IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 1-16-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 1-16-20

Ranco   just to give ya'll something to get excided about.RayRen98 wrote 2h ago SOME BANK SOURCES CHANGED THEIR STATUS FROM "STANDBY" TO "EMERGENCY STANDBY" YESTERDAY....

tman23   I had been busy following up on Hadr Al -Ameri , whom I was told was arrested by US forces after the air strike on Solemani .... I kept looking for articles about it in more detail but there has not been anything I’ve seen worthy of credible and new .....

The word now is he was loaded on an aircraft with a few others and taken away ..... remember he also rules one of the largest blocks with Sadr.... here’s the kicker ...Sadr has been holding out in Iran having meetings with other ****e leaders .... I’m assuming..IMO.... he is scared that there is a spot for him on a US express aircraft also.... So question being , HOW DO YOU FORM A NEW GOVERNMENT WHEN 2 of the largest winning blocks Sadr and Ameri ....and one is missing other is sitting in Iran as his Iraqi people call for less Iranian influence ? ....

biff   We forgot Malilki

Dave   biff which Maliki...,..heard Nuri's nephew threw his hat in for PM?

Dave   Tahir square sure getting crowded....

Deano   CBI personnel being arrested. Especially one that owned a bank. Corruption being taken care of so that we'll be taken care of. I don't know about the rest of you all but I damn sure like where we're at.

Dave   Deano just wish they could get some of those politicians

Dave   over 3 mos now.... protesters got squat

Deano   @Dave more than what you and I know as of right now

Deano   And the politicians??? If the politicians do not have anyone getting them the money, and some certain person shuts down the auctions, what do you think is going to happen?

Dave   More scheming from Iraqs political elite?



Deano   Not if they're squeezed out. You can't have auctions when you have those funneling money. I don't think they'll stop the auctions, refine them to work properly.

Dave   Deano fml LAWS FOR THAT....LOL

Dave   a few banker have gone down ....still cant touch those politicians

Deano   @Dave, my personal opinion is not only will they refine the government, but the cbi, the auctions. A prime minister that will be for the people, not an Iranian influenced one. Iraq, imo, is going through a full body makeover.

Dave   Deano fingers crossed    10 yrs getting closer......

Dave   reverse engineering.......SLOW   corruption DEEP

Deano   You want your money to be safe when this happens right? You want it protected. What they're doing in Iraq is just the start. Before stepping onto the international stage, they want to make sure all aspects are protected.

Dave   no arguement there

Dave   not near being ready for big boy pants......still in diapers

Deano   Well I would say pull ups lol. Getting real close to the pants though.

Dave   lol.......tru maybe    14 yrs still no seated GOV  proxy proxy.... now caretaker

Deano   Wait for it. BANG!!!

Dave   cant pass laws though some think so?

Dave   WAITING FOR maliki in chains.....


Deano   My opinion is they have the laws passed for what they need. Caretaker government can't pass laws but they can amend them.

Dave   cant implement

Dave   need a vote on the IMMUNITY issues which they enjoy.......

Deano   I just think there's a lot more going on then what we know and what they want to put out. Firm believer of that.

Dave   "in the coming days"

Clay   me too Deano

Clay   Dave u 2

Deano   I know it's coming.

Dave   HMMM.....not giving up much.........

Dave   seems lately backwards

Dave   COUP!

Dave   FRIDAY........  i hope.......

Deano   I graduate college in June. I'll be able to buy myself an EARLY graduation gift ;:));

Dave   elect a new Gov,and seat its ministers.........tick tick tick

Futuremoney   wow...iran just said that they will continue to "uranium enrich with out limits"

Clay   time to blow them off the earth

futuremoney   that's the way its going

Futuremoney   Iran is a little more than twice the size of texas with only 82 million people there....crap hole

futuremoney   mostly desert

futuremoney   take the US one weekend to wipe them out

Dave   futuremoneyThe EU will not like that nor the IAEU

Dave   international atomic energy union ....sumping like that

futuremoney   they wont like it either when a dirty bomb goes off on thier soil ..but then its too late

Dave   could get shaky

futuremoney   tired of gutless politicians trying to please these people

Dave   israel keeps out of it i hope

futuremoney   you threaten or attack us in any way....the consequences will be hard

futuremoney   mad men with a nuc bomb...

Dave   WWW!!!

futuremoney   swift and concise   apologize later

futuremoney   tell all the other islam countries to look at iran for an example if they dare do it again

Dave   IRAN has its aLLIES....Russia for one   China 2

futuremoney   Russia doesn't have the money to go to war,, they are broke

futuremoney   china depends on the US for commerce...wont do a thing

Dave   futuremoney have Plenty of missles/nukes

futuremoney   wont do a thing

Dave   Some would call that speculation.......

futuremoney   nothing to gain if Iran is completely ruined

futuremoney   spec..yes

Dave   Nukes....????

futuremoney   what you said

futuremoney   don't need nukes to flatten that cow pie

Dave   we are still the infidels in many a mind......more so after.....the big bang

Dave   or Hard bang

futuremoney   these people cant even tell the diff between a 737 jet and a jet for petes sake

Dave   Air raid sirens in Hawaii......oops.....Ukrainian jet in the Crimea a yr ago......oops

Baxter   R WEE RICH YET?

Dave   people with guns accidentally get shot......Right Doug?

Dave   Baxter at heart YESSSS

Baxter   BAH.. BAH....

Baxter   SAD DAY... our baby eagle died

Dave   1 in 10 live to 5 yrs.....

Dave   H has had how many broods?

Baxter   14

Dave   wow......1st time then

Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average INDEXDJX: .DJI

29,297.64 +267.42 (0.92%) ^ IT Just Keeps GOING UP! Surprisingly

Chattels   Pentagon: We continue to plan and redeploy and look forward to resuming operations in Iraq


chattels   Military spokesman for Iraqi PM: the PM did not approve the resumption of US military operations in Iraq.

chattels   Iraqi politician says there are moves to restore confidence in PM Abdel-Mahdi. He is the only one that can save Iraq economically. His resignation was part of a foreign conspiracy. LINK

chattels   How can anyone know what is really happening in Iraq much less what will happen. It is a " crap shoot ".

Sparky   ...chattels ...everyone knows, Iraq would fold like a pup tent, if US got out...

chattels   Voting Abd al-Mahdi a renewed mandate would likely cause further social explosion followed by more abuses & targeted killings. And when it reaches an uncontrollable groundswell in the summer, Abd al-Mahdi can be made to resign again. But that would buy them 5 more months. Genuis.     chattels

Sparky   ...chattels ...however, your viewpoint is as sound...

chattels   Sparky... What a journey !

Sparky   ...chattels ...kind of reminds me of " Jonny Quest " , and Haji...


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KTFA Members "News and Views" Thursday Afternoon 1-16-2020