IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 11-20-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 11-20-19

Chattels   The stability of the dollar exchange rates against the dinar in the local stock exchange

Wednesday 20 November 13:21 2019   BAGHDAD / NINA / The stability of the US dollar exchange rates in the local stock exchange for the second week in a row.

chattels   The Central Bank sells more than / 258 / million dollars in the auction of currency

Wednesday 20 November 12:32 2019

chattels   Parliament actually convened, published and voted on various laws today. Adjourned until Saturday.

Chattels   Talk of ministerial shuffle and reforms.

Chattels   Wheresmyrv? What up ?

Wheresmyrv?   And that's the thing, they are just talking about it

Wheresmyrv?   chattels Not much here, took the day off from work today

chattels   Wheresmyrv? Always " fixin' to get ready to do something " or form another committee, eh ?

Chattels   One of most important proposed changes to #Iraq's electoral system is to do away with the list system and replace it with individual candidacies in each district (art 11). This may lead to greater focus on individual candidate qualities #IraqProtests

chattels   Hope.

Young_SC   Baxter The sale of dollars in the central bank stopped blocking the arrival of large fake funds to Iran

Young_SC   Im not sure why do you guys keep saying the auctions had stop

Young_SC   No one has said that other then false Ray Ren

Young_SC   They have made changes to them not stop them

Young_SC   Read the link i just posted

Young_SC   They've made changes to it because Iran was stealing the money in the Auctions

Young_SC   Auctions can never be stopped. Its either you change it or do tweaks to it so the corrupt can stop stealing

JoeSchmoe   Young_SC BUT BUT BUT....a protester said things were gonna change.....BUT BUT BUT.... said protestor said the dinar would be revalued...BUT BUT BUT

Baxter   that article doesnt say much of anything...

Young_SC   Baxter because you do not understand it

Baxter   nothing to understand

Young_SC   If you do not understand what you read then you will be confused

Baxter   its a merry go round article... there is no point to it

JoeSchmoe   Where is the english translation button

Baxter   at the central bank has prevented large fake funds from reaching Iran, an informed source said on Sunday.

"The central bank is wasting money that can build 200 schools and 50 hospitals each year because of the currency auction," the source told Al-Ikhbaria.

"The currency auction gives fake commercial agencies millions of dollars a day without any restriction," the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

He added that "stop selling the dollar in the Central Bank in the past days because of demonstrations and new measures prevent the arrival of large fake commercial funds to Iran through its intermediaries."

Baxter   there is what it says

Young_SC   JoeSchmoe it should translate into english once clicked on it

Baxter   it says nothing

JoeSchmoe   Baxter thx

JoeSchmoe   Young_SC doesn't on my end for some reaosn

JoeSchmoe   but bax pasted it

Baxter   so where is there any information in that bunch of words

Young_SC   JoeSchmoe it can not work at times

Baxter   He added that "stop selling the dollar in the Central Bank in the past days because of demonstrations and new measures prevent the arrival of large fake commercial funds to Iran through its intermediaries."

Baxter   Theres the gist of it

JoeSchmoe   whenever we see/read articles from over there, it is just like when some nobody over here posts their opinion about what's going on with our gov

Baxter   they had an auction yesterday

Young_SC   Baxter Baxter as said auctions will never stop

Young_SC   Just changed/tweak

Young_SC   So that corrupt officials can stop stealing

JoeSchmoe   someone could post an opinion from in this chat, and say "Look what's going on in America! Things will for sure change!!"

Baxter   Im gonna start watching the Eagles lay eggs... more productive

JoeSchmoe   Baxter better than watching us lay one

Baxter   we already have im afraid

JoeSchmoe   hopefully one day we will see, so that we can be done with this one way or the other

JoeSchmoe   because NO ONE is going anywhere until this thing ends

Doug_W   JoeSchmoe Amen

Baxter   I agree Joe

JoeSchmoe   Baxter even if we are all here in our 80's and 90's

Baxter   ha... bout there already..

Doug_W   JoeSchmoe those are banning words LOL

JoeSchmoe   gimme 30/40 more years

JoeSchmoe   hopefully not though

Dave   For those interested in arrest warrants.....

Dave   Suri MP Naji al-Saidi (Tuesday, November 19, 2019), saw the follow-up of corruption files “which came after the public pressure”, and the issuance of arrest warrants for some of the accused in this particular week, marks the beginning of a new start in Iraq and a victory For his people, he pointed out that “political pressure” led to the concealment of such files in the past.

Al-Saidi said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), “The political pressure was the main factor in hiding the files of corruption, everyone who participates in the political process tolerated in showing these files to the public, and everyone knows that all political parties are part of the system of corruption.” .

“The public pressure led to the issuance of arrest warrants, which were hidden during the previous period,” he said, usually following up these files and showing them “a victory for the people, justice and the oppression of the people, and the beginning of a new start.”

Since the outbreak of popular demonstrations in Baghdad and the central and southern provinces, which are still ongoing, denouncing corruption and demanding the departure of the ruling political elite, several courts have issued arrest warrants for local officials and former and current members of the House of Representatives for corruption, and sentenced some of them to prison.

Dave   Suri MP Naji al-Saidi (Tuesday, November 19, 2019), saw the follow-up of corruption files “which came after the public pressure”, and the issuance of arrest warrants for some of the accused in this particular week, marks the beginning of a new start in Iraq and a victory For his people, he pointed out that “political pressure” led to the concealment of such files in the past.

Al-Saidi said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), “The political pressure was the main factor in hiding the files of corruption, everyone who participates in the political process tolerated in showing these files to the public, and everyone knows that all political parties are part of the system of corruption.” .

“The public pressure led to the issuance of arrest warrants, which were hidden during the previous period,” he said, usually following up these files and showing them “a victory for the people, justice and the oppression of the people, and the beginning of a new start.”

Since the outbreak of popular demonstrations in Baghdad and the central and southern provinces, which are still ongoing, denouncing corruption and demanding the departure of the ruling political elite, several courts have issued arrest warrants for local officials and former and current members of the House of Representatives for corruption, and sentenced some of them to prison.

Dave   thats a start........Hurrah!

Dave   who though?

Doug_W   great Q Dave


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News, Rumors and Humor Wednesday Afternoon 11-20-19