing [a PM], to surpass controversy. That is why the selection process will be through a general, popular referendum under the supervision and monitoring of protester squares, the judiciary, the [Electoral] Commission, and the United Nations to vote on individuals whose names are presented by protester squares,” the representatives explained in a Thursday video statement.

“The date of the referendum will be determined within a week from now. Referendum stations are to be in province centers, for two days to prevent procrastination,” the representatives said, adding they want those in Kurdistan Region provinces to be able to vote too.

Dave   Whats With Sadr??????????????

futuremoney   whats with all of them....

chattels   Those close to Al-Sadr are calling on the defense and interior ministers to take responsibility ... otherwise Iraq is lost

Friday 07 February 21:02 2020

Dave   Blue Caps?

chattels   " .................. take responsibility ... otherwise Iraq is lost."

chattels   You have to take responsibility .. before God .. before the homeland .. in front of the authority .. in front of the people .. in front of the revolutionaries and not to shirk the responsibility .. and you have to take matters immediately to establish security and deal decisively with saboteurs and corrupt and infiltrators and allegations of violence and violators (Law), bandits, sedition growers, unemployed people, and instigators of discrimination, even on social media, as well as what is happening in the street and in society.

chattels   You must protect the borders and prevent all interventions with a central and courageous leadership, and without the interference of parties and blocs, and those behind the borders, immediately, immediately, immediately ... otherwise Iraq would be lost.

Dave   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraq’s Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi threatened on Thursday to reject his upcoming tenure in response to a violent crackdown on protesters in Najaf by supporters of influential cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Eleven protesters were killed in the Sadrayn square in Najaf after clashes with Sadr’s Blue Caps on Wednesday evening - the latest in months of deadly repression by armed groups on anti-government protest killing 600 and injuring thousands more.

chattels   Dave " Sadr supporters - nicknamed "Blue Caps" after their signature item of clothing."

Dave   yep

Dave   Going after anti govt protesters ......confused as usual

Dave chattels discussed this the other

chattels   Al-Saadi reveals the details of his meeting with Allawi

Editing Date: 7/2/2020 19:52 •

Dave   ZIG...????

Dave   engrish xersion pleas

chattels   Local media reported that the prime minister-designate was planning to present the Saadi team as a candidate for one of the security, interior or defense ministries.

Al-Saadi’s name came to prominence after the ISIS incursion into Iraq in early 2014 after his participation in all the battles that took place in Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, Hawija, Tikrit, and several other cities and towns.

Patty   chattels Thank you for the updates. It is so sad. Are the unemployed classified as saboteurs?

chattels   Al-Saadi said in a press statement, "There was no agreement on a ministerial position in the government of the Prime Minister-designate."

He pointed out that the meeting, which he met with the Prime Minister, touched on the security situation that Iraq is currently witnessing and the need to establish stability throughout the country.

He also affirmed that he had not received any promise to have a role in the Allawi government in the event that his cabinet cabinet was passed inside the parliament.

chattels   Patty Not per se, but many of the protesters are unemployed youth.

Dave   blue caps just killed abunch of anti govt protesters....?

Dave   Supported by Sadr?

chattels   Dave Unclear. There are accusations and denials.

Dave   Sure IS.....LOL

chattels   Iraq's outgoing government keeps mum on China pact

Read more:

chattels   Abdul Mahdi seems bent on implementing the agreement with China, though his government no longer has full legal and administrative powers. Since its resignation Nov. 29, it has been a caretaker government. On Dec. 23, Abdul Mahdi chaired a meeting on the Chinese projects, attended by the minister of planning and various deputy ministers. However, he refused to attend parliamentary sessions to discuss the agreement or send any documentation to parliamentary committees, which some legislators find suspicious.

Read more:

chattels   “The government’s intentional hiding of documents signed with China supports the idea that some provisions are not in Iraq’s interest and goes in line with the alarming media leaks.”

Read more:

chattels   The most important provision in the China-Iraq agreement is to open an account for Iraq in Chinese banks to deposit oil funds. With that, Iraq can gradually do without its US accounts, according to parliamentary blocs that want to expel US forces from the country.

Read more:

Dave   LOL:

Dave   deals within deals

Dave   prid PRO QUO

chattels   The Shiite majority might be strong enough to push the agreement through parliament without the help of other blocs, as was the case when it ratified in December the decision to force Baghdad to end the troop arrangement with Washington.

However, implementing that decision depends on the next government, which will face other tough and complicated challenges, like preparing for early elections, addressing the disputing political blocs and implementing the demands of protesters in central and southern Iraq.

Read more:

chattels   " ............... the next government, which will face other tough and complicated challenges, like preparing for early elections, addressing the disputing political blocs and implementing the demands of protesters in central and southern Iraq."

Dave   Do the young protesters read what we read....?

Dave   yeesh.....

Dave   They aint messed up.....RV.......ASN?

chattels   Several " RV " predictors have opined that the China agreement will trigger the event. It is always some situational event seized upon as and for intelligence by these guru charlatans.

Dave   call it intel??????

chattels    Dave pseudo-intelligence

Dave   Stretching it me thinks

Dave   Seems to me that we are back to square one.....

Dave   A Do over??????

Dave   or OVER DUE????

futuremoney   its sad...17 years and they still don't have 24 hours of electric a day

futuremoney   after GE has sunk BILLIONS of dollars in investment s and no avail

Dave   look at Mosul......many billions

futuremoney   still in rubble

Dave   Lets give them MORE?

