IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 3-5-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 3-5-20

xyz    3-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "Urgent: The President of the Republic approves Allawi's resignation..." Where does Iraq go from here? Will the UN step in and take over? Probably not...I don’t think Iraq is at this point yet. They are still within their democratic government.

Can the UN legally put in place a provisional government to run Iraq in the meantime. No, they cannot do this. How much longer can this go on before Iraqi economy really tanks? If they do not get the budget approved they can not go ahead with any of the projects they had planned for 2020.

This new year is quickly slipping by. The economy too is stagnating and inflation could set in. Will us investors have to wait yet another year to 2021 to see the RV?

This may very well be the case. It appears they just paid the Kurds their salaries. This is not in our favor and shows they already are using the 1/12 rule of the budget...

Patty   xyz Did you get a chance to read Whitelions post at 12:32? How can Iraq afford to do that?

Sandyf   @chattels Question: Revaluation

The bigger question is what do people understand by the term "revaluation". If a currency changes from X/USD to Y/USD is it a revaluation/devaluation or not. A redenomination of the national currency is a revaluation of the monetary unit and that is what was being considered by the CBI at the Shabibi was at the helm.

sandyf   @Deano Ok @sandyf can you provide proof on the correction?

You should read the following document.

"The Impact of the Iraqi Invasion on the Kuwaiti Banking and Financial System: Lessons Learned from a Financial Crisis"

sandyf   @Zig sandyf : You never stay to chat a bit...always post and quickly depart...maybe stay awhile from time to time??.....Thanks

Things happen in the west overnight, I have a lot on first thing in the morning. I usually have some spare time middle of the afternoon but nobody about then.

Wilder   Irans Parliament infected.

Deaths in Italy surged to 79, making it the deadliest reported outbreak outside China. Twenty-three members of Iran's Parliament and the head of the country's emergency services were reported infected. South Korea expanded drive-thru testing and confirmed hundreds of new cases. And in Spain's Basque region, at least five doctors and nurses were infected and nearly 100 health care workers were being held in isolation.  LINK

Wilder   Scientists at three different institutions are working on coronavirus vaccines with funding from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a global partnership launched at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2017. Inovio, headquartered in Pennsylvania, and the University of Queensland are working on vaccines for MERS-CoV, another strand of coronavirus, and the flu, which poses a greater risk to Americans than the new coronavirus.

Chattels   Iraqi Border Agency says it will suspend trade movements with Kuwait & Iran for 15 days starting on 8 March due to Corona Virus.

chattels   I expect that the negative economic impact of the CoronaVirus upon Iraq and other nations will be significant.

Chattels   Musings On #Iraq Iraq’s Oil Exports Up In Feb, Revenue Down

chattels    Iraq's oil exports went from 3.306mbd in Jan to 3.391 mbd in Feb but coronavirus hit world markets & prices dropped from $60.14 per bar to $51.37 leading revenues to drop from $6.1 bil in Jan to $5 bil in Feb

chattels   Iraq's govt has never shown fiscal responsibility Parliament always wants more jobs to dish out in patronage networks to maintain support of ruling parties plus they steal huge amounts Means drop in oil prices unlikely to change budget


Doug_W   chattels we as a group do NOT tell U often how much we appreciate ALL your contributions in here!!

Baxter   yes.. thx chattels...

chattels   "The developments of oil markets towards decline and near stagnation in the global economy necessitates a review of the budget structure in a fundamental way in order to avoid the country resorting to deficit financing by borrowing or external borrowing or even internal borrowing to some extent."

chattels   Doug_W Baxter Very kind of you to say.

chattels   The state budget for the current year is still listed by the Cabinet, pending its completion and sending it to Parliament for a vote.

chattels   Magda Al-Tamimi, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, revealed: "The value of the deficit in the budget in 2020 amounted to 51 trillion dinars," noting that an upcoming meeting was held with the Ministry of Finance to discuss the budget and the value of its large deficit compared to the decline in oil prices, she said.

chattels   IHEC: The date for early elections depends on Parliament's steps to complete the election law legislation

Thursday 05, March 2020

chattels   The Independent High Electoral Commission confirmed that the date for early elections depends on Parliament’s steps to complete the election law legislation and the tables attached to it.

chattels   "A fair electoral process in accordance with legal and international standards requires an expedited parliament to complete procedures for enacting the election law and the tables attached to it that determine the electoral districts and the number of electoral seats for each district and delineate the boundaries of the electoral district accurately, then. The commission can propose a date for holding the elections according to what is stated in the election law, bearing in mind that the date be as soon as possible.

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Thursday, March 5, 2020.

Patty   There are a lot of Washington State schools in King County/ Snohomish County (where I live) that have closed for a day or up to two weeks due to the virus.

Deano   The UN report made the whole world see the disfunction and the corruption up to the highest levels.... and now that it has been revealed, there is a genuine concern that IRAQ will be going back to chapter 7 and a bunch of them will be prosecuted and sanctioned due to the new laws that are in place... I think we may some quick movement... the heat just got turned on majorly.....

Deano   So let me ask this question. Anywhere from 5-10 years ago, or for however long Kap has been here, sorry to mention his name @Zig, but has he said this thing is still 2-4 years from happening?

Clay   yes

Zig   Deano : LOL...Just was kidding about his name....when Kap first got into this he was like most of us....believed in an overnight RV....after researching it he changed his mind....there have been several times that he thought the Dinar was close to being "floated"......

Deano   @Clay so you're saying even back then he was saying it was still that time period that I mentioned?

Clay   long time ago a couple of years ago

Clay   lucky guess lol

Zig   Close being several months to a year or so......

Deano   @Zig I know was just letting you know that I do read what you post lol. But again, basing this off of years ago and where we're at now would seem to change some you think?

Deano   My point is, and I'm not defending gurus, people have been saying this and that and get put down when you have people in this chat room that have done the same thing.

Zig   Deano : "We" don't DELIBERATELY lie in here for profit...and you may argue in here all you want.....

Clay   its just habit :laugh

Deano   @Zig.I understand that. So take the profit out of the equation. Would it make any difference?

Zig   Everyone gives problem with anyone's opinion if they are not deliberately lying....and of course it is often impossible to know for sure that they are....Any so-called GURU is welcome to post here....believe me, I have invited them

Deano   @Zig I wish they would.

Deano   @Young_SC it's not that I'm wasting time or energy. I just had some questions I wanted answers to. Of course I didn't get some of those answers. And didn't get to ask some questions. But I already knew going in what was going to happen.

Baxter   Stock Market down 1000 again...... lots of Dimes Lost today

Doug_W   very volitle lately

Baxter   yep..


MilitiaMan "The Need For The CBI to Now Finish is Greater Than Ever" 3-5-2020


KTFA Members "News and Views" Thursday Afternoon 3-5-2020