IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-15-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-15-20

Chattels Young_SC    I do not subscribe intellectually to or endorse the content of every news report that I post, but every article that I post is, I believe, a real article expressing the views of some identifiable interest or entity. Thanks for your concern for my naivete.

 chattels   Young_SC I do not have an opinion about the agreement with China and Iraq. I have posted several articles regarding it, but the import and consequence of that agreement, if implemented, is unclear and or mixed to me. I will withhold any judgment and await the " RV ": being predicted by some

chattels   Doug_W You and I have, from time to time, occasion to wonder what and why people think of us as they seem to think, eh ?

chattels   Tuesday, January 14, 2020  Rumors Of Abdul Mahdi Staying On As Iraq’s PM

Doug_W   I have ALL my life "C"

chattels   Iraq’s ruling parties usually take months to agree upon a new government, so this process was only in its infancy. Abdul Mahdi was the brokered choice following the last election.

Even if there were no protests I wonder when or whether the Iraqi Parliament / political faction could confirm confidence in someone else. Add the demands of the protesters and the political parties / members of government are out and would be displacing themselves to choose one not of their elite membership and call for early elections.

chattels   Close to Al-Sadr says that the millionth demonstration will take place next Friday, and he will send nine tips

Editing Date: 1/15/2020

Doug_W   I wonder about them every day

chattels   I t would appear that some / on Iraqi political faction is unclear about the content of the Iraq - China Agreement. " Deputy for wisdom: calls for the details of the agreement with China to be revealed and clarified " Editing Date: 1/15/2020 13:58 •

chattels   The depreciation of the dollar exchange rate in Baghdad today

Foreign currency markets in Baghdad recorded today, Wednesday, a decline in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The selling and buying prices of the dollar for the banking companies were as follows:

The selling price of one dollar is 1220 dinars, or 122 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1210 dinars, or 121 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The leader of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, warned against repeating the Syrian scenario in Iraq, explaining: "The decision to evacuate foreign forces from Iraq is not within the powers of the caretaker government."

chattels   Again, the status of the continued presence of American forces in Iraq is conflicted. As with many matters in Iraq, there appear to be questions, legal and pragmatic.

chattels   As to the actual content of the Iraq - China agreement, if one can read Arabic in small print, here it may be.

/ NINA / publishes the texts of the Iraqi agreement with China on the Silk Road

Wednesday 15, January 2020

chattels   But, again, as will all things Iraqi, agreements and even laws go without implementation. Will any such agreement be actually and fully implemented?

chattels   May be they will appoint another Committee to study it ?

Doug_W   LOL Possibly

chattels   Economist: The new Financial Management Law will help direct all federal revenues to the public treasury

Wednesday 15, January 2020

chattels   Al-Attar said in a press statement today, Wednesday, that "the Financial Management Law aims to regulate the rules and procedures governing financial and accounting management in the field of planning, preparation, implementation, control and audit of the federal public budget."

chattels   It should be apparent that the Financial Management Law, at one time touted as a harbinger of the " RV ", is simply a change in accounting methodology.

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Godspeed the completion of the Iraqi Banking Reform Project. God Bless us every one.

chattels   Caveat, in some circles my read, take and posting of articles may be naive. Be guided accordingly.

Trade_War   The Only Way To End The Economic Trade War Is Avoid The “Currency Middle Man”

There is no any other way than using my new invention & solution, which is an additional financial system like I said few days ago.

If you treat US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan, Vietnam Dong, Russia Rub, etc. As a “product”, then you can see that product was “manipulated” by the “Middle Man”.

Trade_War   Who are the middle man?

The answer is your own government. They are buy & sell foreign currencies everyday. They are using that tool to control the price & power.

If you remove that feature, do not allow government buy foreign currencies & only allow them to sell their own product “local national currencies”, which are they are the issuer & surplus foreign currencies if have, then the problem about international sanctions & money trade war would dissappear in at least 95% location on Earth.

That is also the only way the United States Of America can avoid declear bankrupt, there is no other choice.

Trade_War   The West can start that additional financial system with the reason like: want people & businesses buy the US Dollar at the better rate, want reduce corruption, etc. I do not know what nations are their own allies, but they can start with that allies like the latino group.

While the East can start with the reason want to avoid sanctions like North Korea, Iran, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

The current financial system is too complicated and has both 2 type of money: the first is “potential earn” credit money & the second is “finished product” cash money. That could be another reason to create the new additional financial system as well.

No any government can stop this, because everybody is connecting each other with the internet already. If your nation your government do not want to join then you probably see real protest with real reason, unlike the stupid “pay to protest” like what the USA are doing every where on Earth.

Trade_War   That is also the end for power & control over the currency.

The America must make a choice and understanding that they cannot use and influence others with the US Dollar any longer, so as the Asia nations where the currency rate is too low, at least 2-3 times than their real currency value.

You should remember the enemies of all kind of trade is the middle man, that same rule apply to currency as well.

Remember do not destroy the current SWIFT system with other system base on better technology, that will cannot solve the permanent problems of the mechanism. The only choice is new additional financial system.

Best Regard,

Whitelions   Conditions of the members of the Board of Directors for companies merged under the category (A)....... To / companies incorporated under the category (A) ( conditions of the members of the Board of Directors )

Issue: 5/24/9    Date: 1/14/2020  Later in our uncles numbered 9/5/3333 dated 5/8/2019

Below we list the conditions and requirements that must be met by the members of the Board of Directors under the category ( A ) are as follows:

A- To be of good reputation and biography

B- Not convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude

C- Not issuing any decision against him from a competent authority not to be ineligible to practice a certain profession or prevent him from practicing the profession due to his personal misconduct

D- The non-issuance of any decision by any competent judicial authority stating that it is not fit to run the company

E- It is not permissible to occupy the presidency or membership of more than one board of directors of one exchange company

F- He should not be a principal employee of a bank or company that has previously been declared bankrupt

T- He must not be less than (30) years old

H- He must be residing in Iraq

I- The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq may express an opinion on the validity of the persons nominated as members of the Board of Directors

J - That three members of the Board of Directors have financial, banking and legal experience, and holders of at least university degrees



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