Dave   shocked that Iraq has not imploded by now...17 yrs

chattels   Actually, very little government investment in reconstruction in Mosul.

futuremoney   I believe the international community has given up on Iraq, losing preposition

chattels   “When you ask for the dismantling of the political sectarian system ... you’re basically asking the current political elite to commit group suicide. They’re not going to do that,” said Maha Yahya, director of the Carnegie Middle East Centre.

The young “want basic, fundamental rights and for them they really have nothing to lose,” she said. “They recognise that this system hasn’t worked for their parents and it is not working for them.”

chattels   People who have nothing to lose can be a dangerous entity.

chattels   "After intitially backing the protesters, political forces in Iraq closed ranks this week to defend the government, and the consensus among the Iraqi elite seems to have paved the way for a crackdown as protesters clashed with security forces."

Dave   DITTO....A COUP?

Dave   Group suicide...i would be ok with that

futuremoney   a coup is theonly hope

Dave   sadly i see it getting much worse before it gets any better

Dave   inevitable...either way.......

LeLe   Patty thanks for asking . The river by my house is flooded. The had ti close the trails. It haven't came up to the road praying it doesn't.

Dave   LeLe Plenty of flooding here tooo

Dave   several deaths

Dave   Driest summers in years and historical wettest winters for us in the NW

biff   Yo Dave for you lol

Dave    biff you figure she should of learned better after the first time.......dropping the gavel!

LeLe   Dave be safe.

Dave   more worried with high winds,,,,,,soil saturation big trees don t n

Dave   dont mix well


Baxter   Please say YES

Baxter   2-7-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ... there is action happening – there’s things happening behind the scenes...It’s just all moving...I’m here to say things are in motion – We have heard some things that talk about everything opening up overnight tonight [Thursday]...We know that the redemption centers have their schedules for the next 10-15 days in some cases but we don’t know exactly when the start is going to be..

Zig TRANSLATING If you click on an article link and it takes you to a page written in Arabic sometimes an English link is near the top...If not, simply copy the address in your address bar and Google will usually see the word "Translate" in the first on it...when you have finished reading the translated article copy the address link and you can share it with the room if you wish...

Baxter   2-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …in the past it was a secret and they never expected us to find out about these revaluations. That is why there has been so many delays

Kaperoni   What's new?

Kaperoni   I'm still looking for the RV that Frank keeps telling me every day is about to happen. LOL

Kaperoni   And I'm all ready to go to the redemption centers. Like Bruce's said are all lined up ready to go.

Kaperoni   Lmbo

7 Feb 20, 06:59 PM Zi   gLet me tell you about Kaperoni: I have invited all kinds of Gurus and researchers to come here.....Kap is the only well-known person out there that had the guts to come in here and take sh** from a lot of you....and he keeps coming back for more....

Kaperoni   That's because there are facts to back up what I say. And the gurus make it up daily to sell dinar and they know they're full of ****.

chattels   Kaperoni Greetings

Kaperoni   Hi Chattels

chattels   Kaperoni Long time no see / speak.

Kaperoni   I'm always around.

Kaperoni    And if I stay away too long Zig always seems to find me. . LOL

Zig   Kaperoni :RI soon according to

Kaperoni   It might but they better be careful what they wish for because If there's any overnight event at all, it'll be a lop.

Kaperoni   And then you'll see the guru scatter like ants and disappear.

Zig   :shhh LOP is a 4 letter word in

chattels   Certainly a possibility, IMO.

chattels   Not a popular view, but .......................

Kaperoni   I agree and nobody wants it. But what the gurus are calling for? Everyday is in essence going to be a lop

Zig   Kaperoni : If it were to LOP think of all the time you have wasted

Kaperoni   Zig it's not wasted researching because there is an alternative plan in place. And that was what I was researching. But in order for that plan to go forward Iraq has to build a private sector market economy.

chattels   I just hope that if such does occur that it could be accompanied by some increase in value contemporaneous thereto.

Dave    Kaperoni need I ask?

Zig   Dave : Behave Dave.....hey that rhymes......

Zig   Kidding.....Go get him!!.....LOL

Dave   I   am humble enough to ask?

Kaperoni   chattels Oh, I'm sure. But I don't think anybody would be satisfied with the minimal increase

chattels   There is no need for any angry dispute in these matters.

Kaperoni   Dave What are you asking?

Dave   Wheelbarrows or wallets?

chattels   The only people who get angry are those that fear the fallacies of their own reasoning.

biff   Kap I need my quarters now

Zig   Many people get angry when anyone presents an alternative to getting rich overnight......

Dave   i said quite

chattels   Recently, given the problems in Iraq, i might be well satisfied with getting my money back.

Dave   aint mad

biff   next month 15 yrs here

Patty   chattels And that really applies to some gurus.

Kaperoni   Dave I don't understand your question. You keep asking me this but it makes little sense to me because they're already using wheelbarrows.

Dave   LDS.....FILS???????

Kaperoni   If you're talkin about smaller currency notes. They're not going to release any smaller notes until the currency has value warrants it. It's not going to be some mass introduction of small notes.

chattelsI bought in over time hoping for 5-10%.

chattels    % = cents.

biff   I email my broker in iraq about my dividends from a stock purchase, They told me the company ran of money to pay me lol

Kaperoni   If they float the currency like the IMF has asked. Who knows how fast Or at what pace it would rise. Market forces determines that


TNT, KTFA, Max Keiser and more Saturday Morning 2-8-2020


News, Rumors and Opinions Late Friday Night 2-7-2020