IQD CALLS Chat Saturday 2-22-20

IQD CALLS Chat Saturday 2-22-20

chattels"billions of dollars go out to other countries to import consumer goods that we can easily produce in Iraq and preserve the national wealth from absorption from other countries such as Iraq’s imports from Turkey, which amounted to 16 billion dollars in the previous year 2019."

The economist called: to prepare economic plans that would pool Iraq’s economic resources in large production operations to resist foreign commercial invasion and to adjust the balance of payments and achieve a balance in that balance that goes in his disadvantage and in the interests of other countries .

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Amidst the boycott of some political blocs that represent the Kurdish and Sunni components, Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Allawi is going through an intense movement to mobilize the parliamentary majority to hold a voting session to give confidence to his cabinet, which he intends to present in front of parliament to give it

chattels   Rumours of the return of @Mu_AlSadr to Najaf early this morning. Timely to either throw full support to govt formation or seek a compromise

chattels   And there it is. Says if govt is not formed or cabinet not up to expectation then will call for protests around the Green Zone


chattels   Al-Sadr threatens: If the session does not take place this week, there will be a million demonstration and sit-ins

Editing Date: 2/22/2020 13:16 •

chattels   "And if the session did not take place during this week, or if it was held and no fair Iraqi cabin was voted on, or if the cabin is not with the aspirations of the authority and the people, this calls for a popular millions demonstration without regional addresses, and then it turns into sit-ins around the green zone to press for access to Save Iraq from the corrupt, sectarian and ethnic, with the help of God Almighty.

chattels   No doubt the fairness of the Cabinet and / or the match of aspirations with the people will be determined by Mr. Sadr.

chattels   Al Halbousi: The Presidency of Parliament has not yet decided the date for the extraordinary session

Editing Date:: 2/22/2020 0:09 •

Chattels   The Presidency of the Council of Representatives confirmed that an extraordinary session will be held next Monday to vote on the booth of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

"The House of Representatives is obliged to hold an extraordinary session next Monday to give confidence to the next government, according to the invitation of the resigned Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi," said First Deputy Speaker of the House Hassan Karim Al-Kaabi in a press statement.

chattels   Who and what to believe in Iraq ?

Dave   Ch7=Black list?

Patty   Dave ART? Cp7?

Patty   DaveI'm missing something here. What am I doing wrong that I can't find what you're referencing?

Dave   ch7=Appearance of Saleh: Iraq is the ninth country in the world in buried natural resources with a volume of 16 trillion dollarsBaghdad / Obelisk: The Prime Minister’s Adviser for Economic Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said in a press statement to “Masala” that there are unforeseen obstacles that have stopped the national industry in general and the Iraqi extractive industry in particular since the beginning of the nineties of the last century, indicating that the UN Security Council resolutions Issued since August 1990,

enacted by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, to put the Iraqi factory under pain of the international technological and commercial blockade, and many extractive industry sites have been particularly exposed to military operations in the 1991 Gulf War and beyond, which has lost the capabilities of work, development, investment and sustained production .

Saleh added in an interview with “Al-Masala” that the extractive industry, especially non-oil that addresses the production of raw materials and its export to global markets, was the first target in the war and international blockades and extensions subject to the application of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

it is still seen from time to time A decision by one of the specialized United Nations committees to undertake the partial or gradual lifting of the Iraqi factory and lists sometimes issued, and to remove it from the blacklist, especially for factories, some of which have, for example, disappeared technologically or have

Patty   Dave ok. Just came through.

Dave   SO....??????

Dave   I have translation difficulties

Doug_W   Dave let me know when it says "CASH IN"

Patty   Dave Is there a new set of tariffs and regulations going to be put on Iraq? Will that affect the UN decision to ease Iraq's "blacklist"?


kevin311312  Baghdad - Mawazine News, The General Authority of Customs issued, on Saturday, the first amendment of the controls for declaring funds when they are entered and removed across the Iraqi borders.

In a statement, Mawazine News received a copy of it, the commission stated that it had “issued the first amendment to the controls for declaring the money when it was entered and removed across the Iraqi borders No. (1) for the year 2017 issued by the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Office, which

kevin311312   Institutions is exclusively.

D- It is forbidden to enter or remove amounts in excess of (..., ... 1) (one million Iraqi dinars) even if it is declared and the amount is seized and legal measures are taken against it.

The Customs Authority pointed out, "The amendment entered into force on 19/2/2020 at border crossings.

kevin311312   that was from DELTA

kevin311312   zig can translate the link

Zig   TRANSLATING....If you click on the link above it takes you to a page in Arabic... just copy the address....then google will see a link to "translate" in the first on it and it takes you to


Patty   Zig Thank you. Now does it mean an individual can take $10,000. USD (or equilivant) without declaring it, over $10,000 - $20,000 if declared, and over $20,000 is exclusively for institutions like banks or CBI auctions?

Whitelions   Patty according to the article they adhering ti international standards and it is the law BUT I have not seen it in the cbi or the government articles yet . and don't let the money hungry bull poppers tell you that their contacts confirm it because they are telling you untruths again

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset and your tellling us what ?

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset copy and past makes you the same as all the rest tell us something you know about

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset something you have resurched and can prove not judt copy and paste

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset well where is it??????

Whitelions   thats not a real site thats someones opinion

Whitelions   who is talking about guru misinformation comes from all kinds of people for what ever reason this is a strat up currency exchange nothing more nothing less


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