IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 12-4-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 12-4-19

chattels   Iraqi Speaker of Parliament empowers Iraqi President Bahram Salih as acting PM 15 days.

chattels   In Iraq, Sairoon sends formal document to President Salih saying Sairoon gives up its right to nominate next PM as largest political bloc. Instead, protesters must select next PM & the President must oversee this process.    LINK

chattels   Again, from yesterday if you missed it. Iraqi MP describes selection process for new PM; all blocs agree new PM must not belong to any political party & must have integrity, competence & national acceptable. All blocs except Sairoon will participate in nomination process.  …

 chattels   Tuesday, December 3, 2019  Protests Cause Splits Within Iraq’s Security Forces

chattels   As Iraq’s protests head into their third month there are scattered reports that they are causing splits within the security forces (ISF). Some elements are refusing orders to crackdown upon the demonstrations.

larrykn   seems we are going to wait for awhile now.

Chattels   Sairoon writes to President @BarhamSalih to declare that it is the largest bloc in Parliament and this will choose the next PM. The letter says they will nominate the people’s choice. Don’t expect Fatah to go along with this

chattels   The problem, of course, is that objectively the Bina Bloc - combining Fatah & SLC + whatever Sunnis haven't left it - is the largest bloc. This is clearly part of their new effort to co-opt the protests.

chattels   Blaskart: Iraq has great potential and not a lost cause Release date:: 2019/12/18 18:33 •

chattels   I commented on the ever present potential of Iraq yesterday. Lost cause ? Could be.

chattels   MP: The current caretaker government will not allow it to sign any agreement with the Kurdistan government

Date: 2019/12/04 11:47 •

chattels   "the survival of the current government is for the conduct of the affairs of the country until a new prime minister is authorized to conclude agreements, whether with the government of the region or other, but at the moment any agreement will not allow By the House of Representatives. "

chattels   Allawi: The political process in its current form will go to Iraq to the unknown

Date: 2019/12/04 11:58 • [Baghdad-Where]

The leader of the National Coalition Iyad Allawi, said Wednesday, "the political process in its current form will further aggravate the situation and go to Iraq to the unknown."

chattels   Too little security, too much red tape preventing Nineveh's prosperity: US Ambassador to Iraq

54 minutes ago

chattels   I opined about security or the lack thereof affecting investment yesterday.

chattels   Time for golf. Have a fine day all.

Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average    INDEXDJX: .DJI   27,687.21 +184.40 (0.67%)

Doug_W   and silver is down 35 cents

futuremoney   who cares

Baxter   Down to 15 next Tues night... come one.. come all

Baxter   sure is something to look forward to

Matt   maybe it's a good time to buy more silver?

Baxter   I think it needs to get down to about 13 dollars to buy it

Baxter   If you could buy it at 13.... say 10 thousand dollars worth would be about 550 ounces... and if it went to 17.. you would make a couple grand.... that would be worth it...

Doug_W   IF

Baxter   BIG IF... I know

Doug_W   yes sir

Doug_W   12 days

Baxter   but you arent going to make anything on 35 cents fluctuation

Baxter   yep 12 more

Doug_W   but WHO is counting

Baxter   I AM

Doug_W   Security Council: Iraq called to end violence against protesters and to embark on reforms

crazy crypto   seems Barham Saleh president of the republic is the new prime minister for now

crazy crypto   The President of the Republic Barham Saleh is the functions of the resigned prime minister until the assignment of another person within a period not exceeding 15 days to this position in accordance with Article 81 of the Constitution.

Doug_W   what a Charlie Foxtrot Iraq is at the moment

Dave   Election Law vote tomorrow,,,,,we shall see how comitted these guys are

Baxter   I will hold my breath...

Baxter   as I always do

Dave   SADLY me too

Dave   wont hold my breath

Dave   Expert expects Security Council to refer corruption file to the International Criminal Court......

Dave   however. worried that it would put IRAQ back into CH7 sanctions

Dave   Legal expert Ali al-Tamimi, on Tuesday, expected the Security Council to send the file of corruption to the International Criminal Court, warning of the return of international sanctions on Iraq.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement to Al-Akhbariya that “the beginning of the new sanctions on Iraq after we came out of Chapter VII under resolution 2390 of 2019 and we are now in the sixth chapter for the existence of financial assets with Kuwait worth 4 and a half billion dollars.”

He added that “the killing of demonstrators and the use of internationally prohibited weapons are gross violations of articles 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 21 of the Charter of the International Covenant and article 14 on the prevention of arrests as well as the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide of 1948. Humanity, therefore. ”

“The fear is that the gradual sanctions will return in accordance with Articles 39 to 51 of the Charter and that the Security Council will refer the corruption file to the International Criminal Court after condemning the US, Britain and France, which is a permanent member of the Security Council, condemning the security situation in Iraq.”

Dave   "we are now in the sixth chapter for the existence of financial assets with Kuwait worth 4 and a half billion dollars.

Dave   so sounds like we are not quite there.....Kuwait and that 4 billion

Dave   RV tomorrow...correct ANDRE?


Judy, Sierra, VitalBrad, Lynette and more Wednesday PM 12-4-19


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-19